The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 815: Who is Strong and Who is Weak?

Everyone understands the principle of dying lips and cold teeth.

As a Level 6 being who has been famous for more than 100,000 years, the Decepticon King can naturally see the tremendous pressure that the invasion and conquest of the wild orangutan world by the wizard civilization has brought to the surrounding beasts.

The Blue Purple Star next door was quite happy to lie down.

As soon as he turned around, he fell into the arms of the Wizards Alliance.

By the way, he also pulled the plane races that were attached to him into the Wizards Alliance.

But Blue Purple Star can join the Wizards Alliance, but Beast Star cannot.

Because when Blue Purple Star had an early flirtation with the Dragon Vein Warlock family of the Wizarding Civilization.

The Beast Star has actually chosen its backer - the Gallente Federation.

It is indeed a very sad thing to be caught at the border of two top civilizations.

For the Blue Purple Star and the Beast Star, which are only medium-sized planes, they can only choose to attach themselves to one of them.

Moreover, there is a high probability that when a war breaks out between two top civilizations in the future, they will definitely be the first to bear the brunt as they are on the border.

From this point of view, the Purple Dragon Beast of the Blue Purple Star and the Decepticons of the Beast Star are indeed "understanding people".

Having opened their eyes to the world early, they already have a rough understanding of their own strength and the understanding of the powerful civilization in the star realm as a whole.

On the contrary, the wild orangutan clan is keen on foreign aggression and conquest, and most likes to "live rough" in the surrounding star fields. They are a group of complete fools, plus idiots.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

The destruction of the wild orangutan family was indeed unjust!

When both the Blue Purple Star and the Beast Star have a certain understanding of top civilizations such as the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Under the leadership of the Wild Orangutan God, the Wild Orangutan World is still in the mentality of being fearless and fearless.

They don't even know what kind of opponent they are facing, nor do they understand how powerful the top civilization is.

In fact, the purple dragon beasts of Blue Purple Star have never seen a true spirit master level powerhouse.

The Decepticon kings of the Beast Planet have never come into contact with the Gallente Federation's interstellar fleet group that can rival the Juggernaut-level combat power.

But this does not prevent them from making bold predictions about the strength that top civilizations can possess.

The smarter a person is, the more he is aware of his own insignificance and the magnificence of the star realm.

The kind of guy who only lives in a corner of the star world and calls himself invincible and powerful is the real fool.

This time the Gallente Federation deceived the Wild Ape God and others into returning to their home star domain to fight again, and the Decepticon King also heard about it.

In his opinion, this is the last value of the Gallente Federation in squeezing the Wild Ape God and others.

But the Wild Ape God and others actually did this.

Regarding this result... the Decepticon King could only say that this was indeed the wild gorilla god he knew.

Putting yourself in his shoes, the Decepticon King believes that if he were in the position of the Wild Ape God, he would never have the same idea as the Wild Ape God.

There is a high probability that the Decepticon King will lead the remaining orangutan gods and the remaining wild orangutan army to escape from this star field and go to the depths of the starry sky to find another place to live and breed.

Anyway, with their strength, it is easy to conquer a low-level plane.

Better to die than to live.

It is this difference in personality that makes him the Decepticon King, the Wild Ape God as the Wild Ape God, and the Purple Dragon God as the Purple Dragon God.

In fact, although the three leaders of medium-sized world civilizations in this star field have had constant friction and disputes in recent tens of thousands of years, they are still in a stable and balanced state.

The Decepticon King of the Beast Star and the Purple Dragon God of the Blue and Purple Star privately agreed that if a large world were to be born among their three medium-sized civilizations, it would most likely be a world of wild orangutans.

In other words, the Wild Ape God, whose strength is on par with the Decepticon King and even a little weaker than the Purple Dragon God, is the only one among them who has hope of attacking the Overlord.

It is also for this reason that Beast Star and Blue Purple Star have always joined forces to exclude the wild orangutan world, intentionally or unintentionally.

They even blocked the secret information they knew about large-scale world civilizations and top-level civilizations from the wild orangutan world.

Now, the wild orangutan world and the wild orangutan god that I have seen with my own eyes are about to disappear into the dust of history. The Decepticon King's mood at this moment is very strange and complicated.

He was not happy after all, even though the Wild Ape God had spoken rudely to him many times.

"I don't think the loss of several important fourth-level creatures from the Wizarding Civilization will cause any damage to this top civilization."

"This approach of the Gallente Federation will only anger the wizarding civilization and accelerate their conflict with the wizarding civilization."

