The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2508: The Emperor Mosquito’s Trembling

Violent explosions and terrifying force impacts came from behind Thain.

The blood-colored energy shock wave even caused large-scale cracks on Thain's body skin.

At this moment, Fumila, the twelve-winged mechanical angel attached to Thane's body, also entered a downtime state that lasted for more than ten seconds.

If Fumila's consciousness hadn't finally revived, Thane would have thought that the intelligent robot that had been following him for many years would die under the attack of such an eighth-level master.

The terrifying tide of bloody energy also caused Thain to be seriously injured in an instant.

He did not expect that with the multiple layers of protection from the Union Fortress Robot, Planetary Shield, Ashes Robe, and Fumila, he would suffer such heavy injuries from the Mosquito Emperor's attack.

The dominance gap between the eighth-level master and him at the moment made Thain realize his insignificance once again.

"Boom!" A series of explosions appeared all over the bodies of the robots in the Thane Fortress group.

A large amount of metal debris, and even highly intelligent robots that were forced to break away from their combined state, fell scattered from the giant fortress.

However, even with this heavy damage, Thain did not dare to stop his escape speed from the fortress group for a moment.

I have to lament that after his Rubik's Cube completes its essential transformation, at least at this stage, Thain can obtain a steady stream of energy from the Rubik's Cube.

It is also the huge mechanical energy stimulated from the Rubik's Cube.

It was only then that the Union Fortress robot that urged Thain did not completely collapse under the hateful blow of an eighth-level master.

Instead, he barely maintained his current stable state of running away.

The huge mechanical body continued to collapse, but there was still a faint blue light emerging, and the giant fortress robot was stabilizing its body injuries, making the Mosquito Heaven Emperor feel a little stunned at this time.

As an eighth-level strongman who mainly sucks the essence of flesh and blood creatures, the Mosquito Emperor actually has no interest in metal lumps like Thain.

But at this moment, he seemed to have discovered something.

"Could it be?!" A touch of ecstasy and greed burst out from the many compound eyes of the Mosquito Heaven Emperor.

Not long ago, we had bad luck on the battlefield of wizard civilization. Is it going to turn around this time?

The high-level secret treasures and other treasures discovered from Ziyou have already excited Emperor Mosquito.

Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected gain? !

Although the Rubik's Cube revealed by Thain at this time is a piece of technology in the world,

Level secret treasure.

But Emperor Mosquito didn't care.

He's not picky!

The opportunity to suddenly become rich was right in front of him. How could Emperor Mosquito let them go?

Even under the attraction of both Thain and Ziyou, the Mosquito Emperor couldn't help but ignore the Cell test subject with only one tail left.

That guy can't run away either!

The Mosquito Emperor had already memorized the smell of the opponent's blood, so he let this one dominate the tail and live a little longer.

The blood mosquito crystal wings behind him spread out, and the Mosquito Emperor turned into a humanoid form and chased straight towards the direction where Thain and Ziyou were fleeing.

Continuous attacks were released from the hands of the Mosquito Emperor and the bloody crystal wings.

"Boom!" explosions kept appearing on the back of Thane's endangered giant fortress robot.

By this time, there were only a handful of demonic civilization creatures still alive who were still loyal and standing in front of the Mosquito Emperor to protect his master.

Those other desperate world wanderers attracted by Thane, the rabble is just that.

After the death of several of the strongest leaders, a large number of casualties caused these wanderers who were originally in a crazy state to gradually calm down, and then began to flee in all directions.

After such a long battle, the diameter of the white energy beam that traversed the sky and the earth finally decreased sharply and gradually disappeared.

I don't know whether the remaining energy in the Yuanengzi City has been exhausted, or whether the previous battle by Emperor Zhitian and others was too fierce, and a certain core part of the Yuanengzi City was destroyed.

Thain, who was in a constant state of running away, saw the light of the magic law in his hand gradually dimming. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Princess Ziyou, it seems we don't need you to fulfill our promise. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to escape this time." ”

At this time, Ziyou, who was held by Thane in the left arm of the machine, did not speak.

It's not Thain's character to die so sadly.

Even if he is about to die, Thane will give a powerful counterattack to anyone who threatens him.

Although, his counterattack may not cause much effective damage to the Mosquito Emperor.

