The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2548 Induction

Upon hearing Thain's order, a red light of excitement gleamed in the double-cannon orangutan's single eye with an eyepatch.

It’s the thrill of impending revenge.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it is clear that the two-gun orangutan has not let go of the hatred in his heart.

Even in these years, to become stronger.

In addition to strengthening the living cannon fused to the back of his body with the help of Thane.

The twin-gun gorilla also underwent extremely in-depth mechanization modifications by Thane. 🅆

For example, one of his eyes was not blind, but was completely transformed into a mechanical eye by Thane.

Because it is too powerful and unstable after fusion, it needs to be equipped with an eye patch with sealing power to block it.

Not only the two-gun gorilla, but also his eldest brother, the bantam chicken who likes to wear a hat.

In the past 20,000 years, Thain has also returned to the other party the world-class secret treasure short stick that was originally captured from the other party.

And helped the bantam chicken strengthen its weapons.

Unlike the two-gun orangutan who gradually relied on machinery and external blessings, the bantam chicken embarked on a more traditional path of independent evolution.

Because Thain was willing to help them get revenge and gave them great blessings.

Therefore, in terms of loyalty and other issues, these two guys are the highest among all followers.

The two-gun gorilla even calls Thane "master".

In view of this, Gongsun Wudi has spent a lot of time honing and training that bantam chicken in recent years.

And Bantam's strength has steadily reached the half-step peak desperate state.

However, this level should be the limit of Bantam.

It is not easy for those who are at the peak of despair to break through.

Instead of pursuing further transformation in the current realm, it is better to look forward to returning to the material star realm in the future.

With the feedback of the huge energy of the star realm, this bantam chicken may be able to usher in new opportunities.

Capturing Shahruz

The test subject's battle plan was soon fully implemented under Thain's deployment.

There are more than 700 wanderers, more than 300 advanced intelligent robots, and a powerful lineup formed by Thane's United Fortress, Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou, Ming, Qinglong Swordsman and others.

With such strength, it is enough to hunt down the master, Thane feels like it is enough!

However, what is more difficult than hunting the Overlord is that Thane and others need to capture this guy alive.

And use it as the living energy source for Thain to activate the astral driving channel.

One advantage of fighting against Cell's test subject is that this guy does not seem to contain the omnipotent soul of domination.

The emergence of this situation makes Sharu seem to be easier to deal with than the average seventh-level master.

But the opponent can actually use the energy of the flesh and blood of the devoured creatures to maintain his dominance. This is also a new topic that Thain has not been able to explore in the past.

If possible, Thane would like to cut off Cell's sharp needle tail.

That thing should be the core of Cell's Devouring Law.

Including its ability to transform flesh and blood, it should also be what the black magicians in the wizarding world are most interested in.

After the mobilization was completed, in addition to letting his followers ambush in advance.

Thain also personally made several groups of "flesh and blood".

Doesn’t the Cell test subject like to devour the flesh and blood of living things?

Then Thain is just right for him!

In the world of despair, at least in the circles that Thane is currently in contact with, no one can produce more abundant flesh and blood essence than the best blood essence he has on hand.

And this time, in order to induce and attract Cell, Thain also added a lot of condiments.

When these groups of flesh and blood were taken out from the isolation magic shield by Thane.


The wanderers under Tousain who also liked to devour flesh and blood couldn't help but take a step forward.

However, these guys quickly calmed down and suppressed their original impulses after being glanced at by Thain's cold eyes under the phaseless mask.

For tens of thousands of years, Thain had a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other, and he had already subdued these wanderers.

At least among these creatures who are willing to follow Thain out of the City of Machinery, no one dares to disobey Thain, and no one will question Thain's decision face to face.

Although they are not like the two-gun orangutans, they directly recognize Thain as their master.

But in terms of reliability and obeying orders, Thain is satisfied.

"Our chances are not too many."

"Once you fail, it will be even harder to catch it next time!" \u003cdiv id="txtcenter"\u003e

"So, once you take action, you must use your full strength."

"If we can successfully capture the Saru test body, we can successfully open a passage back to the material star realm."

"In addition to being able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, I will also give you other rewards afterwards."

"What do you think about joining the Wizards Alliance?" Thane touched his chin and said to all the wanderers present.

The Two-Cannon Orangutan is indeed the one who knows how to cause trouble.

When they were in the City of Machinery, it was the first one to make a statement and join Thain's command.

Today, it is the first to express its stance.

"I am willing to continue to follow Master Thain!"

"I believe Master Thain will give us a good place to go."

"As long as we can return to the material star realm, we are willing to do anything!"

"Anyway, no matter which plane we go to, we can dominate and enjoy the power of our own gods."

"I heard from Master Thain that the Wizards Alliance is also very good, and more importantly, the wizard civilization is very powerful." said the Double Cannon Orangutan.

Since the two-gun gorilla, a dozen "

"Shill" also expressed their opinions.

All creatures naturally continue to look to Thane as their leader.

In fact, Thain had already confirmed their reliability when he left the City of Machinery.

Now it's just a matter of proving their loyalty once again.

Of course verbal expression alone is not enough.

If they can really return to the material star realm, Thane will really win them over to join the Wizards Alliance and enjoy the various rules and benefits of the Wizards Alliance.

They will also sign a contract with each of them.

This is the power that belongs to Thane, and this power will finally take the lead in breaking out the first battle in the world of despair.

A dark green figure streaked across the sky of the desperate world.

And flew straight towards a gray valley.

This dark green figure is naturally the test body of Cellul that was released by Thane tens of thousands of years ago.

The world seems to be a reincarnation.

How did Thane release it tens of thousands of years ago?

Today, Thane wanted to put it back into a container.

However, compared with tens of thousands of years ago, the Cell test body has also undergone great changes today.

It is no longer the tail state it had when it attacked the ruins of the Osdian civilization, but has returned to its true mantis form.

And its physique is obviously much stronger than when Thain was first released.

The green scales on its body became darker in color.

Including height, it is also taller.

Even the face, from the ugly appearance of the mantis man, now looks a bit more "handsome".

But the only thing that hasn't changed is that this guy's bloodthirsty nature has not changed!

"I feel the taste of blood!"

While Cell's test body rushed towards the gray valley, what lingered in his mind was the primitive instinct of devouring.

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