The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2503 The Blood Mosquito Appears

On Thane's side, both the Rubik's Cube and the fortress robot have undergone great changes.

Another group of desperate world wanderers who were also targeted by Ziyou Starlight were unlucky.

Among them, the one who bore the brunt was none other than the extremely insidious bone worm monster that was trying to target Ziyou.

In a previous confrontation, two of Ziyou's eight-headed demon scorpions were bitten off by this bone insect monster, which also had the strength of a peak despairer, in order to protect Ziyou.

In addition, during the battle with Shahru, four of the scorpion's heads were knocked off by Shahru.

Now the eight-headed scorpion with only two scorpion heads left is in such a miserable state!

And it only has two scorpion heads left, one of which is only half flesh and blood, and is still connected to its own neck.

I really don’t know when this guy’s head will fall off next moment.

A boneworm monster with peak despair strength, even with extremely powerful passive evolution level and body strength.

But under Ziyou's prepared attack, the hard white exoskeleton it relied on was still under the impact of the power of the Starlight Law.

Like melting spring snow, it was slowly wiped away.

At the moment before death, this cunning bone worm still had a lot of energy left. He probably didn't expect that it would be killed so easily!

Also wiped out at the same time as the skull worm, there were dozens of desperate world wanderers who participated in the siege against the demonic tide creatures on the surrounding battlefields.

Even if some of the wanderers on the edge of the star attack were able to save their lives, they were all seriously injured at this moment.

And he was obviously frightened by Ziyou's burst of power!

Even half of the master's body can be erased.

The powerful strength that Ziyou exploded finally made these wanderers who were originally in a state of madness gradually calm down a little.

However, more and more desperate people coming from further away did not care about this.

With only half of Shalu's body left, he was still the target of their swarming competition.

In the process, some lucky people were lucky enough to grab a piece or two of Shalu's flesh and blood.

After devouring the flesh and blood of these masters, the ecstasy in his eyes was gradually replaced by shock and anger.

"There is no soul of domination!"

"Why doesn't this guy have the omnipotent soul?!"

"Where did it hide the soul of the Lord? Give it to me quickly!"

Already struggled to get Shahru’s blood

The fleshy wanderer rushed towards the half of Cellu's body in an even crazier and more twisted posture.

So much so that the chaos on the scene has never stopped since the beginning of this battle!

I think so.

If this Cell test subject really has an omnipotent soul, why would it need to devour high-quality biological flesh and blood to replenish its own energy and hungry cells?

With the "universal characteristics" of the Dominator Soul developed by Thain, this guy should immediately return to his peak strength.

How could he be punched by the demon giant and break his arm?

And in the subsequent battles, so many flesh and blood tissues were snatched away by those demons and wanderers!

At the beginning, Thain thought it was a "castrated version of the Juggernaut", which was not wrong.

Although half of his body was annihilated by Zi You's starlight, Shalu, who only had his lower body left, was not dead yet.

This guy's vitality is so tenacious that it's outrageous.

When those wanderers who felt that they had been "cheated" rushed to Shalu again, trying to compete for the non-existent "Soul of Dominance".

Cell, who was in this chaotic battlefield, once again waved his flexible tail needle and began to harvest.




Section after section of enriched blood packets were instilled into it through Cellul's tail needle.

As the wanderers turned into dry skin, they fell from the sky. With only half of the body left, Cell continued to recover and replenish his energy at an extremely fast speed.

Even this guy is smarter this time.

It did not immediately return to its full form, but continued to wander in such a murderous environment with half of its body.

By observing that Shahru's leg muscles are getting stronger and stronger, and the color of the root of his tail gradually becomes darker.

It can be seen that this guy's strength and condition are recovering rapidly at a speed far beyond what ordinary people can understand.

The fighting posture that gets stronger as he fights makes Cellul more and more difficult to deal with.

And when this guy gradually came out of the hungry state, he became more cold-blooded and cunning.


His self-thinking gradually came out of his previous state of extreme hunger and thirst.

