The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2567 The end of the war

For the Dark Demon Ancestor, the war with the fairyland civilization is not just a battle of his own will.

But in the process of his battle with the sage Lao Tzu, the opponent's yin and yang way of moving a thousand pounds did have great reference and strength insights for the Dark Demon Ancestor.

In this star realm, it is really difficult to find a suitable opponent.

The Lord of the Stars of the Nine-Star Civilization, if it hadn’t been for the Immortal Supreme himself taking action back then.

I am afraid that the Dark Demon Ancestor himself will take the initiative to leave the Fallen Leaf Civilization war zone that is about to end, and go to the Pingmo Alliance war zone to find trouble with the Lord of Star Glory.

Of course, what the Dark Demon Ancestor hates even more is the feeling of failure when the enemy slips away from his hands and is frustrated in the Demon Court Star Territory.

This is an extremely pure demon ancestor. He makes no secret of his extreme evil, and unlike those supremes and most demon ancestors, he does not consider things that have nothing to do with him.

Even if the entire Demon Tide civilization is destroyed, so what?

The strategy of crossing the void failed, so what?

This is an extremely pure demon ancestor!

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Dark Demon Ancestor was originally extremely unpopular in the Demon Tide Civilization.

Nor did they enjoy much of the resources provided by the Demonic Tide Civilization.

At that time, he almost died under heavy siege.

But this guy is the closest to the supreme realm in the past 100,000 years.

The departure of the Dark Demon Ancestor marks the official beginning of the war between the Demonic Tide Civilization and the Immortal Realm.

That's right, the Dark Demon Ancestor is indeed a terrifying existence that alone can launch a war against one of the top civilizations.

The Demon Emperor and the Demon Tide Legion under his command are undoubtedly the most ferocious and evil group in the Demon Tide civilization.

Furthermore, when the Dark Demon Ancestor launches an attack on the fairyland civilization.

Is it possible that other demon ancestors who are not in the same camp as him can really sit on the

Looking there?

Kaihuang Demon Ancestor knows what kind of temperament the Dark Demon Ancestor is.

That's why he was worried about the next decision the Dark Demon Ancestor might make.

Facing the Dark Demon Ancestor who was about to leave, Kaihuang Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice, "Do you know the wars that have occurred in the Light Dimension Star Territory in recent years?"

The Dark Demon Ancestor's movement to leave was halted. He turned around and said, "What happened there?"

Not long after the Dark Demon Ancestor ended the Fallen Leaf Civilization War, he chased the Yanxia Demon Ancestor to the World of Despair, and later pursued the Mosquito Heaven Emperor into the Immortal Realm.

In recent years, the Dark Demon Ancestor has indeed not inquired about what major events have occurred within the Demon Tide Civilization.

Moreover, according to the passage of time in the star realm, it is only a few hundred years, what can happen...

Kaihuang Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice, "Hundreds of years ago, a ninth-level creature appeared in the Light Dimension Star Territory, and the Immortal Supreme has already passed away."

"Judging from the news I have received, our war situation there is not optimistic."

"I heard that a large number of Demon Emperors, even Demon Ancestors, have been sealed!" These words of Kaihuang Demon Ancestor were transmitted to the Dark Demon Ancestor.

It is estimated that Kaihuang Demon Ancestor does not want this news to spread prematurely, so as not to cause any turmoil within the Demon Tide Civilization.

However, a large number of Demon Ancestors and Demon Emperor-level powerhouses were sealed, and the vanguard legions of the Demon Tide Civilization that poured into the Light Dimension Star Territory suffered heavy losses.

It is impossible to hide this kind of news for too long.

At least those master-level demon emperors should know this situation in the end.

Regarding the words of Kaihuang Demon Ancestor, after hearing the words of Demon Ancestor Kai, Dark Demon Ancestor flashed, tore apart the space at a faster speed, and left the star field.

Is there a ninth-level strongman appearing?

Nothing makes the Dark Demon Ancestor more excited than this!

He wanted to rush over quickly, hoping to fight against the ninth-level powerhouse.

Of course, the Dark Demon Ancestor will not be left behind in the preparations for war against the fairyland civilization.

As his right-hand men, the Nether Bone Demon Ancestor and the Brilliant Blue Demon Ancestor will help him complete a series of mobilization preparations before the war.

"Let's have some fun when I come back next time."

Before the Dark Demon Ancestor stepped into the torn space-time passage, he looked back at the direction of the fairyland civilization and thought viciously.

And the news that Yanxia Demon Ancestor just received before he took Ziyou away from the world of despair.

It is the battle report about the Light Dimension Star Territory, as well as the news that the Dark Demon Ancestor was frustrated in the Demon Court Star Territory and was preparing to take revenge.

No matter which way you look at it, these news are not good news for the Demon Tide Civilization.

Gallente Federation.

Unconsciously, 547 years have passed since the last round of endless light emission.

The Asgar star field was completely engulfed, and the wizard civilization suffered "heavy damage".

The Gallente Federation then launched an all-out attack, launching a "big counteroffensive" in the official propaganda sense, and ushered in "good news" in many warring star fields.

This seems to be a promising situation.

But the fact is that since the end of the Asgar Star Field Station, the Gallente Federation's controlled star field territory has once again dropped by two-thirds in just five hundred years!

Just as the Endless Light energy beam ended, the Gallente Federation Legion indeed launched a full-scale counterattack.

But the victory belonging to the Federation did not even last 20 years before it was

The wizard civilization army pressed hard!

And let all people, including the middle and lower levels of the federation, gradually recognize the "reality".

The gap in absolute strength has put the Gallente Federation on the verge of extinction.

Especially in the past two hundred years, the Gallente Federation has become rotten, not only with their increasingly eroded frontline legions and defensive lines.

Including the federal rear, it was completely "rotten".

The rot here is not caused by the frequent triggering of black magicians from the wizarding civilization, causing terrorist attacks in the hinterland of the Federation.

But... spiritual rot.

All humans in the Federation seemed to have accepted the fate of defeat.

They are no longer as confident as they were in the early and middle stages of the war, and are doing their jobs well in order to win the war of civilization.

From top to bottom, the entire federal society is now on the verge of erosion and necrosis.

High-level corruption, legal violations, and people no longer have the so-called spirit.

Even within a large area of ​​the Gallente Federation, there is a saying that the wizarding civilization is not an evil civilization that invaded and conquered them, but instead helps the middle and lower-level people of the Gallente Federation to cleanse their sins and bring fairness. , the savior of freedom and democracy.

At least in the areas occupied by the wizard civilization, there were indeed no large-scale massacres.

Even the wizarding civilization helped those humans who were suffering from the death plague magic and relieved them of their illnesses.

A series of anti-corruption and purge operations also took place in the areas occupied by the wizard civilization.

The wizard civilization helped the oppressed people at the bottom of the Federation and eliminated a large number of worms in the Federation society, as well as the so-called "high-level people".

A peaceful world reappears in the area occupied by the wizard civilization!

But is this really the case?

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