The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2568 Encounter

James Bond, the chief agent of the Gallente Federation, came to the Veilian Galaxy in the Floodlight Source System today to carry out a mission to eliminate traitors.

What he needs to do is to kill Thomas Edland, the governor of the Weiliu Galaxy.

According to the information given to him by Bond's boss, Ms. Gemma, the consul Thomas Edland has been instigated by the wizarding civilization to rebel.

This is a traitor, a despicable guy who betrayed the Gallente Federation Council!

All Bond needs to do is give the other party a silent execution.

Because of Thomas Edland's special status and the current predicament of the Federation society, it is difficult for the Federation leaders to arrest and torture him on fair charges for such a galaxy consul with great reputation and public support. Judgment.

Because this will make the Gallente Federation, which is already on the edge of a barrel of explosives and has been completely corrupted, become even more turbulent.

At least in the Weiliu Galaxy, many innocent people will be implicated.

This is what Ms. Gemma explained to Bond. 🅆

But is this really the case?

Bond did not obey Ms. Gemma's order and sneaked into the industrial planet Thomas 2 in the Velu Galaxy. In that extremely tall building, he secretly executed Archon Thomas Edland.

He didn't even go to the Thomas 2 industrial planet, but came to the Morak satellite next door, which is an artificial metal planet and is also a medium-sized military base.

If the army of wizard civilization really reaches here, the Morak satellite should theoretically bear the mission of blocking the wizard civilization army, protecting more ordinary people of the Federation in surrounding galaxies, and evacuating.

The reason why Bond did not follow Ms. Gemma's orders was because he believed in his own eyes more than he did hundreds of years ago.

Rather than so-called high-level intelligence.

In Bond's eyes, Thomas Edland is indeed a consul with many faults.

He was greedy and corrupt, messed with his subordinates, and even sold federal assets to some interstellar brokers.

But to say that he has betrayed the country and secretly joined the wizarding civilization is really slandering him!

Thomas Edland is one of the few middle- and high-level figures in the Federation who still takes a firm stand and resists the wizarding civilization.

The galaxy he governs delivers various military supplies to the frontline battlefields on time every year.

Moreover, the troops were replenished, and they were also advancing very well in the Weiliu galaxy ruled by Thomas.

In such an environment where the entire federal society is in a quagmire, it is not easy for Executive Thomas to do this!

Given this premise, what does it mean if he resells some federal assets?

As for his greed, corruption, and personal style issues.

Bond didn't think that this was an area that he, an agent, should worry about.

Rather, it was Thomas Edland who rebelled.

Rather, a large number of senior federal officials, including Bond's immediate boss, Ms. Gemma, have bent their backs to the wizarding civilization.

Even the most core and secretive intelligence department of the Gallente Federation was infiltrated by wizard civilization and instigated rebellion.

One can imagine how corrupt this top civilization has become.

And this kind of real comprehensive erosion and war-fearing surrender mentality should have only appeared in the upper echelons of the Federation after the last beam of endless light energy was launched more than five hundred years ago.

Bond doesn't know what the secret is.


r\u003eBecause his old boss, Ms. Jima, did not disclose any information to him.

Perhaps Ms. Gemma is also protecting Bond. After all, Ms. Gemma knows very well that Bond cannot surrender voluntarily.

There are some things that he doesn't know, which are actually good things.

Bond himself has collected information in recent years and concluded that the result seems to be related to the "disappearance" of their Endless Light device after the Asgard Star War.

"It seems that the Gallente Federation is really over." Lying flat on the black metal roof of a military factory, Bond looked at the endless stars, covering his eyes with his right hand and sighed.

Even a powerful agent like him with level 6 strength cannot change the federation's current predicament.

A deep sense of powerlessness swept through Bond's body.

And when Bond is on this unknown rooftop, sighing melancholy.

In a remote warehouse of the military factory directly below, something happened that would have a profound impact on Bond's future.

This seems to be a corruption incident within the logistics force.

With Bond's level six biological detection ability, he can certainly see clearly what is going on.

But Bond didn't move at first.

He was just a spectator, quietly watching everything happening below.

A federal lieutenant colonel blocked a federal officer with the rank of major in the warehouse.

In addition to the two of them, there were several other ordinary soldiers holding weapons and pointing their guns at the major.

They were obviously minions of the lieutenant colonel.

It was also in this small, inconspicuous warehouse that the following few little people, who were far from even reaching the fourth level of combat power, had a conversation that Bond would remember for the rest of his life.

"Jerry, I know you want to follow your principles."

"You still have the same enthusiasm you had in military school."

"But what you need to know is that if you don't take those military supplies and energy block approval slips, how can I get them?"

"I won't take it? How can Commissioner Harris take it?"

"If Commissioner Harris doesn't take it? How can we make progress?"

"Do you want to keep guarding this small warehouse? Keep guarding this damn Morak satellite?"

"Finally became a victim of war, torn to pieces and swallowed up by the army of wizard civilization?"

"I have seen the battle scenes between the fleet group and those Titans. To be honest, I don't want to become feces in the intestines of the Titans."

"I don't think Pike, Jamis, or Finilla want it either!" said the lieutenant colonel, pointing to the three lieutenant-level officers around him holding electromagnetic pulse guns.

"Do you know how those Titans devoured our soldiers in the crashed ship?"

"Haha, some guys in the army call this process 'opening the can'."

"To be honest, I don't want to be the one who gets the canon opened."

"People should think about themselves, right?"

"I heard that you also have a fiancée who is getting married soon?"

