The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2504 Devouring Desire

While Thain was driving the fortress robot away from the energy beam that spanned the world, there were many creatures that continued to attack the beam of light.

These creatures are almost all wanderers who have been trapped in a desperate world for many years.

Thane did not want to go to a strange time and space where the coordinates were unknown and the situation was unclear.

But these desperate world wanderers with no extra options are not so picky.

For them, as long as they can escape from this damn place, it is better than anything else.

Moreover, the exaggerated strength shown by Sharu in this chaotic battlefield also made these wanderers with generally low strength realize that the option of hunting the master is not advisable.

At the beginning, the number of these wanderers rushing towards the sky-reaching energy beam was not large, only twenty or thirty.

As time goes by, more and more desperate world wanderers arrive in this chaotic battlefield.

Like moths rushing to the flame, the number of fourth- and fifth-level wanderers rushing towards the depths of the energy pillar sky is becoming more and more numerous.

Yes, Thain thinks they are drawing moths to a flame.

There is no outer defense of the Union Fortress robot like Thain, and he rushes towards the energy beam with only his own flesh and blood body.

Not to mention that the energy beam itself contains extremely strong energy and repulsion, but the space-time channel opened by the energy beam that penetrates the sky contains other dangers that ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures cannot withstand!

Of course, compared to other dangerous places with rules, the escape quota is only one in a million.

Now this ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization seems to be more reliable.

Few creatures above level four are fools. After gradually waking up from the dream of hunting the master, more and more wanderers choose to rush to the end of the sky pierced by the energy beam.

Until... someone discovered a blood mosquito.

"What the hell is this!" A level five creature with a furry appearance, a bit like a plant monster, was the first to discover the blood mosquito deep in the space-time channel.

The opponent was not as big as my own thumb, but this level five wanderer felt deeply malicious and threatened.

Before this level five plant monster could ask any more questions, a scream came from its throat.

I saw that the fifth-level plant monster, which was originally relatively strong, was sucked into a piece of dry skin in the blink of an eye.

As the fifth-level plant monster fell, another blood mosquito that looked fatter flew out from behind the opponent's neck, flapping its wings.

The appearance of two blood mosquitoes is just the beginning.

As more and more wanderers flock here like moths to a flame, a gluttonous feast for these blood mosquitoes begins.

One, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, the number of these blood mosquitoes became overwhelming.

Many blood mosquitoes are split from the original one.

They are also sucking opponents, but the combat effectiveness and lethality displayed by these blood mosquitoes in a very short period of time far exceeds that of Celluloid below!

After all, Cellul has to rely on his tail steel needle to absorb the essence of his opponents one after another.

But these blood mosquitoes were able to turn into ten thousand, turning into a mass of blackness in an instant. In an instant, dozens of wanderers above level four were turned into dry skin!

In terms of phagocytosis efficiency, it surpassed Shalu, more than ten times!

At the beginning, everyone's attention on this chaotic battlefield was focused on Sharu on the battlefield below and Ziyou who released a powerful attack.

But when a series of screams and the vague power of law fluctuations came from the sky.

Only belatedly, everyone realized that at some point, such a terrifying creature had appeared in the sky!

"What the hell is that?!" Thain, who had retreated to the edge of the battlefield, couldn't help but look at the top of the sky-reaching energy column.

That scarlet shadow made Thain shudder.

In fact, these blood mosquitoes are considered "old acquaintances" to the wizarding civilization behind Thane.

It was during the Civilization War that the opponent joined the Gallente Federation camp and attacked the masters of the Wizarding Civilization camp such as the Great Ape of Destruction and the Demonic Sky Monkey King.

The Immortal Mosquito Emperor who participated in the sneak attack!

This tyrannical eighth-level master, who is the "Public Enemy of the Immortal Realm", has provoked more than just demon masters such as the Great Ape of Destruction and the Great Sage of the Demon Sky.

Including Chanjiao, Jiejiao, Buddhism and other forces, none of them have any good impressions of it.

And I can’t wait to get rid of it quickly!

And in an environment where the fairyland is full of enemies, this guy can live for such a long time, and the longer he lives, the more nourished he is. I have to say, it is a talent.

Now, driven by certain factors.

Emperor Mosquito, who had suffered a big loss in the battlefield of wizard civilization not long ago, turned his attention to the world of despair.

In fact, Emperor Mosquito is no stranger to the world of despair.

Long before he was still in the realm of domination, that is, as a "mosquito Taoist", when he was walking in the wild land of the fairyland, this guy came to the world of despair due to a strange combination of circumstances.

That's right, this Emperor Mosquito, who already possesses the eighth level of strength, was also a wanderer who walked out of a desperate world a few years ago.

Because he has some low-cost means of entering the world of despair, for a long time in the past, the world of despair has been the blood bank for Emperor Mosquito to replenish his energy.

Those extremely vicious wanderers of the desperate world may be able to desperately pose a threat to ordinary seventh-level masters like the Cell test subject.

But it is absolutely impossible to threaten the Mosquito Emperor who already has the eighth level of life.

The fact that the Mosquito Emperor was able to recover from his injuries so quickly under the horrific blow caused by the destruction of the giant ape was also closely related to the extremely abundant blood bank in the desperate world.

After all, the Emperor Mosquito whom everyone shouts about does not have as many pills and peaches as that monkey has in his arms.

It has grown to this point all by itself!

And a vicious and vicious approach.

This time, Emperor Mosquito's appearance in this chaotic battlefield was really not a premeditation, but a coincidence!

During the latest practice, Emperor Mosquito had a whim and felt that an opportunity that would be of great benefit to him was about to appear here.

So, it smelled the smell of blood and rushed over.


Emperor Mosquito has always been very proud of his sense of smell and grasp of combat opportunities.

Its ability has indeed allowed it to gain a lot in many important battles.

But this time, after arriving at the chaotic battlefield above the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, the first thing Emperor Mosquito set his sights on was the Shalu test subject who was killing everyone below and whose strength had faintly recovered to the seventh level.

The steel needle at the opponent's tail filled the mosquito emperor with the desire to devour and absorb it.

Sure enough, its hunch this time was not wrong!

As long as he sucks the Shalu below, the mosquito emperor's strength will inevitably rise by a big step!

Just like Thain is full of desire to study various rare fires of law, and tries to integrate them into his own secret of Ember Flame.

The Mosquito Emperor in front of him was also very eager to absorb and devour Shalu.

In this world, there are not many people who have mastered the power of Devouring Law.

Shalu, who was extremely ugly on the battlefield below, and whose dark green muscles gave people a chill, was a rare "delicious food" in the eyes of the Mosquito Emperor!

In addition to Shalu's feast.

Ziyou, who also performed outstandingly on this battlefield and possessed many world-class secret treasures, became the second target of the Mosquito Emperor.

When looking at Princess Ziyou's snow-white neck, the densely packed compound eyes in the swarm of blood mosquitoes were filled with greedy silver light.

The peeping gaze from the Mosquito Emperor in the sky also made Shalu and Ziyou below feel increasingly uncomfortable.

At this time, Shalu and Ziyou gradually stopped fighting.

Perhaps they all discovered that a greater threat had emerged.

On the contrary, those ignorant and desperate wanderers of the world have not foreseen the coming threat for the time being.

These wanderers didn't know that the soul of the master they were pursuing didn't have even half of it on the test subject of Shalu, but on the contrary, it had quite a bit on the Emperor Mosquito.

However, if you want to extract some omnipotent soul from an eighth-level master, it is really not something that ordinary people can do.

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