The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2565 Two sets of civilization treasure-level armors

The advice of the Demon Emperor Luoyuan finally brought the battle between the Dark Demon Ancestor and the Saint Laozi to an end for the time being.

Among the top civilizations that the Demonic Tide Civilization is currently fighting against, the only one with a half-step ninth-level powerhouse is the Nine-Star Civilization in the Pingmo Alliance.

The Lord of Starlight of the Nine-Star Civilization has surpassed the average eighth-level peak existence and found his own way to the ninth level.

However, after the Star Lord appeared, he only erupted for a short period of time before being suppressed by the Immortal Supreme of the Demonic Tide Civilization himself.

This also allows the three top civilizations of the Pingmo Alliance to coerce more large and medium-sized world civilizations when facing the demon tide civilization.

He has always been on the defensive and rarely counterattacked.

The saint in front of me has not reached the half-step ninth level like the Dark Demon Ancestor.

However, with the Tiandao Sword in his hand and the Tai Chi method of using softness to overcome strength.

When the saint Lao Tzu faced the Dark Demon Ancestor, he was actually able to hold him back.

It’s amazing!

This is the second tyrannical master besides the Star Lord of the Nine-Star Civilization who can be compared with the half-step ninth-level existence of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

And the one who came up to deal with it was a top existence like the Dark Demon Ancestor!

In fact, this is not the first time that this kind of leapfrog battle has happened.

When the conflict broke out between the Fairyland Civilization and the Light God Clan, the sage Lao Tzu also played a role similar to that of a "firefighter."

For someone like Lao Tzu, the top ruler of the star world, to launch an external war of expansion is inconsistent with his nature of inaction and is not his strong suit.

This is a conformist master.

His existence marks the last barrier to the fairyland civilization.

Especially after being blessed by the Tiandao Sword, the most precious treasure of civilization, the saint Lao Tzu has the strength, the laws of the Tao, and the equipment.

Such a presence stationed in the fairyland can block the vast majority of tyrannical civilizations from peeking at the fairyland.

The Dark Demon Ancestor hates this kind of "soft" battle.

However, what is different from the one-minded Lord of Darkness like Mocaster is that the Dark Demon Ancestor has already figured out his own way to the ninth level.

Therefore, when fighting against an opponent he hated so much like Saint Lao Tzu, although the Dark Demon Ancestor was very unhappy, he also gained a lot.

Followed by the Demon Emperor Luoyuan

The battle status was called back, and the Dark Demon Ancestor waved the Heaven-Burying Sword in his hand and slashed at me again.

Sure enough, it was the same as before.

The extremely sharp death sword light, after approaching the black and white Tai Chi formation diagram at my feet, was twisted to another place by the force of four liang and a thousand catties.

The final result was just another extremely eye-catching space-time turbulence near this dominant battlefield.

The sage Lao Tzu did not seem to be affected at all.

This is a goal that the Dark Demon Ancestor cannot solve in the short term.

Although during the battle with the opponent, the Dark Demon Ancestor was also growing and trying to gradually understand the power of the opponent's original laws.

But it is obvious that the gradually retreating demon tide army around them, as well as more and more auras of immortal saints appearing here, no longer support the Dark Demon Ancestor to continue fighting blindly.

He couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart, and he hated the Dark Demon Ancestor who admitted defeat.

When he suffered a covering attack from the Pangu banner held by Yuanshi Tianzun, he knew that he should retreat temporarily.

Bravery is not the same as being brainless.

With the strength of the Dark Demon Ancestor, he really has no interest in experiencing what it would be like to be besieged by more than a dozen immortal domain masters.

In other words, he did have the experience of being beaten by more than a dozen masters!

That time, if the Yanxia Demon Ancestor hadn't brought people to support in time, the Dark Demon Ancestor might have almost confessed.

It was that experience that made the Dark Demon Ancestor develop a feeling for the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

They say heroes save beauties.

But sometimes, there will be some scenes where beauty rescues heroes.

Finally, he glared coldly at the sage Lao Tzu, the demon emperor Lu Ya, and the mosquito emperor who had fled away in the direction of the chaotic air sea in the Tai Chi shadow.

The Dark Demon Ancestor said coldly, "Let's go!"

After saying that, the Dark Demon Ancestor took the lead and flew out of the Demon Court Star Territory to break through the encirclement.

The Luoyuan Demon Emperor and several other dominator-level Demon Emperors who suffered heavy losses followed closely.


, the sage Laozi tried to intercept it with the Bagua array.

