The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 841 Ribbon

Thane had never seen this little girl before.

But the familiar tone of the other party, and the obvious sense of familiarity it brought to Thain, made Thain frown slightly and couldn't help but ask: "Tourmaline?"

"Hey, it's me!"

"This is my new form, doesn't it look good?" Bixi squinted and turned around in front of Thain with a smile.

It has to be said that the height shown by Tourmaline's appearance at this time is a little shorter than Lina's original form.

Lina is still 1.5 meters tall, but the tourmaline in front of her is only 1.4 meters tall.

No matter how you look at it, this is a child who has not grown up.

In fact, Tourmaline is indeed just a young turtle.

The improvement of strength and life level does not mean that Tourmaline's age will also increase out of thin air.

The more noble the high-level creature is, the more difficult it is to transform.

In the Wizarding World's Forest of Warcraft, many monsters can transform into humans or other forms of creatures when they reach the first or second level of life.

However, according to rumors, the dragon family must reach the second or third level of life before they can transform.

The tourmaline in front of me is even more exaggerated. It actually has to break through to level four before it can change its initial form.

This also indirectly proves how exaggerated the power of bloodline possessed by Tourmaline is.

Of course, many creatures, whether they are Warcraft or giant dragons, do not have much pursuit of transformation.

Owl Xiaoqi has been following Thain for so long, and he has always maintained his owl form.

As for Bixi's brother and sister, Thane has never seen each other in human form.

It’s not that the other party can’t, it’s that the other party doesn’t want to.

The reason why Tourmaline showed her new form like offering a treasure in front of Thain was entirely because of her close relationship with Thain.

From a practical point of view, Tourmaline is naturally more accustomed to its original appearance.

If he returns to Gem Bay in the Wizarding World, Tourmaline will most likely transform into the giant dragon turtle that is comparable to a small island and continue to rest in the shallow sea.

Thain has not yet seen what Tourmaline looks like after being promoted. Tourmaline, which has been promoted to Level 4, is a full circle bigger than before.

Including her dragon horns are also greener and taller, and her claws are thicker and sharper than before.

Although this was a little dragon girl who didn't like fighting very much, when she revealed her true form and just lying there, it was enough to deter any Xiaoxiao with evil intentions.

Thain has seen many existences above level four with Lu Lianman over the years, so although Tourmaline's aura at this time is obscure, Thain can still feel the heavy feeling that belongs exclusively to level four creatures.

The little girl in front of him was simply a concentrated metamorphosis of the elements of terror.

Speaking of which, Tourmaline should have suffered serious injuries in the recent battle, but now it seems that no additional wear and tear has been seen.

I don’t know if the other party has had a new opportunity since I haven’t seen him for a short period of time.

In addition to the extremely deep breath, what caught Thain's attention were the two green ribbons hanging on Tourmaline's white and tender arms.

As an alchemist, Thain is naturally extremely sensitive to various elements and energy equipment.

Not to mention the cyan dress Bixi was wearing at this time and the pair of white shoes on her feet, both of which had extremely obvious elements.

Among them, the elemental fluctuations are the most obvious, and what makes it difficult for Thain to take his eyes away are the two ribbons on Tourmaline's arms.

Thain has seen a lot of top-notch magic equipment over the years.

Lu Lianman's magic wand and the metal rings on the wrists and ankles of his uncle Penas are the top magic equipment that Thain needs to look up to.

However, the elemental fluctuations of these equipment are only comparable to Tourmaline's dress, and may even be worse.

And those two green ribbons that looked light and fluffy gave Thain a feeling that was several levels more special than Lu Lianman's magic wand.

Thain couldn't tell what was so special and powerful about those two ribbons.

He just relied on an alchemist's intuition and a keen sense of higher-level equipment materials to discover the extraordinaryness of the two ribbons on Tourmaline's arms.

Seeing Thain staring at her, Bixi also blinked her big eyes.

Compared with the previous appearance of the dragon turtle, the human-shaped tourmaline in front of her eyes is obviously cuter.

"These two ribbons of yours..." Thain finally couldn't help it and asked hesitantly.

"Oh, this is a gift from my uncle. He is outside this world now." Bixi turned around and pointed to the sky.

After that, she added: "By the way, the tower owner's sister is also there now."

The "Tower Master Sister" in Bixi's mouth should be referring to Lu Lianman.

This generational hierarchy is really confusing. Bixi and Thain are good friends and can be regarded as equals.

But she calls Lu Lianman sister, and Lu Lianman and Sean have a master-disciple relationship. Strictly speaking, they are one generation apart.

However, regardless of their seniority relationship, it does not affect their deep friendship.

Today, Tourmaline is here to play with Thain.

Of course, in fact, it is more about this little girl whose strength has been improved and gained many benefits, who comes to show the treasure to Thain.

Sure enough, after winning many compliments and exclamations from Thain, Bixi's little face showed an expression of happiness and joy.

The mental age of this dragon turtle is lower than imagined. It may have spent its long years sleeping.

No wonder five thousand years have passed and he is still a young turtle that has not grown up.

When Thain asked if he could borrow her two ribbons to study them, Tourmaline handed them to Thain without blinking.

When Thain took it, the heavy ribbon made Thain, who had practiced physical training, lean forward even if he wasn't careful.

A deep hole was made in the floor of the magic tower.

The mass and weight of the two turquoise ribbons, which looked as light as feathers, far exceeded Thain's imagination.

In the laboratory, after crushing two of Thain's metal experimental benches, Thain finally collected some basic information about the two ribbons.

All in all, Thain was very dissatisfied with his observation experiment!

After scrapping two experimental benches and many observation instruments, what Thain obtained was some extremely simple basic information.

He only concluded that the initial weight of these two ribbons was about thirty tons, and their mass and density exceeded that of fine gold.

The strange thing is that in the hands of tourmaline, these two ribbons are extremely flexible, comparable to mithril.

Apart from this, Thain has made no further research progress on these two ribbons.

He couldn't see any magic lines on these two ribbons, and he didn't know what special powers these two ribbons had.

However, Thain has already learned from Tourmaline that as Tourmaline transforms and returns to its original form, these two ribbons will rise with the tide and become huge.

By then, the weight and mass of these two ribbons must have exceeded Thain's observation data in the laboratory.

Moreover, also from Tourmaline's mouth, Thain learned that these two ribbons have extremely powerful blessing power of water element and space element.

In addition, according to Tourmaline's uncle, the legal properties of these two ribbons are very consistent with Tourmaline.

Tourmaline walks the path of strength.

That is to say, these two flexible ribbons, which seem as light as feathers in Tourmaline's hands, actually possess extremely rare laws of power.

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"With my current level of alchemy, I can't even understand the mystery contained in this equipment."

"My alchemy journey still has a long way to go in the future." Thain sighed softly and said with emotion.

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