The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2544 Relocation

Thain's sealing experiment on Ziyou was completed successfully.

After all, in the past tens of thousands of years, Thain has already done similar experiments and completed the car with ease.

Even Gongsun Wudi, when he enters the self-sealing state, can exert his personal power to a level that rivals those in peak despair.

If she breaks the seal...

What a terrifying Valkyrie. When she first entered the world of despair, Thain was greatly shocked by Gongsun Wudi's strength.

Even now.

As for Ziyou, after completing the last step of Sein's seal on his body, his original biological aura of a peak despairer was suppressed to half a peak level again.

The completion of the experiment made Ziyou breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at this man who had been restrained and taciturn during the experiment, Ziyou suddenly raised his head and said to him, "Do you still remember the ruins of the Light God Clan that I told you tens of thousands of years ago?"

Thain also looked at Ziyou at this time, with a little excitement in his eyes, but he suppressed it well.

"The ruins of the Light God Clan are quite large. Next, let's go there."

"There is some ruins information that I need you to help us explore and answer in the Demonic Abyss world."

"As for some of the gains you discovered in the ruins, just treat them as rewards for helping us." Ziyou smiled at Thain.

I don't know if it was a change in mood or because I just appreciated Ziyou's unreserved side.

At this time, Thain looked at Ziyou's bright and moving face, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement for a moment.

Ziyou seemed to have noticed something strange about Thain in front of her. She folded her arms, showing a very rare gesture of a little daughter, and asked, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Didn't you see enough just now?" Ziyou's face couldn't help but show shyness again.

Ziyou's words finally made Thain come back to his senses.

He stood up first, but then walked

In front of Ziyou.

And he hugged the person in front of him heavily in his arms.

At this time, Thain did not make any overstep. While holding Ziyou tightly, he said softly "Thank you" to Ziyou's earlobe.

Ziyou was suddenly hugged by Sean, and her originally stiff body gradually relaxed when she heard Sean's words.

Her arms then wrapped around Thane's thick shoulders.

For a moment, the room was silent again.

After confirming the decision to go to the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan, Thane began to work hard on the exact departure.

After going to the ruins of the Light God Clan this time, Thane did not plan to come back again.

He has had enough of this desperate world!

Moreover, after so many years of development in the Mechanical City, the technological legacy of the Osdia civilization contained in it was hollowed out, squeezed, and utilized by Thane more than 10,000 years ago.

Starting more than 13,000 years ago, almost all of the experimental research conducted by Thain were based on ancient specimens and artifacts excavated by survivors in the City of Machinery in other dangerous places or civilization ruins.

There is indeed a big gap between the power of one person and the power of mobilizing the entire mechanical city.

Over the past 40,000 years, Thain has studied dangerous places and ancient civilization ruins, totaling more than 60!

Such a large amount of research materials not only showed Thain the breadth of the world of despair, but also let Thain know how profound the history of the world of despair is for countless thousands of years.

Thain didn't know how many top civilizations had fought wars in the desperate world in the eternal timeline.

Just as he doesn’t know where the border of the desperate world is


Thane has tried to fly to the highest altitudes of a desperate world, or to enter the deepest depths of the earth that have ever been explored.

But in the end, there was nothing gained...

A special barrier of laws blocked Thain's attempt to explore higher altitudes.

And after going deep underground to a certain extent, the extremely firm ground quality makes it difficult for Thain to explode with a dominator-level power strike, causing significant damage and digging downwards.

This is beyond Thane's understanding of the normal world. The world of despair is indeed an extremely special time and space. 🅆

Only in the context of time and space with such special laws can the world of despair be able to support so many top civilizations competing here, right?

Ziyou has never talked to Thain about anything related to their Demonic Tide Civilization.

But by observing the Demonic Tide Civilization and its enthusiasm for exploring ancient ruins in a desperate world, Thain also had some vague conjectures.

Although it has been decided to go to the ruins of the Light God Clan, starting from the City of Machinery is not something that can happen immediately.

Thain's tens of thousands of years of research results in the City of Machinery need to be packed away by him.

The extremely spacious space conch that Tourmaline once gave him was filled with space by Thain during this period!

In addition to containing a large number of Thain's research results, various rare specimens and special materials discovered in the world of despair were also packaged.

Not only the space conch, but also the internal space of Thain's Rubik's Cube is almost half filled.

This is because Thane has installed almost two-thirds of the property in the Machinery City.

The remaining one-third is either difficult to carry or has low value.

Thane could only leave them where they were.

It can be regarded as the last thought he has of this huge mechanical city where he has lived for tens of thousands of years.

All intelligent robots will, of course, follow Thain and leave.

Not much to say about ordinary intelligent robots below level four.

As for advanced intelligent robots with level four or above strength, due to Thain's hard work and continuous research in recent years, the serial number has increased to "three hundred and twenty-seven".

The following of more than 300 highly intelligent robots, as well as the tens of millions of ordinary mechanical cannon fodder stored in the Rubik's Cube, have made Thane almost reach the terrifying level of one person, one civilization.

This is still in recent years. Due to the increasing energy costs, Thain has reduced its research and development focus on ordinary combat robots.

Otherwise, the massive mechanical legions stored in his hands would be even greater!

Thain knew that with so many highly intelligent robots following him, it could not be said that his mechanical research had reached such an incredible level.

Rather, Thane, to a large extent, drew on and used the legacy wealth of the ancient top technological civilization in the desperate world.

When we return to the wizarding civilization, the frequency of Thain's production of such advanced intelligent robots may drop significantly.

Of course, after returning to the wizarding world, I'm afraid there won't be tens of thousands of years of free time for Thane to do these things.

Including Thain's research focus in recent thousands of years, it has actually gradually shifted from mechanics to his own secret of Ashes Fire.

To be more precise, Thane is exploring the new secret of the fusion of the Federation Fortress robot and the Ember Fire he masters.

If you still can't find a way out of the world of despair, this new secret may become an opportunity for Thane to enter the realm of the peak despairer.

Before that, in addition to moving most of the assets of Machinery City.

Thain also wanted to ask how many of the survivors in the Machinery City were willing to leave with him.

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