The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2564 Home Advantage

In terms of personal strength, the Dark Demon Ancestor is far superior to the Saint Lao Tzu.

But because I mastered the Tai Chi method and was good at "conquering strength with softness", I happened to be the nemesis of powerful star realm masters like the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Therefore, when the two men clashed, the Dark Demon Ancestor was unable to do anything to the other for a moment.

"Not bad!"

"You are much better than the withered main tree of the fallen leaf civilization, let me try your quality again!" The Dark Demon Ancestor snorted coldly.

The Withered Tree is the strongest member of the fallen deciduous civilization.

The most precious treasure of civilization - the root of desolation, was originally the weapon of the main tree of withered glory.

The Dark Demon Ancestor once fought against the Withered Lord Tree, and was also the main promoter of the downfall of the Withered Lord Tree.

The evaluation that the sage Lao Tzu is stronger than the withered main tree of the deciduous civilization is also the recognition of the enemy by the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Because under normal circumstances, the Dark Demon Ancestor despises all opponents in front of him!

When the sage Lao Tzu and the Dark Demon Ancestor were fighting each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was holding the Pangu flag, and Nuwa Saint, who had the jade dish of creation floating in front of him, faced the Luoyuan Demon Emperor and several other Demon Emperors present.

The strength of Demon Emperor Luoyuan is not as strong as Yuanshi Tianzun.

He was injured by the saints before.

Faced with the powerful alliance between Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Nuwa, these demonic tide masters who caused a bloody storm in the Demon Court Star Territory soon felt the pressure from the fairyland civilization.

Not only that.

Emperor Lu Ya, who was being chased just now, looking like a dead bird, is back again!

The broken Golden Crow wings and sharp claws did not seem to extinguish the true fire of the sun burning in Demon Emperor Lu Ya's eyes.

As soon as he returned to the Demon Court Star Territory, Emperor Lu Ya bypassed the battlefield where the Dark Demon Ancestor and Laozi were.

Come to support Saint Nuwa and others.

As both demon clan saints, Emperor Lu Ya seems to be closer to Empress Nuwa.


More importantly, Nuwa is Lu Ya's elder.

Although Empress Nuwa didn't know about some of the things Lu Ya had done behind the scenes in recent years.

But in the years when Demon Court developed and expanded, Empress Nuwa also gave Lu Ya a lot of support.

In other words, Empress Nuwa is a powerful person in the immortal realm who has a better reputation than Immortal Zhen Yuanzi.

In the entire Immortal Realm civilization, there is not a single top monk who has not inherited the kindness of Empress Nuwa.

"Empress Nuwa, let me help you!"

Demon Emperor Lu Ya spewed out a mouthful of true sun fire, carrying the power of the eighth-level ruler, and flew towards the battlefield.

The Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife and the Nail-Head Seven Arrows Book were both destroyed by the Dark Demon Ancestor. Even the Chaos Bell was split open by the Dark Demon Ancestor's terrifying demon blade in the previous confrontation.

But this does not prevent Luya from relying on his own homeland to fight.

Whether it is the true fire of the sun or the three-legged Golden Crow, they are both famous and tyrannical methods of the fairyland civilization.

When Demon Emperor Lu Ya made a comeback, the pressure on Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others was even greater!

More importantly, as the spiritual leader and actual leader of the Demon Court Star Territory, the Demon Emperor's return has rekindled the confidence of the Demon Clan army who are still struggling to resist on the battlefield of this Star Territory, and established an hope.

This army of demons led by the Dark Demon Ancestor to attack the Immortal Realm looks like a raging force, but in fact it is just an army under the command of the Demon Emperor Luoyuan and a few others.

None of them can be called the main force in one aspect of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Not to mention, in the Huanyu Star Territory where the war had just ended, Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others still left many legions to garrison and promote the subsequent demonization process.

Now, with the arrival of the saints from the Immortal Realm, the war potential of the Demon Court Star Realm is also slowly migrating, and is gradually being eliminated.


The base camp that Demon Emperor Lu Ya has worked hard to manage for hundreds of thousands of years is still quite good.

In terms of the overall strength of the Demon Court, it is not inferior to the Sifang Immortal Court, which has the oldest qualifications in the Immortal Domain.

It is estimated to be second only to the Zhongji Heavenly Court established by God Haotian and the Queen Mother.

The war continues.

For the fairy creatures in this star field, in addition to having certain geographical advantages, they also have people and people.

The arrival of Empress Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun and others is just the beginning.

Although most of the Chanjiao legions are located in the star field of the great world of the battlefield of wizard civilization.

But Yuanshi Tianzun obviously still has another group of monks who can call on him.

A large number of Heavenly Courts and monk sects affiliated with Chanjiao have sent large armies to assist here.

Including Phoenix Qingluan, who has saint-level strength under the command of Empress Nuwa, as well as the demon masters such as the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons and the Emperor of Heavenly Demons, have also sent large armies to support this place.

Under the command of the sage Laozi, there is another disciple, Xuandu, who also has level eight strength.

Most of the sword cultivating sects in the entire Immortal Realm are my disciples and grandsons.

Although the Buddhist saint Zhunti is not here for the time being, the development of Buddhism in recent years has gone far beyond explaining and intercepting the teachings.

Otherwise, it would not have almost triggered a "conflict between Buddhism and Taoism."

Although there is the Deng Deng Buddha, leading a part of the Buddhist army, he is on the battlefield in the star field of the world.

But the high-end power of the Buddhist Immortal Realm is still very luxurious!

Tathagata Buddha is a tyrannical existence that is not inferior to Demon Emperor Luya.

Although the strength of Guanyin Bodhisattva is slightly weaker, as a master of the Bodhisattva status, Guanyin Bodhisattva enjoys excellent popularity in the fairyland.

With great attention, the future is boundless.

There are these two eighth-level Buddhist beings who have led hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples. There are also seventh-level peak powerhouses like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and existences like Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who have become famous since the ancient tribulation of becoming gods.

Plus the other dozen or so of the Eighteen Arhats.

No wonder Buddhism can soon become independent and become an emerging top civilization.

What is more advantageous than other Taoist monks is that the golden light of Buddhism not only has miraculous effects on dark and death-like world civilizations such as the Minghe Empire.

At the same time, it also has a good killing effect on demonic civilization creatures.

What is even more commendable is that when the golden light of Buddhism shines on the earth, it can actually effectively contain those demonized worlds and creatures.

A steady stream of armies from the Immortal Realm came to support from the depths of the Chaos Sea and from other directions in the surrounding star regions.

The fairyland civilization is no longer the "Three Thousand Worlds" wrapped in the depths of chaos hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The total number of planes possessed by the fairyland civilization today is not even inferior to that of the wizarding civilization with its huge wizarding alliance.

Otherwise, the Fairyland Civilization would not be able to support so many dominant existences and break through one after another in a short period of time.

The strength of civilization has also increased exponentially in the past two hundred thousand years.

When more and more armies from the Immortal Realm arrived, especially when the aura fluctuations of more than a dozen master-level experts appeared from the depths of the starry sky.

Demon Emperor Luoyuan was the first to become unable to sit still.

He struggled to get rid of Yuanshi Tianzun's aggressive offensive, came to a place close to the war zone where the Dark Demon Ancestor was, and admonished, "Dark Demon Ancestor, we should retreat!"

"If we don't leave, we are likely to be left here completely."

"This fairyland civilization is by no means a tyrannical civilization that we can defeat with our current military strength!" Demon Emperor Luoyuan said in a deep voice.

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