"For the sake of your future, don't you think about it?

, go to settle in a safer rear area? "The lieutenant colonel said, stepping on the cheek of the major in front of him.

Although the major in the warehouse was embarrassed, facing the bullying from his higher-ranking officers, he raised his head and asked, "Do we have a so-called safer rear now?!"

The major's rhetorical question made the lieutenant colonel's face slightly confused.

Indeed, in the current environment of the Gallente Federation, there are not many places that can be called "safe" anymore.

Even the President of the Gallente Federation is said to have temporarily evacuated the Federation capital star.

These soldiers who are still sticking to their posts are just cannon fodder.

The only place that can be called safe now is the space beyond the Gallente Federation and the more distant star realm.

But this plan of escaping from the mother civilization is obviously not prepared for these big-headed soldiers.

That's the kind of treatment only top executives will enjoy.

However, as the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation has officially come to an end, it is no longer safe to even escape from the mother civilization.

Because the wizarding civilization will catch all those guys who fled with huge amounts of wealth one after another!

Squeeze them for all their worth!

The wealth taken away by these federal high-level officials is not theirs, but belongs to the wizarding civilization!

The wizarding civilization will not allow the things on its plate to be tampered with by others.

The civilized war was in a fierce state before, so the wizarding civilization naturally did not have the energy to pay attention to those bugs.

But as the war comes to an end, the accounts that need to be settled will naturally have to be settled in detail.

No one can escape.

There are no alien civilizations that dare to protect the fleeing federal high-level officials.

Unless they want to face the wrath of wizard civilization themselves!

Believe me, this kind of result is definitely a heavy price that the alien civilizations in the surrounding star fields cannot bear!

Faced with the major's doubts, the lieutenant colonel, who was a little embarrassed about his face, kicked the opponent a few times and listed some planets that they would have the opportunity to migrate to next.

Those planets are indeed not yet threatened by the army of wizard civilization.

But everyone knows that this just makes the day of judgment come later.

Just an ostrich mentality.

But these federal officers who enjoy certain powers are still qualified and have an ostrich mentality.

What about the ordinary people of the Federation who cannot even leave the planet or even the city they live in?

The major's fiancée is an ordinary federal woman with no background.

Faced with the aggressive attitude of the lieutenant colonel, the major, unable to change anything, finally lowered his head sadly.

The fate of the major is so similar to that of Bond now!

Bond is on top of the military warehouse, after watching this "farce" in its entirety.

A tear appeared faintly from the corner of his eye.

Bond is not weeping over his fate and uncertain future. He is a tough guy who never shows timidity.

These tears were actually shed by Bond for his mother civilization, the Gallente Federation.

"It seems like it's really over."

“Then everything we have done, as well as Marshal Polaman’s perseverance,

Hold on, for what? "Bond looked up at the starry sky, as if he wanted to get some answer from the boundless starry scenery.

The star field at the junction of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Vladis Star Territory.

This is the name given to this star field by the Gallente Federation, which is of course the past tense.

Since this star field was conquered and occupied by the wizard civilization, it has had a new name.

Today, a federal stealth fleet group arrived here in ambush.

They are not the only fleet that has sneaked into the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

A total of six special fleet groups, carrying six "God Crystals", sneaked into the wizarding star domain to perform secret missions.

They are the last hope of the Federation!

Carrying the last ardent expectations of the top leaders of the federal war faction!

And here in the Vladis Star Territory, the person responsible for this suicide sabotage mission is Federal Marshal Thorim.

What is more advantageous than the other five fleet groups is that, in addition to his own Dominator-class fleet group that can rival the seventh-level combat power, Marshal Thorim's fleet group also has a Dominator-class mecha warrior.

Although, both the fleet group and the Dominator-class mecha were rusty and full of war scratches.

But Marshal Thorim firmly believed that he could successfully complete the combat mission.

This mission is not only for myself, but also for the trillions of Federation humans.

Therefore, even if it means sacrifice, Marshal Thorim has no regrets!

"Marshal, our reconnaissance fleet discovered special space-time fluctuations in the direction of β567441α072."

"That's where we must pass for the next wormhole jump. You see..." the adjutant came to Marshal Thorim and reported.

Although he knew that his trip would not go smoothly, and he had already put his life and death aside in case of special abnormal situations, Marshal Thorim, who looked extremely young, could not help but feel nervous.

But on the surface, Marshal Thorim remained calm.

In front of all the federal soldiers under his command, Marshal Thorim is still the mythical being who led them to win the defensive counterattack in the Stoke Star Territory, the interception of the Fura No. 2 meteorite group, and the breakout battle on the planet Mordecais.

"We will definitely win this time." All the federal soldiers in the flagship, looking at the resolute face of Marshal Thorim, couldn't help but think in their hearts.

At the same time, at the right front position of this federal stealth fleet group, which was just discovered by the federal reconnaissance ship, special space-time fluctuations occurred.

An extremely huge crimson space-time channel, accompanied by many strange streams of light, suddenly took shape amid a burst of oppression.

Not long after, a demonic hand burning with ash flames emerged from the space-time channel.

As this demonic hand came into contact with the material starry sky, extremely active elemental energy instantly ignited in his hand.

And it burst out quickly, not inferior to the brilliance of a small star!

"Are you finally back? The material star realm!" An extremely suppressed sigh came from the depths of the passage.

And immediately after, the person with the Hand of Ashes was obviously not the only one who was about to pour out of the passage!

"This chapter has a lot of words~

There will be an update tonight~”

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