The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2533 The True Meaning of the Sword

The research on the information on dangerous areas under the rules ultimately failed to find any key points for breakthrough.

As for the traction research on the coordinates of the star field where the Wizarding World is located, Thain has also moved from the fields of the Holy Tower of Ashes, blood bonds, etc., to other directions.

The time and space gap between the world of despair and the material star realm is really exaggerated.

Here, Thain not only cannot feel the induction from his Ashes Holy Tower, but also cannot contact any of his bloodline power.

Otherwise, he would not know whether his daughter was born.

Of course, the reason for this situation may also be that Thain is too weak.

If he could reach the realm of domination, or become stronger, he should be able to contact the material star realm and open a passage to the material star realm, right?

The Evil Eye Tyrant's Eye of Dominance was held between his two fingers by Thane.

This is not the first time Thane has explored the secrets of Overlord.

In recent years, his research on the power of domination has reached a very advanced level.

This is an important step for a sixth-level peak creature to cross over to a seventh-level master.

"Perhaps my true body is only one step away from reaching the peak of despair."

"But it's really difficult to break through the realm of dominance."

"At least in a desperate world, it's difficult to do." Thain sighed.

Because of the special laws and energy environment of the world of despair, the six-level peak realm is divided into three thresholds: the desperate, the half-step peak desperate, and the peak desperate.

Thain very much doubted that in the material star realm where energy elements are extremely abundant, even the sixth-level peak creatures may not have so many subdivided levels.

Indeed, there is a huge gap between many level six peak creatures.

For example, Thain's master Cuilis was definitely not Gongsun Wudi's opponent before entering the world of despair.

However, there are no such strict standards in the material star realm for the division of the sixth peak level.

Some sixth-level peak creatures, which have not even reached the half-step of peak despair, or even further peak despair, can be promoted to master by chance!

Of course, most of the sixth-level peak creatures will still stay in this realm for many years in order to further develop.

For example, the fairyland civilization separates this realm and calls it the "quasi-sage" realm.

In some worlds that believe in a god system, this realm is called "high god".

Only the magicians of the wizarding civilization still refer to it as the "sixth level peak" in accordance with the essential manifestation of the life level.

The "half-step peak despairer" and the "peak despairer" are the same level of freaks, and only in a perverted place like the world of despair can top individuals of these two levels be born, especially the latter.

Because all living things lack energy and cannot cross over to the realm of domination, they can only continuously compress their own mass, forcefully reach the sixth level peak realm, and create a sky.

Thain had to lament that almost everyone at the top of the desperate world is a "hero".

As long as they can return to the material star realm, with the lack of energy they have suffered in the world of despair for countless thousands of years, and under the operation of the star realm's balance rules, they will finally be infused with energy from the star realm and promoted to masters, which is probably a certainty.

So far, Thain has killed several peak despairers.

No matter that battle, it was not easy.

Two thousand years ago, he did beat down a desperate person who tried to challenge himself.

And established an unparalleled prestige in the City of Machinery.

But few people know that after Thane suppressed it with more than a hundred highly intelligent robots and a group of joint fortresses, the amount of energy expended was an astronomical figure.

Moreover, that battle also left many of Thain's robots in a scrapped state, and the fortress group was also damaged in many places.

The Peak Despairers are indeed an exaggerated group that can defeat the seventh-level master in a short period of time with their personal power.

The recent difficulties and little progress in experiments have continued to affect Thain's mood to a certain extent.

But the trusting gaze from Gongsun Wudi, and the tenderness shown to Thain under his strong appearance.

It inspired Thain to stabilize his will and continue to explore deeper into the truth.

Sometimes, forced experimental exploration in a certain field may not yield corresponding gains. This is Thain's research experience over the years.

Therefore, Thain, who was trying to clear his mind and change his thinking, decided to take Gongsun Wudi and others to visit other areas of the world of despair.

There is no guarantee that new rules, dangerous places and ruins of ancient civilizations will be discovered.

When Thain mentioned this matter to Gongsun Wudi, Gongsun Wudi pondered for a moment and mentioned, "Ming told me last time that he followed the true meaning of the sword a thousand years ago and discovered a dangerous place with new rules."

"There seems to be something there that is constantly attracting me."

"Originally, Ming also invited me to explore the land of rules together, because I also use a sword as a weapon."

"But considering that you have been in a bad mood in recent years, I have never left the City of Machinery and declined his invitation."

"Now that a thousand years have passed, that dangerous place with rules should be reopened."

"If you are interested, let's go take a look together this time?" Gongsun Wudi suggested.

"Oh? Ming's newly discovered dangerous place with rules?"

"He never mentioned it to me either." Thain said in surprise.

Ming is the desperate man in black whom Thane had fought against when he first took over the City of Machinery.

That guy later continued to settle in the City of Machinery, and nominally followed the rules set by Thane.

Ming is not the only desperate person who lives under the rule system of the Machinery City.

In recent years, in addition to it, there is another peak despairer who has also joined the City of Machinery and is nominally willing to obey Thane's orders.

The joining of two peak despairers, as well as the power possessed by Thane, Gongsun Wudi, and Ziyou, made the Mechanical City gradually become the strongest settlement in the surrounding Bone Continent.