"Our hard-earned peace may be about to dissipate." The Decepticon King said to his subordinates.

"Didn't the Gallente Federation secretly send several fleets to our Beast Star Territory?"

"Including my Jaguar plane, there is also a very huge metal fortress hanging around it at this time..." said the fifth-level beast god covered in spots.

"Hmph! Are you placing all your own safety on the aid and charity of other civilizations?"

"The destruction of the wild orangutan world doesn't seem to alarm you." The Decepticon King sneered as he looked at his loyal but somewhat naive subordinate.

The God of Level 5 Jaguar didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

As a fifth-level creature in the surrounding star field, the Jaguar God led his own plane to join the Decepticon King of the Beast Star. One of the important reasons is that the Jaguar God believed that the Decepticon King was a sixth-level existence in the surrounding star field. , the smartest and most strategic strong man.

It is better to live under such a strong man than to fight alone, and it is safer.

At the same time, the Decepticons of the Beast Star are pretty good to their vassals.

After reprimanding his subordinates, the Decepticon King looked up at the depths of the starry sky, which was the direction from which the Wild Ape God and others had left, and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "I hope they can last a few more years."

"If the Wild Ape Gods can last for three to five years, maybe the Gallente Federation will really send troops to intervene in this war." The Decepticon King sighed.

Although it knows that the probability is not high.

On the one hand, there is a low chance that the Wild Ape God and others can survive for about five years. On the other hand, the chance of the Gallente Federation sending troops is also low.

This is the tragedy of the weak. In fact, the Gallente Federation is not ready for a full-scale war with the wizarding civilization. The wizarding civilization is not prepared, and the Gallente Federation is not ready either.

After annexing and destroying the Rose Dynasty civilization, the Gallente Federation is stepping up its efforts to absorb the scientific and technological nutrients of the Rose Dynasty civilization in the field of mechas and sorcerers.

The progress of the latter is a little slower, but the technological explosion brought about by the former is changing day by day.

Today, the Gallente Federation has initially developed a giant super mecha that is comparable to the Juggernaut-level combat power.

These mechas are still in the testing phase, and it is foreseeable that their future is very bright.

With the wizard civilization as a powerful neighbor on its side, the Gallente Federation is actually under great pressure.

The Wizarding Civilization is a powerful world that has touched the top level of civilization earlier than the Gallente Federation. It also dominates the Wizarding World of the Wizarding Alliance on the control and radiation plane star domain and has more resources than the Gallente Federation. and reserves.

Comparing the comprehensive strength of the two top civilizations, from all aspects, the wizard civilization does have a slight advantage.

However, a slight advantage does not mean that the Wizarding World will win when the two top civilizations compete.

There are too many uncertain factors in the war, and the Wizarding Civilization is a top-level civilization that focuses on cultivation and individual evolution, while the Gallente Federation is a top-level civilization that focuses on technology and group development.

There isn't much comparison between the two.

When the fight finally breaks out, it's not necessarily who will win and who will lose.

In short, everyone thinks that they have a good chance of winning.

One of the reasons why the Gallente Federation is so confident is that after acquiring the Dominator-class mecha manufacturing technology of the Rose Dynasty civilization, the Gallente Federation not only has a huge fleet group with comparable combat power to the Dominator-class, but also the Dominator-class super mecha. It can also greatly restrict the true spirit level powerhouses in the wizarding world.

Moreover, scientific and technological civilization does have advantages in the areas of resource utilization and clustered warfare potential that ordinary cultivating civilizations cannot match.

If the Gallente Federation is willing, all the heavy factories in their star domain will be built at full capacity, and they can easily have hundreds of millions of robot legions and an interstellar fleet group that far exceeds the current scale in a short period of time.

Even the wizarding civilization has to give in and admit this.

The birth of a first-level magician in the wizarding world may require decades of training and investment of resources.

But for a special robot warrior comparable to first-level biological combat power, the Gallente Federation only needs to invest sufficient resources in fixed factory modules.

In the assembly line processing factory of the Gallente Federation, perhaps the appearance of such a robot warrior would not last more than an hour.

This is the gap between the two top civilizations from a grassroots perspective.

Before the actual fight begins, no one can tell which top civilization is stronger.

(ps: In fact, the disadvantages of technological civilization are also very obvious. Their billions of ordinary people are their biggest shortcoming.

Even if only one magician sneaks into a human city on a planet with ordinary life, it will cause unimaginable damage.

Not to mention, the magicians of the wizarding civilization also master forbidden magic similar to undead natural disasters, which is a nightmare for ordinary human beings. )

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