The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2545 Thain’s Followers

Thane himself has been the "Mechanical God Emperor" in the City of Machines for tens of thousands of years.

The creatures he asked about whether they had any intention of leaving together were naturally his old friends who had followed him for many years.

During this process, one thing that must be mentioned is that the desperate world continues to passively evolve its internal creatures.

As a result, most of the astral creatures that enter the world of despair are "short-lived."

Either he died in the struggle with other desperate people, or his lifespan was exhausted in the long time of the desperate world, and he was completely digested here.

"Digestion", yes, Thain felt that this word was used very appropriately.

The World of Despair is like an organ attached to the Star Boundary. All anomalies arising from the Star Boundary will be thrown into the World of Despair for digestion. 🅆

Thinking carefully about the creatures that accidentally strayed into the world of despair, did they all experience supernatural astral phenomena when they first entered the world of despair?

Thane and Gongsun Wudi were shot here by the Gallente Federation's most civilized treasure - Endless Light.

As for other homeless people in desperate worlds that Thain has studied over the years, their experiences are more or less the same.

And those relics of many top civilizations scattered in the desperate world... may be more vivid evidence of the word "digestion".

Enjoying a passive evolution rate that far exceeds the star realm several times or even ten times, you will naturally suffer a loss of life force and a significant loss of lifespan.

After all, the world of despair also follows the most basic law of balance.

The lost vitality and lifespan can be regarded as the price of biological cells, rapid metabolism, transformation and rebirth.

Even Thain himself feels increasingly stale, and it's not just because of the depressed mood caused by being trapped in a hopeless world for tens of thousands of years.

Instead, it also includes his true age and vitality. During this period, he became more and more like an "old monster" and never returned.

But fortunately, Thain's body is still extremely young.

Especially when he was only over 10,000 years old before entering the world of despair.

Although he has aged a lot in more than 40,000 years in the desperate world, Thain has aged a lot.

But the impact on Thain's appearance is actually not that big.

He hasn't turned into a bad old man yet.

It can only be said that he is more mature than he was 40,000 years ago when he was just over 10,000 years old.

Thain has enough life to squander, and he also regularly takes the best medicines such as blood essence medicine to replenish the source of life.

But the vast majority of wanderers in a desperate world are obviously not so lucky.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, some old wanderers have passed away, and a new generation of desperate people have joined.

There are many of them who were originally at a very low level of life and very weak in power, but now they have grown to an extremely high level.

The more than 20 to 30 survivors that Thain brought out from the Mechanical Valley back then were his iron-clad direct descendants.

They are supplied with resources such as Thane's blood essence potion, which is also the most abundant.

Therefore, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the proportion of those once cowardly and timid Level 4 survivors is now quite high.

As of now, there are twenty-one survivors alive, and without exception, they have all reached the power level of late level five or above.

There are even seven pseudo-desperate people and two desperate people.

This shows that sufficient resources and the right environment can forcibly give birth to some strong people.

Sometimes, the level of life and the strength of strength really have little to do with talent.

The slow-moving Chocolate with the leaves on his head is not dead.

It's just that tens of thousands of years have passed and this guy has become older.

People always wonder if he will burp in the second year.

But every time, he persisted in surviving, and now has the breath of life at the peak of level five.

From the perspective of personal growth progress, this old guy's potential is really impressive.

However, Thane still valued and trusted him, and gave him many rare medicines over the years.

And as one of the direct members of Thain's circle, even though the old guy Chocolate has average strength, his mind is gradually getting dizzy.

But in fact, his voice under Thain is still not low.

At least those survivors who came out of the Mechanical Valley together still listen to his words and respect the old man.

And this group, because of Thain's reuse, now controls many important functions of the Mechanical City, and belongs to the middle and high-level people of the Mechanical City.

Thain first told Chocolate that he was leaving the City of Machines to explore the ruins of the Gods of Light.

He did not mention that he would try to find the remains of the Light God Clan.

Find a way out of a hopeless world.

He also wanted to test how many of these people were willing to follow him.

If he is the kind of guy who has different intentions or is not strong-willed.

Taking this group of people away will only cause trouble for yourself.

