The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2500 More chaos!

The powerful men from the Demonic Abyss World who were present focused more on Shalu, and naturally the pressure on Thane and others was reduced a lot.

Except that the demon giant obeyed Ziyou's order and held on to Thain's Union Fortress robot and wouldn't let go.

The other top demons were distracted from fighting Cell, so naturally they couldn't care less about Thane.

And the good news is that Shahru, who just woke up, is obviously only interested in those flesh and blood creatures.

Thain is in a group of joint fortresses, and the advanced intelligent robots that have merged with him are all metal lumps.

No matter how crazy this master is, he shouldn't be able to stare at him and gnaw on him, right?

To a certain extent, Thain has no conflict of interest with Shahru for the time being.

He is the benefactor who freed Shahru and regained his freedom!

"Boom!" The giant fortress robot controlled by Thane was still spitting out dazzling firelight at its feet.

The powerful propulsion allowed Thain's fortress robot to escape from this vast underground ruins long ago.

But those demons are really annoying.

There is obviously a greater threat to their lives, threatening their lives.

But these demons are still as if they are dead-headed, at least half of them are still staring at Thain and others!

It is not easy for Thane to control the coalition fortress group to escape from here.

The madness of these creatures in the Demonic Abyss world is not limited to this.

Cellu is already perverted enough. In the blink of an eye, he can suck a level four homeless man into dry skin.

But these demons are also not easy to mess with!

When Ziyou controlled many rings of law, which obviously restricted Shalu's super-fast movement speed and ugly body.

These demons suddenly swarmed forward!

Pounce straight towards Shalu!

To these demon creatures, it seemed that what appeared in front of them was not a powerful master-level enemy, but an ordinary fourth-level creature from the star realm that annoyed them.

The fierce battle that ignored the pressure of rank and life level made Thain, a participant who was also in the center of the chaotic battlefield, unable to help but marvel.

Take one of the fourth-level demons as an example. It was clearly no match for Cell, and its body was torn in half by Cell's claw.

And the lower half of his body was swallowed up by Shalu's steel needle.

But what's left of this guy's upper body perfectly illustrates what "fighting violence with violence" means.

I saw it suddenly opened its fangs and bit hard at Shalu's wings.


His own strength had only just recovered a little. Faced with the attacks from the fourth-level demons in front of him, Cellul was unable to contain himself, and his body frequently suffered serious injuries.

Even the fourth-level demon with only half his body left actually bit off a piece of flesh and blood from Cellul's wings.

The extremely rare master flesh and blood did not satisfy these demons.

What they want to do is to completely engulf and destroy it!

The scene that Thane saw in the main control room of the Union Fortress robot.

Even Sharu, who was hundreds of meters away, was quickly swarmed by hundreds of demons around him after being restricted from movement and freedom.

All the demons pounced on every part of Cell, so much so that Thain couldn't even see Cell's appearance.

Its body surface is covered with all kinds of demon creatures!

From a distance, it looks like a magic mountain.

"So there really are creatures above level 4, and there is such a thing as hunting a master?" Thain felt that he had been exposed to enough strange things since he entered the world of despair.

But at this time, I couldn't help but be a little stunned.

He was held back from leaving by the demons represented by the demon giants, including Shahru on the other side. He was also overwhelmed by the powerful demons who were not afraid of death.

Of course, Thain can't just sit back and watch this kind of thing continue!

He saw the giant fortress robot he was in, and the left and right mechanical arms began to deform.

Most of the energy of the Rubik's Cube and the fortress robot was poured into it, and an extremely dazzling light of energy suddenly erupted at the mechanical arm that transformed into a giant cannon barrel.

Thain's left and right robotic arms, as well as the tip parts, are all deformed and combined by high-energy intelligent robots.

Therefore, when he released this extreme blow, both energy transmission and explosive hit rate were perfected in a very short time.

After quickly charging, Thane fired a shot at the demon giant and other creatures that were still dragging him.

The other shot was aimed at the Cell test body, which was already covered in demon creatures!

The all-out blow from the fortress group robots finally blocked the pursuit momentum of the demon giant and other creatures.