Saint Nuwa also sacrificed the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, hoping to trap these demonic tide masters.

But they were all destroyed by the Dark Demon Ancestor with one sword.

The Dark Demon Ancestor and others left in a hurry, and they did not even bring along the hundreds of millions of demonic tide legions who were on the battlefield in the Demon Court Star Territory.

Perhaps in the eyes of Dark Demon Ancestor and others, those hundreds of millions of demonic tide legions are nothing, just a series of numbers.

With the foundation of Demonic Tide Civilization, another batch can be catalyzed soon.

Of course, that's part of the reason.

These demonic tide legions all belong to the legions under the command of the Fallen Demon Emperor and have nothing to do with the Dark Demon Ancestor.

To feel distressed, only people like Demon Emperor Luoyuan would feel distressed.

However, considering that Luoyuan Demon Emperor and several others are now suffering from a lot of trauma.

When choosing your own life and the survival of the Demon Tide Legion under your command.

Several demon emperors unanimously chose the former.

Seeing that the Bagua Array and the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram failed to stop the Dark Demon Ancestors from leaving, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was holding the Pangu flag, wanted to catch up.

But he was stopped by the sage Lao Tzu.

"Why don't you chase me? Senior brother!" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but say.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, it has always been the fairyland civilization that bullied other weak world civilizations in the surrounding starfields without even a single defeat.

Has there ever been a time when someone else knocked on your door and didn't fight back?

The Dark Demon Ancestor is indeed very strong, so strong that even I, the Taiqing Sage, find it difficult to deal with him, and can only manage to maintain a stalemate with the way of Tai Chi.

But Yuanshi Tianzun didn't believe that that guy could be so powerful that he was besieged by dozens of immortal domain masters?

Although some eighth-level saints from the Immortal Realm, such as Ancestor Minghe, Zhenren Baimei, and Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi, may not have received the news yet and arrived in the Demon Court Star Realm.

But the elite legions of the three religions have arrived!

Facing the inquiry from his junior brother Yuanshi Tianzun, the sage I glanced at the direction of the star domain where the Dark Demon Ancestor retreated. He was silent for a moment and sighed, "The crisis has not been resolved. The catastrophe of the Immortal Domain has just begun."

"Since it was something predicted by Master before leaving the star realm, it will not be that simple."

\u003e "The Dark Demon Ancestor just now has become stronger than we expected."

"I wonder how much strength this Demonic Tide Civilization still has."

"Rather than chase them out and engage in a battle that we cannot predict, it is better to stabilize our position first and eliminate the threat of demonic forces that are currently occurring in the Demon Court Star Territory." I said.

The words of the sage Laozi obviously made Yuanshi Tianzun slightly dissatisfied.

But after hearing this, Demon Emperor Lu Ya on the other side agreed from the bottom of his heart.

The Demon Court Star Territory is his base camp. If it is really completely destroyed by the demonic army, he will vomit blood.

However, this guy was previously suspected of having an affair with Emperor Zhi, so now he can't speak out directly and can only act as a transparent person.

Fortunately, Empress Nuwa later said that she would save the billions of innocent creatures in the Demon Court Star Territory first, which made Emperor Lu Ya feel deeply relieved.

It was undoubtedly a wise move for Yuanshi Tianzun and others not to pursue them directly.

Because it wasn’t long before the Dark Demon Ancestor led the Luoyuan Demon Emperor and a handful of top Demon Emperor-level beings to leave the Demon Court Star Territory battlefield.

A huge army of demonic tides with almost no end in sight, as well as a dozen demonic tide masters, appeared directly in front of them.

These endless raging demonic legions are not the subordinates of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Instead, it belongs to Kaihuang Demon Ancestor.

It is obvious that the Luoyuan Demon Emperor is following the Dark Demon Ancestor before setting out to conquer the Demon Court Star Territory.

Saying hello to Kaihuang Demon Ancestor in advance worked!

Kaihuang Demon Ancestor is an eighth-level peak existence wearing fierce demon armor.

Purple magic flames continued to ignite from the surface of Kaihuang Demon Ancestor's armor.

This is a set of civilization treasure-level armor, which was also left behind by a certain ninth-level creature from the previous generation of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Coincidentally, the wizard civilization also has a set of armor-type civilization treasures.

I don’t know, which of these two civilization treasure-level armors is stronger or weaker?

Seeing that Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others suffered a lot of trauma, the Dark Demon Ancestor also looked unhappy.

Demon Ancestor Kaihuang, who was at the forefront of the demonic tide army, said in surprise, "What, did you encounter some powerful enemy?"

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