If Thain hadn't considered the stability factor, he had expelled and repelled three

The most desperate person who came here with evil intentions.

The peak combat power shown by the City of Machinery can even be improved to a higher level!

Regarding Gongsun Wudi's statement, Thain thought about it for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

"The rules and dangerous place discovered by the true meaning of the sword, it seems that it will be very suitable for you." Thain said with a smile.

As soon as they said it, Thain and others set off quickly without causing any waves inside or outside the City of Mechanics.

Many people don't know that City Lord Thain and several of his thugs have left the City of Machinery.

Because Thain spends most of his time immersed in laboratory exploration.

So much so that the wanderers in this mechanical city would not dare to cause trouble as long as they saw high-level intelligent robots flying past the city.

They also dare not bet on whether they can withstand the revenge from the city lord and the vested interest groups of the Machinery City after causing chaos in the City of Machinery.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the development of the Machinery City has gradually stabilized.

There were quite a few people going out with Thain this time.

In addition to Gongsun Wudi, Minghua, Ziyou and other advanced intelligent robots, Ming, a powerful "guest" in the City of Machinery, is also among them.

Of course, the combined fortress group was also included in the Rubik's Cube by Thane and carried with him.

Only this time, Thane did not call himself the "Machine God Emperor".

Instead, he ordered the others accompanying him to call themselves "Lord of Ashes" or "God of Ashes".

Because the name of the Mechanical City and the Mechanical God Emperor has already spread in the surrounding areas of the World of Despair.

Going out with this title is not necessarily a good thing.

It is easy to be missed by others.

And it is possible for people to detect the emptiness inside the City of Machines.

This trip can be regarded as a relaxing trip for Thain.

He has not left the Machine City activities for a long time.

The dangerous place with rules discovered by Yu Ming was still quite far away from the Mechanical City.

It would take more than twenty years for Thain and others to travel with all their strength.

Regarding his colleague Ming, Thain didn't have much favorable impressions of this guy.

Not only because he rarely cooperates with Thane in conducting human experiments.

The main reason is...this guy seems to like Gongsun Wudi, or has a good impression of Gongsun Wudi.

Gongsun Wudi was of course devoted to Thain, and he had never had any contact with Ming other than a small number of battles and discussions.

But Thain still felt a little uncomfortable.

In particular, this guy clearly understood the situation in a dangerous area with new rules, but did not tell Thain. Instead, he only invited Gongsun Wudi to explore together.

The results of Ming's last exploration were obviously not very good.

This guy came back with injuries all over his body. The cold sword energy made Ming recuperate for hundreds of years before he finally recovered.

Thain wanted to find out more information about that dangerous area in advance from Ming for analysis.

But this guy, who was always taciturn, couldn't beat a fart with three sticks, so Thain gained very little.

I just learned that almost all the wanderers who appeared together to explore that regulated and dangerous place took the initiative to go there due to a special attraction.

Rather than saying that Ming and others discovered that dangerous place with rules, it is better to say that something in that dangerous place with rules is actively calling people like Ming.

The occurrence of this situation made Thain even more curious about it!

And after more than ten years on the road, Gongsun Wudi also sensed the attraction to her in that dangerous place.

On the other hand, Thain and Ziyou looked at each other in confusion and didn't notice anything unusual at all!

It was not until twenty-seven years later that Thain finally arrived at the dangerous place with rules. After sensing the extremely sharp sword energy at close range, his body couldn't help but tremble.

"This is..." Thain looked straight ahead in surprise.

A small, pitch-black cave winding downwards appeared in the field of vision of Thain and others.

The dangerous place with rules mentioned by Mingkou is deep in this unattractive dark cave.

Thinking about it, if he didn't take the initiative to approach here, but just passed by from a distance, I believe that strong men like Thane would not care about the cave cracks that seem to be everywhere in this desperate world.

The main reason why Thain was extremely confused at this time was that the sharp sword energy coming from the cave actually gave Thain a sense of familiarity!

This is a similar feeling that Duan Po, Thain's adopted brother, once brought to Thain.

To be more precise, it was the Immortal Trapping Sword in Duan Po's hand!

Could it be that in a world of despair, there is an immortal sword similar to the trapped immortal sword in Duan Po's hand?

Did the special attraction that Ming, Gongsun Wudi and others sensed come from that sword?

With this question in mind, Thain and others walked towards the low cave after landing.

The space extending downwards in this cave is quite small.

Minghua obviously didn't like this cramped and winding downward terrain, and as she moved forward, she also transformed into a human form.

Thain and others are not the first ones to arrive in this dangerous place with rules.

Someone had arrived before them.

Especially after Thain and others went a certain distance underground, a low shout came from deeper.

"Look at my Qinglong sword!"

Strong sword energy and power oscillated from the depths of the cave.

Someone is fighting there?

The green energy sword light caused Thane and Gongsun Wudi to look at each other as they entered the cave.

The aura of this guy who was fighting was only half the level of a peak despairer.

But the sword light he released seemed to have the power to threaten the most desperate people!

In a place like this desperate world, there is indeed no shortage of geniuses.

With curiosity about this dangerous place with rules and the desire to observe the battle taking place inside, Thain and his team strode into it.

"This chapter has a lot of words, so it took a little longer to write~

There will be an update tonight~”

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