The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 814 Hob Meat

In fact, the wild orangutan god is not a completely brainless idiot.

There is another reason why he chose to fight against the wizard civilization.

What the other ape gods around him didn't know was that after being rejected by the Beast Planet, the sixth-level wild ape god had actually reached a consensus with the top-level civilization, the Gallente Federation, in private.

The Gallente Federation requires that the wild orangutan family must survive for another three to five years to prove their bravery.

And proved himself worthy of being rescued by the legions sent by the Gallente Federation.

Weak people are not worthy of being allies of the Federation!

It is impossible for the Gallente Federation to spend trillions of federal currency on military expenditures to fight a war in an alien space that has little to do with itself.

The Gallente Federation, one of the top civilizations, does not do charity.

They have helped the Wild Orangutan Clan enough before, but the Wild Orangutan Clan cannot help but fight. In just a few years, they have lost their home plane, and most of the planes in their home star domain have been lost.

In order to show a clear path for the wild orangutans, the Gallente Federation even helped the wild orangutans formulate their war plan for the next few years.

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The wizarding civilization has astrologers who use divination techniques to predict destiny and future development trends, providing a beacon for the wizarding world to move forward.

The Gallente Federation, also one of the top civilizations, also has its own methods similar to divination.

It uses unimaginably huge amounts of data to perform extremely complex calculations. The algorithms and database principles involved are not much simpler than the astrology of the wizard civilization.

Some conclusions drawn by the scientific algorithms of the Gallente Federation are even more accurate than the results of divination by the astrologers of the wizarding civilization!

This time, the Federation helped the Wild Ape God and others to figure out the weak areas of the wizard civilization army in the Wild Star Territory.

Moreover, they even figured out which planes were most important to wizard civilization.

The death of powerful people above level 4 in the wizarding world in those planes will bring the most painful blow to the wizarding civilization.

What the Wild Ape God needs to do is to lead his remnant army, with the help of the Gallente Federation, to attack the wizard civilization that claims to have obtained the fruits of victory in the war, and make the powerful wizard civilization feel pain.

In fact, this level of retaliatory fighting will not shake the foundation of wizard civilization in any way.

If the Wild Orangutan God and others do this, even if they complete the set combat goals, they, the Orangutan Gods, and the remaining Wild Orangutan Legion who follow them will definitely be doomed.

Returning to the Wild Star Territory that has been occupied by the wizard civilization army, even if the Wild Ape God has a world-class secret treasure with him, he will end up falling in the end.

At that time, the powerful wizard civilization will not give him a chance to escape.

The Wild Ape God actually knew this, so he did not tell anyone about the Gallente Federation's promise to send troops.

Who knows whether the Gallente Federation will really send troops after this group of people has been holding on for three to five years.

Placing one's life on other people's promises is a sign of extreme stupidity.

And if the Wild Ape God tells this matter, and is really let go by the Gallente Federation in the end.

Then he is not only synonymous with "stupid", but also represents "naive".

He was as conceited as a wild orangutan god, so he certainly didn't want to end up with such two ridiculous infamy after a bloody battle.

Therefore, he would rather hide the matter first.

By then, it would be best for the Gallente Federation to send troops, and their wild orangutan family would have hope of continuing to exist.

Regardless of whether the Gallente Federation let them go in the end, the Wild Ape God had already prepared for the worst.

Having rarely encountered defeat in his life, he would rather die standing.

In fact, the reason why the Wild Ape God agreed to the war plan provided by the Gallente Federation was mostly due to his own reasons.

He didn't want to run away, nor was he willing to escape.

Perhaps among the dozens of orangutan gods around, there are also those who are cowardly and hope to live in an ignoble way.

But under the leadership of the Wild Orang God, and the stimulation of the female Orang God just now, their remnant army will serve as mourning soldiers and fight back to the Wild Star Territory.

Even if he does die in battle in the end, the wild orangutan god will have enough support.

This guy is actually a hob-killer who is not afraid of death.

In terms of personal strength, the Purple Dragon God of the Blue Purple Star is actually a little more powerful than the Wild Ape God.

After all, the Purple Dragon God became famous earlier, and it took a little longer to be promoted to level six than the Wild Orang God.

But in the past tens of thousands of years, the Purple Dragon God has been a wild orangutan world led by the wild orangutan god, and has steadily dominated the nearby star field.

The power of the wild gorilla god comes from his arrogance and unparalleled fighting spirit.

Even when faced with opponents that are stronger and more numerous than himself, the Wild Ape God will not back down. If one day, his fighting spirit fades and he chooses to live in an ignoble existence, then the Wild Orang God will no longer be the Wild Orang God.

Give the wizarding world a hard blow and then die gloriously. This is the final destination planned by the wild orangutan god for himself.

From the moment he was hit on the cheek by Cuilis, a sixth-level magician from the Wizarding Civilization, with a flame whip during the battle in the Wild Ape City, the Wild Ape God never thought about being a coward.

"Let's go!" the wild gorilla god said to his subordinates.

When the Wild Orangutan God led a dozen orangutan gods around him and the remnants of the Wild Orangutan Legion to leave the starry sky.

Far away on the other side of the meteorite belt in the starry sky, a level six being who was no less powerful than the wild orangutan god watched these wild orangutans gradually leave.

"Sir, are we really going to watch these wild orangutans die like this?" A level five creature covered in orange spots respectfully asked the Decepticon King with white wings on his back in front of him.

The sixth-level existence in front of him is the strongest person on the Beast Planet and its surrounding planes - the Decepticon King.

In appearance, the Decepticon King looks very similar to Milena, the white tiger of the Blue Origin Holy Tower Alliance.

Both of them are in tiger form and have white wings.

The difference is that Milena has white hair, while the Decepticon King has yellow hair.

And the number of wings on the back is also different. Milena only has two wings, while the Decepticon King has six.

There are six metal rings at the base of the Decepticon King's wings.

These metal rings complement the wings and must have some other purpose.

In terms of strength, Milena, who is only at the fourth level of strength, is naturally unable to compare with the Decepticon King, who has a sixth level of life.

"We had originally planned to send troops, including the Gallente Federation, which is the same top civilization as the Wizarding Civilization, and was indeed ready to help."

"But the wild orangutan family was defeated too quickly!"

"In just over two years, the Wild Orangutan Star Territory, which has hundreds of planes with complete rules, lost more than 80 in one breath."

"The war potential of the wizard civilization in such a short period of time is really terrifying, with so many god-level powerhouses appearing one after another."

"It only took less than a few years to destroy the Wild Star Territory. If they set their sights on us, how long can our Beast Star Territory last?" the Decepticon King asked the reliable subordinate in front of him.

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