The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2532 Not far away from submission

Gongsun Wudi sometimes talks to Thane about her maids.

It’s also that the days in a desperate world are too long and too lonely.

The two told each other almost all their experiences and secrets.

Maybe it's because Gongsun Wudi doesn't mind that Thain has contact with other women, so whenever Gongsun Wudi talks to Thain about the maids and beauties in her princess mansion, Thain always thinks of other things.

Gongsun Wudi also talked to Thain about some other aristocratic families in the Tianming Empire.

Because Gongsun Wudi was the Taiping Princess of the country and she also had a nephew who was a prince, Gongsun Wudi had never had much contact with the bureaucratic group above the court of the Tianming Empire. 🅆

In addition to having great prestige in the military, Gongsun Wudi was the only one who had close contacts with the Ximen family among the top circles of the Tianming Empire.

Because the Ximen family is the family from which Gongsun Wudi’s mother was born.

There are even several female generals in the Ximen family, and they have always been close to Gongsun Wudi.

"Yan'er cried when she was little and said she didn't want to leave me and would marry the same person as me in the future." Gongsun Wudi smiled and told Thain some interesting childhood stories.

Ximen Yan'er is a cousin who is similar in age to Gongsun Wudi, but younger than her.

The two have been very close sisters since they were very young.

Unlike Gongsun Wudi who was strong since childhood, Ximen Yaner was a crybaby and had a weak personality when she was young.

From that time on, Ximen Yaner was particularly attached to Gongsun Wudi.

Regarding some of the past stories that Gongsun Wudi told him, Thain couldn't help but ask, "Then when I was in the Tianming Empire, and later when I went to the battlefield of the Divine Star Territory, why didn't I see this cousin of yours who I have such a good relationship with?"

Gongsun Wudi replied, "Yan'er is in the Thunder Star Territory under the Tianming Empire, performing border guarding tasks."

"This war to aid wizard civilization

During the battle, although our Tianming Empire dispatched the main army of the entire empire, some border guard armies at key positions did not move. " Gongsun Wudi said.

As he got closer to Thane, some top-secret information from the Tianming Empire was gradually revealed to Thain.

Anyway, Thain will definitely be the consort in the future.

"That's it." Thain looked surprised.

The little girl who always liked to cry has now become a female general who is in charge.

Although Gongsun Wudi never revealed anything to her, Thain could feel that she was also homesick.

Go back early so that you can marry Gongsun Wudi sooner.

Including his family, mentor and others, they are still waiting for him to return in the material star realm.

After regaining his composure, Thain stood up from Gongsun Wudi's lap.

He said, "The regular and dangerous place we discovered during our exploration last time does have a one-third chance of allowing us to return to the material star realm."

"Including the directional coordinate traction experiment on the wizard star field, I have also made some research in recent years."

"I'm going back to do experiments. If anything happens, just ask Xiaojiu to notify me." Thain said.

"Yes." Gongsun Wudi nodded and watched Thain leave.

After leaving Gongsun Wudi, Thain returned to the laboratory and continued to devote himself to his intense experiments.

The experimental plans that were originally planned began to proceed in an orderly manner with the assistance of several intelligent robots in the laboratory.

Although Thain has not touched him in recent years,

There is no one of the opposite sex, but in order to be more eye-catching during his own experiments, the advanced intelligent robots that assisted Thain in his experiments, except for Wall-E, all looked female.

And the appearance is still at the peak.

Thane also used a nanostructure similar to Fumila's body for them.

The organizational structure that is getting closer and closer to that of living flesh-and-blood creatures means that even if Thain has not obtained the artificial human technology of the Norman Federation, his achievements in this field have also ushered in great breakthroughs in recent years.

After all, the tens of thousands of years in a desperate world were not in vain.

Thain, who entered the experimental state this time, started to carry out the originally planned projects in an orderly manner.

He also took out the exploration records of the "Blue Secret Realm" rules and dangerous areas that he had obtained a few years ago.

The Blue Secret Realm is the dangerous place with rules that Thain just mentioned to Gongsun Wudi.

In the past ten thousand years, in addition to the intensive development of the City of Machinery.

Thain also took Gongsun Wudi and others out several times, exploring and discovering three places with special rules that have a certain chance of returning to the material star realm.

Among them, the success rate of this dangerous place under the rules of the Blue Secret Realm is the highest, reaching 3768.

However, Thain has not been able to complete breakthrough research progress on the beacon traction experiment in the star field where the wizard civilization is located.

This is the main reason why he has not made up his mind in recent years.

In fact, the passage that is truly suitable for the return of Thane and Gongsun Wudi should be the ruins left by the Light God Clan.

However, in recent years, his relationship with Ziyou has become better and better, but the other party has never taken the initiative to mention this time.

Of course, Thain didn't ask.

Thain can feel it, Ziyou

Deep down in my heart, I still have the idea of ​​​​drawing him and Gongsun Wudi to join the world of Demon Abyss.

The long time of getting along has allowed Thain, Invincible, and Ziyou to have a good relationship with each other. At the same time, it has also deepened Ziyou's desire to demonize Thain and others.

After all, the time Ziyou entered the world of despair far exceeded her age in the material star realm.

It can be said that more than half of his life has been spent with Thane and Gongsun Wudi.

And in Ziyou's opinion, this time was still very beautiful and fulfilling.

Naturally, she didn't want to let the two of them leave in the end.

Ziyou's inaction was probably because she was waiting for Thain to finally mention the matter.

As long as Thain is the first to surrender, Ziyou will still try his best to win over and invite him to join the world of Demonic Abyss.

Even in previous interactions, Ziyou once mentioned the hint that one could join the world of Demon Abyss without accepting demonization.

But for this hint, Thain pretended not to understand it at first and just let it pass.

In fact, taking refuge in Ziyou is indeed a shortcut for Thane and Gongsun Wudi to return to the material star realm.

Even without the information about the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan in her hand, Ziyou and the civilized forces behind her still have the means to return to the material star realm.

And for nearly ten thousand years, Thain suspected that Ziyou had not disconnected from the civilization behind him and those subordinates.

Considering that Thain once encountered a meteorite creature and learned from the other party that it was about to go to the fairyland.

This shows that the Immortal Realm will definitely break out into a battle with the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Perhaps Thane can return to the material star realm through the fairy realm civilization?

Yes, Thain has long concluded that the Demonic Abyss world behind Ziyou is actually the Demonic Tide Civilization!

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