The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 849 Return to the Wizarding World

With their feet on the solid metal floor inside the space fortress, Thain and others finally returned to the familiar wizarding world.

The space fortress of Jizhiyuan Holy Tower is really lucky this time.

Not only did it successfully avoid the fierce sandstorm world war, including when the orangutan army led by the wild gorilla god raided the important operating area of ​​​​Luthor's planet.

Several other holy towers or space fortresses in the Knights' Hall were defeated one after another, but the Holy Tower Fortress of Origin of Blue was very lucky to have just replenished its energy and left this transit area before the arrival of the Wild Orangutan Legion.

Of course, after several plane wars, the Blue Origin Holy Tower Fortress will inevitably have some scratches.

These injuries were within the acceptable range, not to mention that Lu Lianman's space fortress had just been purchased and was still within the maintenance period of the Business Alliance Capecchi.

The huge ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏space fortress docked directly at the public port outside the wizarding world.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman was obviously still injured, but she went to other star ports in a happy mood, and Thain also learned that Lu Lianman would also go to Cape Chi and the City of Steel next. Take a stroll.

I heard that I am going to buy the Light Prism Fortress and the War Airship.

In addition, Lu Lianman was still thinking about whether to order a batch of individual magic metal puppets.

Lu Lianman, stimulated by the huge war profits, also became rich and wealthy.

Thain did not go shopping with Lu Lianman this time. After the space fortress docked at a public port outside the wizarding world, Thain took the floating ship and returned to the Holy Tower of the Origin of Blue with other Holy Tower magicians.

Also returning to the Blue Origin Holy Tower at the same time as Thain was Dragon Turtle Tourmaline, who had been promoted to level four.

Bi Xi and the others even came back earlier. Dragon Mo Yan had already returned to the wizarding world, and his army of Warcraft also returned to the Forest of Sages in batches.

The strength of these Warcraft creatures has been verified in plane wars.

I don’t know if Mo Yan left a group of Warcraft subordinates to take care of Bixi, or if Lu Lianman had communicated with him.

There are approximately 100,000 high-level monsters that did not return to the Forest of Sages located around the Mamet United Alliance, but settled directly in the Land of Green Source.

There is no king of monsters above level 4 in the Land of Green Source, but there are dozens of forests of monsters, large and small.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App as soon as possible. 】

These 100,000 high-level magical beasts were directly broken into pieces and scattered to the forests of magical beasts throughout the Green Source Land.

It is foreseeable that the emergence of so many high-level monsters will drive the prosperity of monsters and species in the Land of Green Source to continue to increase.

As a disciple of the tower master, and having such a good relationship with Tourmaline, Thain naturally has to take care of his family and the Lycian Alliance.

In the end, about 3,000 magical beasts settled in various forests within the Lycian Alliance, and nearly 10,000 fire-attributed magical beasts inhabited the volcanoes on the east side of the Lycian Alliance.

Even the grove next to Grant Castle where the Thane family was located eventually had a Manticore family with more than a dozen members making their home.

The highest-ranking member of the Manticore family is a female lion with a second level of life.

There was originally a male lion, but it died during the plane war.

Thain is creating an opportunity for his great-grandfather Ulysses' mount, the Lion King.

As for the big-mouthed reverse-feather lion king, Thain has nothing to do with whether he can successfully capture this second-level female ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏. its own capabilities.

After returning to the wizarding world, Thain was not in a hurry to return to the Holy Tower of Origin.

In addition to helping with the placement of these monsters, Thain also made a trip home.

After decades of reproduction and changes (ps: this refers to the period of the Biran Forest World War, the Greenleaf World War, and the overall time that Thain spent in the Blue Origin Holy Tower Bulkhead Research Institute), the Grant family has become the same as Thain. En's memories are very different.

The little ones who were once are now all very old.

Sure enough, creatures above level one are not so easy to be born.

In recent decades, only one of Sauron's grandsons has developed well in Jizhiyuan Holy Tower and is already a senior apprentice.

Based on his age, there is about a 50% chance of being promoted to the first level in the future.

Other members of the Grant family, especially the little ones who have embarked on the path of knighthood, although a few have reached the ranks of senior knight attendants, none of them have the talent of Thain's father Kelman.

The result of these little guys is probably related to the lack of teaching.

The Lycian League does not have a formal knight academy, which has always been a flaw of the Lycian League.

Jizhiyuan Holy Tower can provide apprentices with a systematic and scientific learning process. These knights also need to learn if they want to succeed.

The success of knights in the Lycian League relies more on family training.

The Grant family has only been a small family for thousands of years, so it is already good to have three knights born.

In addition, in recent years, several knights of the Grant family have frequently participated in wars.

For example, Thane has returned to the wizarding world this time, but the few Grants who are registered knights of the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall still don't know which corner of the Wild Orangutan Star Territory they are looking for gold in.

Without the guidance of family elders, they can only rely on their own exploration. Whether they can succeed depends purely on luck.

After leaving behind a treasured magic potion and meeting with the current head of the Grant family, Thain took Selina and the other girls back to the Holy Tower of Jade Origin.

Natalya, Lenna and Xia Ya did not go back with Thain, but returned to their respective families first.

The three of them are also registered knights of the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist, but this time the plane war has been fought with the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, including the profits from the war, which were also given to them by the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Especially Xia Ya, her husband and other family knights were still in the Wild Orangutan Star Territory, but she came back with them in a daze. ‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‎​‏​‏‎‏‏

But when it comes to the final gains from the war in the windy sand world, it is estimated that the demigod knights in those two families will also envy Xia Ya.

After bidding farewell to Natalya and the others, Thain and his team returned to the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Not long after returning to the Holy Tower of Jade Origin, Lina and Mayfair, who were black magicians, also had to say goodbye to Thane.

I don’t know what happened in the past few days. People around me left one after another.

The only people who still stay with Thain are Selina, who lives with him, and Irene, a first-level magician who comes to visit from time to time.

Of course, there are also three caring and well-behaved female slaves who take care of Thain's daily life and daily experiments.

"We have been away from the Black Realm for several years this time. Even if I have the special status of being the disciple of the Black Tower Master, I probably attracted the attention of some people in the Canggu Black Tower."

"For some time in the future, it may not be convenient for us to come to you." Lina said.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't come to me, I will come to you when the time comes." Thain seemed to be joking.

"Practice well when you go back and don't do any more weird experiments." Thain slapped Faile's butt again and warned her.

Mayfair has recently become very interested in the "Miraki Soul Code" mastered by Thain, and even borrowed the original book from Thain.

Including the two ice gorilla mother and daughter that Thain got in the wild orangutan world battlefield, Mayfair also wanted them, but Thain didn't give them to her.

These two orangutan mothers and daughters, who possess special divine powers, are important media for Thain's next study of biological energy above level four.

He had not been able to calm down and study them carefully during the war. This time back in the wizarding world, Thain had plenty of time and energy to concoct them.

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