The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2547: Capturing Shahru

Of course, Thain's experiment could not always go smoothly.

In the 500th year since he arrived at the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan, he had actually found a feasible "Star Boundary Travel Channel."

The Astral Drive Passage was named by the Light Gods, and Thane was just the result of archaeological translation.

A few years ago, the Protoss of Light used this passage to maintain their legion transportation and logistical supplies in the world of despair and the material star realm.

However, because the war that year was really too far away.

The ruins of the Guangming God Clan are located here, and it has not gone through tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, many of the divine pattern devices in the ruins are extremely aged.

Including the control of many magic circles, they all require the power of faith or even the power of light to drive them.

All of these have seriously hindered the continuation of Thain's research.

For example, starting 700 years ago, Thain has been stuck on the problem of energy transmission that stimulates the astral driving channel.

The research problems Ziyou mentioned are actually more derivative problems arising from the issue of energy conduction.

"Is this really the ruins of a main god?"

"And it's also a relic left behind after the death of the Lord of Light named...Lord of Twilight."

In the laboratory, Thane looked at the dense patterns of the Gods of Light in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

These divine patterns belong to the characters of the Light God Clan. After being inspired by the power of faith, some of them can even form images.

The densely packed divine patterns in front of him are actually the praise and praise of the Lord of Twilight by the Light God Clan.

Thanks to the wizarding civilization, there are many traces of the Light Gods, including Thain who was also interested in this aspect when he was in the Sky City and studied a lot.

This made Thain's work of deciphering the divine patterns of the Light Protoss proceed very smoothly.

But energy doesn’t appear out of thin air.

After several studies, Thain came to the conclusion that it was impossible to use the remaining energy in the ruins to re-energize the astral movement.

Thain must find a replacement!

In particular, the number and quality of lives of people transported by Thain's class are extremely large.

It cannot be replaced by ordinary energy sources.

Not even the Eye of Domination that Thane had on hand.

The energy in the Eye of Overlord may be able to travel through the star realm, increasing the number of people sent to the wizard's star field to hundreds.

But facing Thain's coalition fortress group and more followers, it would not be possible.

And this process does not mean that Thain can put everyone into his own Rubik's Cube and be done.

The rules of the star realm are not so easy to deceive.

This also involves the laws of energy conservation and mass conservation, etc.

In short, Thain finally studied for a long time and came to a very frustrating result.

It seems that he has to use his Rubik's Cube as the main energy source and leave it with the ruins of the Light Gods in the desperate world in order to properly open the time and space channel he needs.

Or...find a replacement of sufficient quality!

For example, take down a certain master and use it as bioenergy for traveling in the astral world?

This is the gap between the power of an individual and the energy possessed by an entire civilization.

Not only the Protoss of Light, but also all the top civilizations that entered the desperate world to participate in the war, should have had stable time and space channels that could communicate with the material star realm.

Only in this way can they support their manpower and material resources to fight a war in a desperate world.

And the price they pay for this must be lower!

Only in this way can we provide ourselves with the benefits of civilization

Hundreds of millions of bottom legions are invested here.

And eventually became a part of the White Bone Continent in the desperate world...

But at this time, Thain was just looking for a reliable channel for himself and the people around him, and it was so difficult.

From this we can see how huge the gap between the power of an individual and the power of an entire civilization is.

Maybe it's because Thain is too weak now.

If he could step into the realm of domination or master more knowledge, he might be able to solve this current problem.

When Thain encountered a problem, he didn't hold it in.

Compared with the past 20,000 years, the biggest change in Thane in the past 2000 years is that his mood has become much more cheerful again.

After being unable to find a solution, Thain told Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou about his confusion and problems.

Of course, it is impossible for him to sacrifice his Rubik's Cube for himself and others to return to the material star realm.

Thain said he should also find other solutions.

Of course, it was an outrageous idea to capture a master and bring him back as a way to recharge his energy for astral driving. \u003cdiv id="txtcenter"\u003e

He then told the story to the two women as if it were a joke.

"Actually, there is no need for a complete master."

"The energy contained in about 10 to 15 of these eyes of domination should be enough for all of us to leave here." Thain said, playing with the eyeballs from the Evil Eye Tyrant in front of Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou.

As expected, this Eye of Domination did not cause much trouble in Ziyou.

However, when looking at the dominating eyeball in Thane's hand, Ziyou fell into a rare moment of silence and confusion.

Thain's experiments are still going on, and he believes he can find a solution.

And stayed in the ruins of the Guangming God Clan for so many years

Later, many followers who migrated here from the City of Machinery with Thane gradually learned that their "Machine God Emperor" was trying to find a stable passage out of the desperate world in this dangerous place with rules and regulations.

Therefore, all survivors become more motivated!

Everyone also kept this situation a perfect secret. After all, if the news here was spread, it would be unknown how many survivors would peep.

It was also the 327th year that Thain re-entered the experiment after communicating with Ziyou and others.

One of his subordinates, the Desperate Man, the Double-Cannon Orangutan, reported to Thane that day a piece of information that he attached great importance to.

"Master, we have found traces of Cell's test body." Deep in the ruins of the Light Protoss, the Twin Cannon Orangutan said respectfully to Thane, who was in front of an installation experimental bench.

At this time, Thain was testing the device in front of him, and he didn't pay much attention to the report of the two-gun gorilla at first.

But after a moment, he came back to his senses and turned around to confirm, "What did you say?!"

The Double-Cannon Orangutan lowered his head to Thain again and said in a determined tone, "We really found traces of Cellu's test body this time. The other party seems to have just slaughtered a small settlement in the surrounding area."

"Upon our arrival, the guy had already run away."

"Judging from the corpses of the wanderers at the scene, there is no doubt that it was Cell's test subject who did it." The twin-cannon orangutan said solemnly.

There is a blood feud between the two-gun gorilla and the Cell test subject.

And over the years, he has never let go of his obsession with seeking revenge.

Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years have passed, and Thain has almost forgotten the existence of this guy, but it reappears today?

After thinking for a moment, Thain quickly interrupted the experiment at hand and ordered the two-gun gorilla to "notify everyone in the ruins immediately and prepare to participate in the encirclement and capture of Cell's test subjects."

"This time, I will take action myself!" Thain said.

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