Facing Thain's proactive inquiry, the old man Chocolate didn't have the slightest hesitation he had when he refused to leave Mechanical Valley.

Instead, he nodded decisively and agreed, willing to follow Thain!

With Chocolate nodding and asking him to recruit more reliable survivors for him in the future, Thain was secretly relieved in his heart.

In addition to Chocolate, the strong men of the Machinery City whom Thane personally persuaded to win over include Ming, the peak despairer, and Dao Dali, the Azure Dragon Swordsman.

Ming has been staying in the City of Machinery for the past tens of thousands of years.

It was also during these years of living together in the world of despair that Thain was shocked to learn that this guy Ming actually entered the world of despair on his own initiative.

Being able to take the initiative to enter the world of despair, the civilization behind Ming must not be simple.

At least one must be a large-scale civilization to have this qualification.

However, Ming seemed to have not found a suitable way back to the material star realm.

I don't know if deep down in his heart, he regrets for blindly entering the world of despair.

Faced with Thain's initiative to win over him, Ming pondered for a long time before nodding in agreement.

Thain believes that this guy Ming is quite credible.

After all, they have been together for tens of thousands of years, and he is more recognized by Thane than the few peak despairers who later joined the City of Machinery.

As for Dao Dali, the Qinglong Swordsman, this middle-aged man with an unshaven beard who often carries a dragon sword on his back has not been an idle master in the past ten thousand years.

The other party seems to have had enough of staying in the world of despair.

In the past ten thousand years, Qinglong Swordsman has left the City of Machinery three times in total, and each time he left, the duration exceeded a thousand years.

Thain asked him, and he left here mainly to explore other dangerous places with rules, trying to find a way to leave the desperate world.

More than ten thousand years have passed, and the Azure Dragon Swordsman, like Thain in front of him, is at the critical point of reaching the peak of being a desperate person.

And if he was allowed to unleash the full power of the dragon sword, his true combat power would not be much inferior to Ming.

This is a potential,

A powerful being even higher than Mingdu.

Faced with Thain's active solicitation, especially when Thain mentioned that he might find a way back to the material star realm in the ruins of the Light Gods.

Qinglong Swordsman didn't care about the success rate of Thain's words, so he immediately nodded and agreed without even a moment's hesitation.

It seems that, like Thain, he has had enough of staying in the world of despair!

Now I am extremely desperate to leave this place.

In addition to Ming and Qinglong Swordsman, Thain has more or less met all the other survivors who have reached the level of pseudo-desperate and have the potential to win over in person.

These powerful people are the powerful beings that Thane values ​​most.

Level 6 intelligent robot manufacturing technology is still an extremely difficult hurdle for Thain to overcome.

Except for Fumila, who was the first to follow Thain, among other advanced intelligent robots, Thain only ranked "Zero" and "No. 2" with serial numbers in the top ten, and completed the transformation to the sixth level of combat power.

And the total number of level 4 and above survivors who have been attracted by Thain and are willing to continue to follow Thain to the ruins of the God of Light.

Finally, it was fixed at 721!

Compared with the current total number of survivors in the Machinery City, the scale of more than 700 people is really small.

But if this power can really be mastered by Thain and brought out of the world of despair, the blessing power it will bring to him will undoubtedly be extremely amazing.

Not to mention, Thane also has more than three hundred advanced intelligent robots!

The relocation of the Machinery City lasted for about two thousand years.

This longer-than-expected time span left Thain speechless.

Of course, there were some unpleasant accidents along the way.

For example, when Thain moved away many of the original facilities of the Machinery City, some powerful survivors who were unwilling to follow Thain, or who were not on Thain's list, were obviously unhappy.

For this part of the situation, Thain can only use his strength to forcibly eliminate them!

Two thousand years later, Thain, who was fully equipped, controlled his extremely large and vast coalition fortress group, and with his followers, moved towards the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan.

"I recommend to everyone the new book "The World Changning" by Zhibai, the great master of Zongheng. I have also read Brother Zhibai's book Xiaodou. I really like the book "The Emperor of Changning". I believe Zhibai's new book "The World Changning" is also very good~ Highly recommended~”

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