The Rubik's Cube, which was in a state of transformation, gradually heated up under Thain's control, and erupted with far more violent energy than usual.

Moreover, Thain's severely damaged Union Fortress robot gradually started its self-destruction program under Thain's control.

Thain didn't know how much damage his self-destruction could cause to the Mosquito Emperor.

But even if he could only scratch the surface of the Mosquito Emperor, he would try his best to do it!

When Thain started to self-destruct, he said to Gongsun Wudi who was inside the fortress robot, "The eighth-level master has locked the aura of me and Ziyou, and it will be difficult for us to escape."

"You should immediately take those disintegrated robot parts and run away, maybe there will be a chance of survival," Thain said.

Faced with Thain's words, Gongsun Wudi did not make any move.

Oh, no, she still made some moves, that is, she stepped forward and held Thain's hand.

Faced with the threat from the eighth-level Mosquito Emperor, Gongsun Wudi chose to face it with Thain.

As for another friend I met after entering the world of despair - Minghua Phoenix, this guy is still in a state of nirvana.

She turned into a phoenix egg and was unable to give Thain any answer for the time being.

It doesn't even have long legs, so it takes the initiative to leave here.

Just when Thain was considering whether to open the fortress hatch and throw the phoenix egg out, he suddenly felt that Gongsun Wudi was holding his hand with a little more force.

Even Thane felt a little pain.

"Look!" Gongsun Wudi's eyes lit up and he pointed behind him and others.

When Thain looked back, he saw that the white energy beam that originally spanned the world gradually disappeared, but corresponding to it, a large gray halo of law appeared in the sky of the desperate world.

It's nothing more than the appearance of such a vision.

But what surprised Thain and others the most was that the Blood Mosquito's true form, which was originally chasing the Mosquito Emperor, seemed to be suddenly frozen in mid-air.

Correspondingly, the severely damaged coalition fortress group driven by Thane was still flying and escaping without any impact.

And in a very short period of time, the distance between Thain and the Mosquito Emperor became wider and wider!

Thain, who had no time to think about what was going on, just continued to run away.

Of course, during the escape process, Thain did not forget to cancel the self-destruction program of the Rubik's Cube and the Union Fortress Group.

Also entering the self-destruction countdown,

There is also the twelve-winged archangel Fumila.

Thane didn't let it inspire self-destruction.

Including all the advanced intelligent robots still alive, Thane did not give them this order.

However, under the threat of the crisis just now, all the intelligent robots that still have some remaining strength are willing to sacrifice themselves for Thane.

Perhaps this is why Thain is respected as "Father" or "Originator" by all intelligent robots.

"Let's go!" There was no nostalgia for the situation behind him.

Thain controlled the coalition fortress group and flew further into the sky.

A large number of mechanical parts are still falling off from the surface of Thain's fortress robot, including the entire fortress group, which is still in an extremely severely damaged state of disintegration and collapse.

But this time, all the survivors, including Thain, were full of hope of survival.

Watching helplessly, the Union Fortress robot driven by Thane turned into a black dot and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Emperor Mosquito couldn't help but his eyes were about to burst.

However, immediately afterwards, a terrifying pressure of power suddenly came from above his head, which made the Mosquito Heaven Emperor tremble all over.

The next moment, a mature woman with a cold face and two strange purple horns appeared in front of the Mosquito Emperor.

When he saw this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared, and a beautiful blue crystal diamond floating in her hand.

Emperor Mosquito's greed was soon replaced by fear.

When facing the Yanxia Demon Ancestor who appeared in front of him, the Mosquito Heaven Emperor suddenly felt the familiar trembling feeling that he had experienced once before when facing the sage Laozi holding the Tiandao Sword!

No, if we talk about killing and ruthless characteristics, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in front of us is far more powerful than the sage Lao Tzu from the Bajing Palace!

After all, the sage Lao Tzu pursues rule by inaction and is extremely good at defense, rather than killing and fighting with others.

If it weren't for Emperor Mosquito, he would have committed many major crimes in the Immortal Realm.

It even caused Lao Tzu's junior disciple to lead the saint to his death.

And seriously damaged the stability and balance within the fairyland.

Otherwise, based on the sage Lao Tzu's philosophy of governing by doing nothing, he would not have taken the initiative to cause trouble for Emperor Mosquito.

"There will be more tonight~"

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