The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 850: Changes in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade

After Lina and Mayfair left, Thain felt that the surroundings felt much empty and quiet for a while.

An atmosphere called "loneliness" gradually lingered around Thain.

However, for magicians, it is commonplace to taste loneliness, get used to loneliness, and be immersed in loneliness.

After a few sighs, Thain devoted himself to numerous experimental studies.

Two years later.

Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy District.

Thain, who had just finished teaching, said hello to Irene who walked out of another classroom at the same time.

The cruel and fierce plane war has caused many losses to the elite magicians of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

In order to restore the Holy Tower's vitality as soon as possible, it is also to cultivate the next generation of outstanding magicians as soon as possible.


Even second-level magicians like Thane are forced to teach some academy courses.

Compared with the class when Thain first came to Jizhiyuan Holy Tower, the most recent class was recruited last year, and the number of apprentices was almost twice that of Thain's time.

Moreover, Jizhiyuan Holy Tower has also temporarily modified the enrollment period of every ten years, instead shortening it to every five years.

One of the benefits brought by the many local magicians from the Land of Green Origin joining the Holy Tower of Blue Origin is that the recruitment of apprentices in the Holy Tower has been more than smooth.

Looking at the groups of young apprentices in the Holy Tower Academy, rushing towards the cafeteria or library, Thain seemed to see the glorious scene of the Jade Origin Holy Tower rising again after hundreds of years.

"Where should we go next? Back to the laboratory first...or..." Erin walked up to Thain and asked familiarly.

The two of them communicated with each other through mental power, and the magic apprentices passing by them secretly looked at them with admiration and admiration.

"Let's go to your place first. I heard that you recently got a rare black jade bamboo?" Thain replied.

Black Jade Bamboo is a special plant that has both plant and jade properties. It is also a good alchemy raw material.

Recently, at the request of Lu Lianman, Thain began to dabble in some knowledge related to the plant system.

This relatively rare biphyletic plant specimen is still very interesting to Thain.

"Okay, Selena told you, right?"

"This black jade bamboo cost me a lot of magic coins. It was originally bought for 100 magic coins. If you want to use it, you must pay me at least 50 magic coins." Eileen said unceremoniously. He extended his hand to Thane.

Selena's black jade bamboo was obtained at a large auction called "Lodanze" in Gem Bay outside the Holy Tower of Blue Origin. With the rapid development of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower in recent decades, more and more holy towers and knight halls have established good cooperative ties with Jizhiyuan Holy Tower.

Many large chambers of commerce and auction houses have sprung up around the Blue Origin Holy Tower.

Especially in the Wild Orangutan World War that just ended, many business families with deep backgrounds know that the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue is making a lot of money.

These chambers of commerce are like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers, rushing forward one after another, hoping to make a pot of gold from the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Just the rental fee received from the land outside the Holy Tower was enough to make Lu Lianman extremely happy.

What surprised Thane even more was that one of the wealthy chambers of commerce from the Mamet United Alliance stated that they would build a floating port in Gemstone Bay at their own expense.

Even for the lowest-standard floating port, the investment will not be less than one million magic coins.


Not only the cost of construction, but also the purchase of floating ships, the erection of space teleportation arrays, the opening of trade routes, and the employment of knights and magicians responsible for the basic operation of floating ports, etc. These are all money.

Lu Lianman originally planned to build his own floating port, but the emergence of this business family saved Lu Lianman more than half of his money.

As the real leader of the Green Source Land, this business family built a floating port near Gemstone Bay and had to hand over at least half of its profits to the Green Source Holy Tower.

And in order to gain dominance over the floating port and the surrounding land, Lu Lianman must also invest a sum of money in the name of the Blue Origin Holy Tower during the construction process, so that she will eventually gain more than half of the say.

The construction of the floating port and the prosperity of the economy quickly made people escape from the impression of the tragic plane war.

Thanks to the Green Source Holy Tower's good recruitment work in recent years, the emergence of a large number of magic apprentices has also stimulated the prosperity of the surrounding areas of the Green Source Holy Tower, and even the entire land of Green Source.

In addition, there are nearly 100,000 high-level magical beasts settled in the Green Source Land, which greatly increases the magical beast forest resources in the Green Source Land.

These are still learning, or are newly graduated Holy Tower magic apprentices.

Whether you choose to make a living and develop in the Bilan Canal or Gemstone Bay near the Blue Origin Holy Tower, or go to the more lush Forest of Warcraft farther away.

All in all, they are good choices.

When he and Irene flew side by side to the Holy Tower building where the official magicians lived, Thain glanced at the two five-meter-high metal sculptures standing on both sides of the hall on the ground floor of the Holy Tower out of the corner of his eye.

The appearance of these two metal sculptures is that of a gargoyle holding a steel fork.

However, these two metal lumps are not real sculptures, but two alchemy puppets, and after being activated, their individual combat power can reach the peak of the first level.

Thain looked at it from the perspective of an alchemist. With the extremely hard magic alloy shell and the complex magic circle carved on the surface, these two puppets had no big problem in resisting the second-level creatures in the short term after being activated.

Especially for alien creatures like the Wild Orangutan Warriors, which mostly only know how to use brute force, this kind of iron-clad metal puppet can just restrain them.

Needless to say, these two alchemy puppets were purchased by Thain's mentor Lu Lianman.

Not only are there two statues placed in the Holy Tower Hall.

In various important areas of the Blue Origin Holy Tower, whether it is the teaching building of the apprentices, the Holy Tower library, or the Holy Tower mission hall, there are similar puppets placed.

Ling Ling Zong Zong, there are twenty statues in total!

The protective effect of these alchemy puppets is really limited. After all, in the wizarding world, we have never heard of any blind creatures that dare to cause trouble in a holy tower. .

Compared with the protective function and actual combat ability of alchemy puppets, their more ability performance should be to decorate their face.

What Thain didn't know was that his master Cuilis's Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire also had dozens of alchemy puppets, and they were the more precious Hellfire type puppets, with single combat power comparable to that of third-level creatures.

Lu Lianman had long been envious of her mentor and some of the old holy towers she had visited.

I finally made some money this time, so it really doesn’t make sense if I don’t buy something to keep up my face and decorate the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

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Thain's impression of these metal puppets only rested on the alchemical mysteries they possessed.

If it hadn't been for this period of time, and the experimental schedule was tight, Thain would have asked his instructor to borrow a gargoyle puppet and take it apart to take a look.

What is slightly different from Thain's idea is that most of the other holy tower magicians are very satisfied with these tall metal puppets purchased by the tower owner.

With twenty metal puppets comparable to second-level creatures "guarding" themselves, these Holy Tower magicians will feel much more at ease when conducting experiments.

It was also the appearance of these metal puppets that reduced the number of official or above magicians who had been responsible for monitoring the entrance and exit of the Holy Tower for a long time to just one person.

A formal magician with a group of apprentices is enough to be responsible for this work.

Alchemy puppets that have entered specific elemental instructions can well identify the identity medals of every magician who leaves or enters the Holy Tower.

At the same time, those little magic apprentices who are still in a state of ignorance about the future and elemental knowledge will inexplicably feel heroic and confident when they see these alchemy puppets.

Because of the appearance of these alchemy puppets, more apprentices have come to attend the public alchemy courses taught by Thane in the past six months.

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