The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 840 Heavy losses

Of course, Thain couldn't ask his mentor to take action.

Because even he has not seen Lu Lianman again for more than half a year.

Until the war in the wind and sand world came to an end, Lu Lianman did not appear in front of the ordinary magicians of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

Thain was also worried about whether Lu Lianman had suffered any serious injuries.

But then I thought about it, even in the worst case scenario, it shouldn't be life-threatening.

Because if the fourth-level tower master dies, all the magicians in the Blue Origin Holy Tower will receive the news as soon as the war ends.

At that time, the Wizards Alliance will take over the subsequent dissolution and resource subsidies of the Holy Tower.

But since there is no news now, it turns out to be good news, indicating that Lu Lianman is fine.

Not only Dew Lianman, but also Dragon Turtle Tourmaline, Thain has never seen it again since the last battle.

The surrounding area of ​​Nuoda's fortress base was filled with devils, demons and sea legions.

Counting the existing slave creatures of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, the remaining Warcraft creatures, and the wild orangutan slaves who surrendered and were captured.

The entire fortress base was bustling, but Tourmaline was nowhere to be seen.

Not only Bi Xi, Mo Yan and other Warcraft Kings also did not appear in the sight of Main Base Thain and others during this period.

The whereabouts of creatures above level four are certainly not something that ordinary lower creatures can trace.

During this period, the only familiar fourth-level creature that Thain saw was the centaur god Hepheus from the centaur world.

This guy was lucky. In the extremely fierce sand world battlefield, even the white-feathered pelican, the king of level four monsters, fell, but the centaur god Hepheus managed to hold on for more than half a year without falling.

It's not just Hephis who has good luck. In fact, all the wizarding world legions in the Wind Sand World have good luck.

If the wizard civilization reinforcements and the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce escort team arrive a little late, the level 6 wild orangutan god will be able to wreak havoc again.

Perhaps it will only take less than a month for the wind and sand world, which is already at the end of its strength, to be completely reduced to a dead place.

On the battlefield of the windy sand world, more than one white-feathered pelican fell.

The Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, the Warcraft Legion, the Centaur Clan, and the Comoine Serpent Warlock Clan all suffered heavy losses in this plane war.

Nearly two thousand more magicians from the Holy Tower died in the past six months.

The injured are countless.

Including the magicians who died in the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield, although the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade made a lot of money in this medium-sized world civilized war, the price paid in the end was really heartbreaking.

How many registered magicians are there in the Jizhiyuan Holy Tower?

Perhaps after this civilized war is over, the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue, which has launched several plane wars in succession, can slow down and rest for a while.

Without hundreds of years of rest and recuperation, with the current number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, and the war-weariness of many magicians caused by frequent wars, it is impossible to have the ability to start a war.

Magicians are different from knights. Knights are keen on fighting and killing and seeking breakthroughs in war.

But the vast majority of magicians still prefer to explore the truth in the laboratory.

This war has made enough money, and even Thain has the idea of ​​​​researching in the laboratory for a while.

Of course, his idea goes against his desire to explore more magical planes and species.

Although the Wild Orangutan World War is extremely cruel from Thane's perspective, it also opens up to him a colorful and boundless star realm.

In just one corner of the Wild Star Territory, there are hundreds of planes with complete rules. How long would it take for Thane to visit them all?

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

So far, Thain has only stayed in the Wild Orangutan World, the Purple Rhythm Youlan Plane and the Windy Sand World.

After experiencing so many planes, as well as previous experiences in the Biran Forest World, Green Leaf World and other planes, Thain became more curious about the billions of planes in the star world.

If the Holy Tower of Blue Origin stops its external expansion in the next hundreds or thousands of years, Thane will most likely choose to continue traveling.

Continue to those places that Thain has not been to when he traveled the wizarding world at the first level, or go to the alien planes that he has long been interested in.

Even the centaur god Hepheus sent Luna to find Thain more than ten days ago.

It seems that Thain is quite welcome to visit the Centaur world.

A fourth-level alliance god showed goodwill and a certain degree of flattery to a second-level magician like Thain.

It must be because the other party wants something from Thain.

Regarding the expression of the centaur god Hepheus, Thane pretended to be deaf and did not make any reply.

Before contacting his mentor Lu Lianman, Thain did not plan to contact the alliance god rashly, let alone agree to anything for no reason.

In this sandstorm world war, the centaur god Hepheus suffered a heavy loss.

Not only was he seriously injured and on the verge of death, but the two million centaur army under his command also suffered heavy casualties, with only less than 300,000 surviving in the end.

This is the direct force of Hepheus!

Including Luna's mother, the leader of her tribe, also died in this plane war.

Luna, who is only at the second level of strength, as the young clan leader, has no chance to take over the position of clan leader. It is still unclear.

Perhaps because her mother died in the war, Luna was in a low mood when she came to visit Thane.

The two didn't talk for long before Luna said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Thain gave the other party a recovery potion. The grade of this potion was no lower than that of the Yuyan Potion, which proved his good personal friendship with Luna.

The only good news for Luna is that her grandmother Maya did not die.

If even Maya dies, perhaps their centaur clan will come to an end.

Unfortunately, Thain does not have any recovery items suitable for demigod-level creatures. Even if he does, he may not give them to others at will.

Maya's injuries were also very serious, but she could only resist.

This can be regarded as the tragedy of the vassal and intimidating legion.

It was not just one Mayan tribe that suffered casualties.

On Thane's side, one of the four sea lizard hybrid beasts under his command also died in the war.

The sea lizard died while protecting Selina. The weak physique of the magicians was a major shortcoming in the plane war.

These sea lizards all regard Thain as their father and Lina as their mother.

They had been together for decades since the Knights Continent, but after losing their lives, Thain felt extremely heavy.

After the war, he devoted a lot of his attention to the research of demon blood, which can also be seen as Thain diverting his attention.

Many old friends of the Holy Tower died in the war. Compared with the massive war wealth harvested, the gloomy and gloomy atmosphere did not leave the creatures that survived in the windy sand world.

On this day, Thain, who was still continuing his experiments, was suddenly interrupted by a harsh knock on the door of the magic tower downstairs.

When Thain took Yuri and the little fox girl downstairs to see who it was, he ignored and crossed his own magic tower restriction.

What appeared in front of Thain when he opened the door was a little girl who was only 1.4 meters tall, with two small bumps in her hair, and two green ribbons hanging around her side.

"Hey, Thain, long time no see!" This little girl, whom Thain had never seen before, greeted him in a very familiar tone.

The other person's eyes narrowed into two crescents, which were very cute and had a fleshy feeling.


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