On the other side, Cell's test subject, whose body was hung all over, also had many annoying things wiped off its surface under Thane's blow.

From these demonic creatures

Judging from his performance, Thain has not been able to leave this place since he fell out with Ziyou. I really can't blame him for being too weak.

The opponent is really too strong!

You can see it just by looking at the miserable appearance of the Cell test subject.

After being blasted away by the main cannon of Thain's fortress, some of the demonic creatures on the body were finally exposed again.

Its exposed parts were covered with ferocious and colorful flesh and blood.

Even its own bones were exposed.

I really don’t know how those demonic creatures gnawed at it?

However, the vitality of this Cell test subject is really tenacious!

It was obvious that he had also been devoured a lot of flesh and blood, and his body showed faint signs of being demonized.

But the steel needle on this guy's tail never stopped for a moment.

Cellul's steel needle tail should be the only part of his body that has not been broken down by these powerful demons.

Other parts, even the face, were torn apart, and even one of the eyes was blown out.

But Cellu's tail was not greatly affected from beginning to end.

This flexible tail is constantly inserted into the demon creatures on his body.

Although his body suffered severe damage, it did not stop devouring and replenishing it.

If this battle continues like this, the outcome will be unpredictable.

But unfortunately... time is running out, and Ziyou will never sit back and watch Shalu continue to devour his subordinates.

After controlling Shalu with the halo of law, this demon princess with many cards activated the star ring in her hand.

Let the shining energy appear from Ziyou's hands.

I believe that not only Thain, but also Cellul, who was surrounded by the demon tide, also deeply felt the threat to his life.

"Ah!!" A harsh roar came from Shalu's mouth.

It obviously wants to break free from the shackles of the surrounding demonic creatures.

On the other side, after releasing two main gun strikes, Thain delayed the pursuit of him by creatures such as the Demon Giant.

But when he saw the exaggerated energy shining in Ziyou's hands, he couldn't help but get excited.

If Ziyou aimed the star ring in her hand at Thane, Thain could already predict that his Union Fortress robot would fall apart next.

No! Not only the fortress robots, but maybe even Thain himself is in danger!

At this critical moment of life and death, finally, a series of black spots appeared from outside the sky.

Thane, who was the first to capture this scene with his Maskless Mask, couldn't help but have the urge to burst into tears.

finally come!

The energy beam with a huge diameter and penetrating the sky cannot be ignored by other wanderers in the desperate world around it.

The power of Ziyou and her men is indeed strong, but can it be stronger than all the desperate people in the world of boundless despair?

Judging from the black spots flying from a distance, it is obvious that there are many wanderers who have noticed the huge energy movement here.

Just by looking at it, the number of level four and above wanderers who came here was no less than 200.

And as time goes by, obviously this number will increase!

But what Thain didn't expect was a little bit.

The first thing those desperate world wanderers who arrived at this battlefield looked at was not the energy beam that penetrated the sky.

Not to mention the fierce demon tide creatures who are not afraid of death, and Ziyou who has inspired a world-class secret treasure and is holding back some big move.

But Shalu!

The dominance-level power aura possessed by Cell's test body was like a piece of plump cake, deeply attracting these desperate world creatures.

In particular, Shalu's body was now covered with bloodstains and scars, and much of his bloody flesh had been swallowed by demon tide creatures.

Face this scene.

A level five wanderer was the first to let out a cry.

"Come on!"

"Steal the Lord's flesh and blood!"

"Escape from the world of despair in this battle!" After saying that, this guy turned into a stream of light and flew straight towards the central battle group.

The charge of this fifth-level wanderer seemed to be a beginning.

After a brief moment of silence, all the wanderers who discovered this battlefield let out their own screams and roars, and all flew towards the central battle group.

Is Ziyou activating the Star Ring?

Except for a very few creatures, no one paid any attention to her at this time!

She didn't even care about the increasingly alarming energy fluctuations in her hands.

All the desperate world wanderers who saw Shahru's eyes were filled with "dominance of flesh and blood" at this time.

As a result, this battlefield became even more chaotic!

“Happy Lantern Festival to all readers!

Before I know it, there are already 2,500 chapters. I hope you all like this book."

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