Although Cell's memory seems to still have serious flaws, it can't even remember who it is or why it appears here.

But its innate survival and fighting instincts make it the most cold-blooded hunter on this battlefield.

Thain did not care to observe the battlefield below at this time. 🅆

Otherwise, if he observes carefully, he will definitely find that although the body surface of Cell's test body gradually shows signs of being partially demonized, after devouring many creatures in the Demon Abyss world, this guy has actually mastered many of the creatures in the Demon Abyss world. characteristic!

One side is to devour the physique, and the other side is to demonize the opponent.

In this confrontation, it was obviously the dominant Cell test subject who was even better!

Not only those creatures in the Demonic Abyss world, but also those wanderers in the despair world, after being swallowed by Cell, some of their abilities will be inherited by Cell.

"The Law of Devouring?" Ziyou looked at the sky and couldn't help but condense.

The Law of Devouring is an extremely rare law in the star world. Including the Demonic Tide Civilization of Nuo Da, there are very few strong demons who master the attributes of such rare laws.

I didn't expect to show up here today.

The attraction of Cell's test subject to Ziyou in front of him finally gradually surpassed that of Thane.

In other words, Ziyou no longer cares about Thain.

Shalu is also eyeing her!

Ziyou's flesh and blood energy is not the most abundant among all the creatures present.

But her flesh and blood body is the most unique!

The primitive instinct derived from cell evolution made Cellu extremely eager to eat the other person at this time.

"Swallow her!"

"Swallow her!"

The slender tail needle made a twist in the sky.

Although he was severely damaged by Ziyou's star ring just now, and the various trump cards the opponent had, Shalu was also afraid of him.

But in the end it couldn't hold back its hunger and thirst, and finally pounced towards Ziyou again!

Once Ziyou is swallowed up, Shalu feels that he will reach a new level!

Or is he returning to his peak form?

Although the memory of the past in his mind was gray, Shalu vaguely remembered that he should have been stronger back then. \u003cb


Shalu's movement toward Ziyou caused the surrounding creatures in the Demonic Abyss world to rebound.

Including the Demon Giant, who had been dragging Thain, now no longer cares about pursuing Thain and the United Fortress Group.

After letting out a low shout, the demon giant led the other surrounding demons and rushed straight towards Cell.

If Ziyou suffered any life-threatening danger here today, none of the demons would have to live!

Moreover, the bloodline level pressure from the superiors also made them willing to sacrifice their lives to protect Ziyou.

Once again, all the demons rushed towards Sharu.

Thain, who had escaped the pursuit of the creatures from the Demonic Abyss, flew to the edge of the battlefield and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he looked at the increasingly fierce battle in the distance.

"What do you mean, do we need to leave here first?" Gongsun Wudi, who had finished adjusting his breath, came to the main control room and asked Thain.

Gongsun Wudi has the same authority as Thain in this joint fortress group. She can reach anywhere, and she can also command all the advanced intelligent robots under Thain.

At this time, Thain's fortress robot, although blessed by the power of the Rubik's Cube, had recovered a lot of damage.

But overall, there are still many problems.

And the sirens that resounded inside and outside the fortress robot never stopped.

Regarding Gongsun Wudi's question, Thain showed some hesitation.

Rationally, he should indeed leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But the increasingly chaotic scene in front of him, as well as the strange devouring law possessed by Cell's test subject, as well as the various trump cards held by Princess Ziyou, all made Thain unable to help but want to continue watching.

"We are basically in a safer zone now, and the fortress robot still has about 30% of energy after being replenished by the Rubik's Cube."

"Keep watching. If you miss such a wonderful battle, you don't know when we will meet again next time." Thain said.

Thain's answer made Gongsun Wudi nodded.

However, neither of them noticed.

In addition to the increasingly fierce battle over the ruins not far away, at the end of the white energy beam that penetrates the world of despair.

A blood mosquito appeared quietly.

"This chapter was written slowly, I'm very sorry.

There will be an update tonight~”

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