The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 859 Treasures appear frequently

The function of the Crystal Heart is extremely special. Of course, don't think of it as too powerful.

Playing with the mind is originally a very high-level skill in the star realm.

Even those devils who are good at deceiving people can't guarantee that they will succeed every time, let alone a crystal heart that is as dead as a dead thing.

The higher the level of a creature, the stronger its mental power and the higher its spiritual defense.

There is a chance of failure in inspiring the Crystal Heart.

Even with the blessing of a special magic array, the success rate of this third-level crystal heart in inducing third-level creatures from other worlds is only 60% at most.

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If it is a demigod-level creature, the probability is even lower, maybe only 10 to 20%.

However, if it is used on lower-level creatures, such as using the third-level crystal heart to induce second-level alien creatures, the success rate is close to 100%.

It's just that few people do this, it's too wasteful.

The market price of a level 3 crystal heart will not be less than four thousand magic coins, and it is still priceless.

As for the fourth-level crystal heart... I don’t know if any fourth-level strong person has been born among the Meilefu crystal people.

Thane had never heard of this race before.

The star realm is so vast and vast that there is no telling how many splendid civilizations and races have been born.

Including even the Wizards' Alliance is extremely large, and there are countless special groups similar to the Meilefu Crystal People among them.

I am afraid that even those knights and magicians of level 4 and above cannot browse every plane of the Wizards Alliance, let alone the two first and level 2 magicians, Thain and Irene.

The appearance of the Crystal Heart not only amazed Thain, but also made him more interested in the Christie's auction.

The same goes for Irene. She can't afford any of the items at the auction, but that doesn't stop her from learning a lot.

The initial starting price for this level 3 crystal heart is only 2,500 magic coins.

But in the end, the bidding stopped after 5,800 magic coins.

A special crystal with a certain probability of signing a third-level creature was sold for more than 5,000 magic coins, which Thain thought was a bit expensive.

The main issue is the probability of Crystal Heart.

If it is 100% successful, Thain will not be surprised if it sells for more than 10,000 magic coins.

"This kind of treasure in the eyes of summoners doesn't mean much to us. Let's continue reading." Thain smiled at Irene and said. With the Crystal Heart as the opening gift for Thain and Irene, sure enough, none of the treasures brought out by the auction house were ordinary.

To increase the affinity of the fire element - Fire Melted Blood Vine. This thing is made into a magic potion, which can greatly increase the element affinity of formal magicians and above.

The magic shield made from the skull of a giant dragon - the Black Dragon Shield. This is a shield made from the skull of a demigod black dragon. In terms of defensive capabilities, it is even more powerful than the demigod bamboo leaf dragonfly that Thain relied on in the green leaf world. The armor made.

The Lich's Box is a phylactery that provides an extra ten thousand years of life. This is a phylactery handmade by a powerful necromancer above the demigod level. It is not only suitable for wizards in the wizarding world, including knights and wizards' alliance creatures. It can be used through specific techniques to transform into an undead creature and live for thousands of years.

One-time attack magic equipment - Light Explosion Bead. This is a one-time magic prop made by a powerful person in the wizarding world who collected the power of special light in the stars. ‏‎‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ , can be regarded as light magic equipment. According to the auctioneer, after being activated, this thing has the power to kill demigod-level creatures and injure fourth-level creatures. With the speed of light magic and the convenience of equipment activation, it can be used casually, and it can also It's really possible for the enemy to get caught.

There were so many treasures that dazzled Thain and Irene.

Among the two, Erin's net worth was too small, so only Thain was qualified to bid for a few treasures.

Although several magic equipment appeared at the auction, Thain was overwhelmed.

But in the end, he chose the fire-melting blood vine, which can enhance the fire affinity of magicians.

This kind of natural treasure is not produced in the wizarding world. It seems to come from a large fire element world.

Thain's affinity for the fire element has reached a certain threshold since he was tempered by jade fire and absorbed the blood of the Balrog. This potion made of fire-melting blood vine has limited effect on him.

But for Irene, Selena and other women, this kind of natural treasure still has a great effect on them.

Including Natalya, who has embarked on the road of knighthood, this kind of thing is also a good treasure that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

There were several pieces of fire-melted blood vines sold at Christie's auction house. The piece Thain bought was long enough for four or five people and cost him 3,600 magic coins.

In fact, there are many treasures in the Wizarding World and Wizards League that can improve elemental affinity, but they are not very common.

With this cut of the fire-melting blood vine, Thain can still show respect to his mentor Lu Lianman.

Of course Lu Lianman does not need to increase her affinity to the fire element, but with Lu Lianman's plant cultivation ability, she doesn't know if she has the ability to artificially grow such a top treasure.

Thain felt that the chance was low, but at least it was an act that proved his "filial piety".

Fortunately, there are many substitutes for this kind of fire-soluble blood vine, and although its production volume is low, some still flow into the market every year, so the bidding is not fierce.

"The real preciousness of the Fire Melting Vine is that compared to those low-level treasures that increase elemental affinity, it can have a certain effect on up to third-level magicians."

"Although I can't use it now, if I successfully advance to level three and my body cells transform again, broadening the original growth space, I can also use the fire-melting blood vine to increase part of my elemental affinity." Thain said to Irene.

When Thain said this, Irene kept her eyes wide open and nodded.

I don’t know how much she listened to it, but one thing is for sure. The fire-melting vine that Thain bid for must have her share in it.

Relying on external forces to improve strength is not a sane and long-term solution for magicians.

Fortunately, the fire-melting blood vine only increases the affinity of elements, not the total amount of magic power in the body, otherwise Thain would have to think carefully about it.

In addition to these "ordinary auction items" that are already top-quality in the eyes of Thain and others, Christie's auction house also took out several final items.

The first final item that appeared in front of Thane and others was not a simple item, it was an artifact.

The so-called "artifacts" generally refer to treasures used by creatures above level four, which more or less contain the power of laws that only creatures above level four can skillfully use.

Depending on the power of the law and the overall strength, there are high and low levels of artifacts.

The artifact that first appeared in front of Thane and others was a medium artifact, which was usually used by level five creatures.

This is a brass-colored heavy hammer. Judging from its appearance, it looks a bit like the eight-edged hammer used by Lenna, but it is much more gorgeous and has the power of laws unique to creatures above level four.

Its starting price is also exaggerated, starting at 300,000 magic coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 magic coins.

Thain and Irene were just spectators, waiting to see how high the price of this artifact hammer would be in the end.

It is also the appearance of this kind of artifact that indicates that the creatures that come to this auction house are by no means the only creatures below level three like Thane.

It is estimated that there are also creatures of level four and above sitting at the auction site at this time, but I don't know how many there are and who they are.

Christie's auction house does a good job of protecting the privacy of its guests.

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