The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2507: Response

The Dark Demon Ancestor was in a good mood at this time.

In addition to the good news of wiping out the fallen leaves and seizing a civilized treasure.

When the Dark Demon Ancestor was chasing the Fallen Leaf Relics, he also discovered a large-scale world civilization with good strength.

The opponent has three masters.

Since it was discovered by the Demonic Tide Civilization, there is naturally nothing to say.

In addition, this large-scale world civilization is suspected of covering and harboring fallen leaf survivors, so the Dark Demon Ancestor represents the Demonic Tide Civilization and gives the other side the fate of complete ending.

Unlike most demonic civilization masters, after the war, they will demonize the defeated world civilization.

The Dark Demon Ancestor's temperament is even more extremely twisted, and he is extremely keen on killing and destruction.

This may also be related to the ninth level path explored by the Dark Demon Ancestor - the ultimate darkness!

Whether it is the fallen leaf survivors or the large world discovered by the demon tide civilization.

Under the attack of the Dark Demon Ancestor, it was completely annihilated and wiped out.

Influenced by the Dark Demon Ancestor, the dark army under his command is also the most powerful Demon Tide group among the many legions of the Demon Tide Civilization.

In the war that just ended, the Dark Demon Ancestor did not even give the opponent a chance to accept demonization.

Everything turned into nothingness and darkness.

The Dark Demon Ancestor felt more fulfilled during this process.

Maybe the Dark Demon Ancestor, who had just finished a killing spree and was in a very relaxed mood, wanted to talk to the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

Dark Demon Ancestor seems to like Yanxia Demon Ancestor a little bit.

It is different from some demon emperors in the Demon Tide Civilization who dare to fabricate scandals about the scandal between Supreme Youhuang and Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​and come up with some interesting gossip that only a very small circle of people know.

Regarding the Dark Demon Ancestor, in the entire Demonic Tide Civilization, no Demon Emperor dared to speak ill of the Dark Demon Ancestor behind his back.

The Dark Demon Ancestor is like the group of black magicians in the wizarding civilization, they are the most evil among the most evil!

Including the demon emperors under him, they also belong to the demon tide

Civilized extremists.

(sActually, the Demonic Tide Civilization itself is extreme enough. You can only imagine how excessive this guy Dark Demon Ancestor is.)

So far, two master-level demon emperors have been killed by the Dark Demon Ancestor because they angered him!

In addition, there are several Demon Ancestors who are also at the eighth level of peak strength, but they cannot deal with the Dark Demon Ancestor.

There is also a Tooth Demon Ancestor who is under the command of the Demonic Supreme Lord, and is a mortal enemy of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Of course, since the tooth-toothed demon ancestor was violently beaten by the dark demon ancestor 70,000 years ago.

Even the opponent's natural teeth were broken by the Dark Demon Ancestor and used for collection, and the master's omnipotent soul was also seriously damaged.

There is no one in the entire Demon Tide civilization who is not afraid of his existence.

This is a real lunatic!

Of all the Demon Emperors, the three supreme beings, including the Supreme Being Youhuang, are more respectful and obedient.

The reason why I dare to arrange the scandal about Youhuang Supreme.

It's not that I'm not afraid of him, but among the three Supreme Beings, Supreme Youhuang has the most gentle and easy-going personality.

But for the Dark Demon Ancestor, all the rational higher-ups of the demonic tide are mostly afraid of him.

The only master-level existence that is not affected by the perverted temperament of the Dark Demon Ancestor is the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, apart from the three Supreme Beings.

It is hard to imagine how the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, who has always worked conscientiously and obeyed the orders of Supreme Youhuang, became "friends" with the Dark Demon Ancestor.

And the Dark Demon Ancestor really has nothing to say about the Yanxia Demon Ancestor.

Come to think of it, even if the Yanxia Demon Ancestor asks for it, the most precious treasure of civilization that has just been captured - Desolate Roots.

With the Dark Demon Ancestor's temperament, he wouldn't even frown.

Moreover, it may be "Love House and

Because of "Wu", the Dark Demon Ancestor's treatment of Princess Ziyou, the rumored illegitimate daughter of the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, is also quite good.

It's just that Ziyou has never liked this dark demon ancestor who is notorious within the demon tide civilization.

Therefore, he has never had any direct encounter with this Dark Demon Ancestor.

The Dark Demon Ancestor, who had just returned to the depths of the Demon Tide Civilization, did not know what special mission the Yanxia Demon Ancestor had received in the Supreme Temple.

However, with his strength and understanding of Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​he could still find some traces of Demon Ancestor Yanxia's departure.

He ignored the Demon Emperor's subordinates who were full of awe and compliments for him.

And he kicked away a voluptuous female Demon Queen who was blocking his way.

The Dark Demon Ancestor changed his mind and chased after the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in the direction he left.

The battlefield of despair world.

The cone in Ziyou's hand finally activated.

The unprecedented and exaggerated explosive power not only drove back the Mosquito Emperor, but also wiped out nearly one-third of the ancient ruins of the source energy civilization below.

The powerful impact of the explosion even forced Thane, who was on the edge of the battlefield, to activate the planetary shield of his fortress robot to resist it.

It was also during the impact of this explosion that Thain captured Ziyou with his Phaseless Mask, and a black shield appeared on his body. He was completely out of power, and was also knocked away by the concussive impact to an area outside the chaotic battlefield.

At the same time, all the wanderers, demonic tide creatures, and the two masters of Cell and the Mosquito Emperor in this chaotic battlefield were also affected by the powerful explosive force.

Cell, who was in the center of the area hit by the cone, was blown away until only a steel needle tail remained.

But looking at the way it can twist and beat, is this guy not dead yet?

But the Mosquito Emperor who was really targeted by Ziyou was the one who seemed to be the least injured among all the creatures present.

The true form of the Blood Mosquito formed by him only looked one-third darker in color.

Of course, the irritation of the Mosquito Emperor at this time and the greed in its eyes when it looked at Ziyou could be felt by Thain even from a distance away.

What made Thain even more speechless was that... the area where Ziyou flew in without force at this time happened to be in the direction where he was driving the joint fortress group.

This made Thain couldn't help but feel that he was full of malice and anger from the mosquito emperor.

Yes, such a huge giant robot is stuck here.

Emperor Mosquito had so many compound eyes and was not blind, so how could he not notice Thain.

If it weren't for the Devouring Law possessed by Shalu and the treasures at Princess Ziyou's hand, the Emperor Mosquito would be even more attracted.

In fact, the robots of the Thain Fortress group, which are a hundred thousand meters in height, are the "most eye-catching robots" on this battlefield.

The blood-colored light ball with suppressed energy condensed from the palm of the Mosquito Emperor, and its target pointed in the direction of Thain.

At this moment, Thain suddenly regretted staying on the edge of the battlefield to watch the battle.

Looking at Ziyou in the black energy shield that kept flying toward him, Thain suddenly heard the sound transmission of Ziyou's will.

"Just give me a hand and our grudges will be completely wiped out!"

"You don't think that guy will let you and me go, right?"

"Support from our Demonic Abyss World will arrive soon."

"After you avoid this disaster, I will give you true freedom. I swear on my real name!" Ziyou said.

In this regard, Thane pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, controlled the metal left arm of the fortress robot, and grabbed Zi You who was flying towards him and was in a black energy shield.

At the same time, Thain's combined fortress group of robots activated with all their strength and fled away from the source energy ruins battlefield.

"Be careful today Xiaodou, the next chapter will be updated around three o'clock qaq"

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