The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2499 Devouring

The Cell test subject in front of me is a perverted monster created by the source energy civilization tens of thousands of years ago.

Although Thain had some doubts that this guy was not dead before this.

But when this monster really appeared in front of Thain and others alive and kicking, Thain still couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

At this time, on this battlefield, the most prominent place for energy fluctuations was the sky-reaching energy pillar inspired by Thane.

Fortunately, the Shahru in front of him seemed to want to devour flesh and blood energy rather than simply absorb elemental energy.

Therefore, the first opponent he pounced on was a demon giant with peak despair strength.

Facing Sharu's attack, this sixth-level peak being from the Demonic Abyss world was surprisingly not afraid of the power of domination that the other party possessed.

When Cell's arms and claws grabbed the Demon Giant's shoulder.

This 1,000-meter-tall giant at the peak level of a desperate man gave a loud shout and then punched Cellu!

"Crack!" The obvious sound of broken bones appeared.

Everyone on this battlefield was stunned.

Because the one whose arm was broken at this moment was not the seemingly weak Demon Giant, but the extremely ferocious Cellul, who faintly exuded the power of domination!

"Could this be a castrated version of the master?" Seeing that Cell, who had the aura of a master below, had his arm cut off by the demon giant in one blow, Thane couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Ever since he came into contact with the so-called "gods" in Faerûn, Thane knew that the various powerful people in the star world could not be viewed with his usual understanding of the wizarding world.

However, the test body of Cellul was clearly bursting with dominating momentum, but his arm was broken by a blow from his opponent. Thain's mood fluctuated so much that it was no wonder that he wanted to spit out fragrance.

Also a little surprised and surprised was one of the parties involved, the Demon Giant.

But this guy didn't think too much. Instead, he looked down at his fist and charged forward again.

I guess the Demon Giant didn't expect that his fists were so powerful?

However, when the Demon Giant rushed in front of Shalu for the second time, the green-skinned monster, who had just woken up and whose every cell showed an extremely crazy hunger, did not choose to continue to fight with him.

But with a flash of his body, the Demon Giant only hit the afterimage of Cell.

The next moment, a shrill scream appeared in this chaotic battlefield.

This time, the unlucky one was an ordinary level four demon.

The "ordinary" here is only relative to the luxurious lineup of this chaotic battlefield.

In fact, even the lowest level demons present have reached the late fourth level of the star realm's normal power level.

Far from being comparable to those castrated versions of otherworldly gods in Faerûn!

This time, this unlucky late-level fourth-level demon creature did not have the powerful strength and physique of the demon giant.

This guy didn't even react when facing Cellul's attack.

Just in a daze before his eyes, Shalu appeared behind it, and the tail needle filled with icy cold light had already been inserted into its neck!



Obvious bulges appeared one after another from Shalu's slender tail.

As these bulges continued to pour into Shalu's body, the fourth-level demon whose tail was inserted into his neck turned into a piece of dry skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With almost no chance to moan and beg for mercy, this fourth-level demon suddenly died and became the food for Sharu to replenish his energy.

The crushing posture of dominant-level creatures against medium- and low-level creatures

At this moment, the attitude is fully demonstrated.

At least with Thain's current power, he cannot reach a late-level fourth-level creature in an instant, which is known for its physical fitness and passive evolution ability.

It was also at this moment that the Shahru test subject truly demonstrated to all the creatures in this chaotic battlefield what the power of dominance is!

"This..." The words that Thain had just cursed one moment had lengthened into a string of long sounds the next moment.

Until now, of course he could see that the Cell test subject in front of him was not too weak, but that it was too hungry!

This guy definitely has a level of strength comparable to level seven.

His arm was broken off by a blow from the Demon Giant before, but this guy had just woken up from a slumber that lasted for millions of years, so his strength was extremely low, and he was unable to display his due strength.

Moreover, the breaking of an arm did not seem to cause any pain or discomfort to this guy.

Its expression was still a little dull, but its eyes gradually revealed bloodthirsty and madness.

The broken arm still maintained its broken posture after pulling out the slender tail needle from the body of the fourth-level demon that had turned into dry skin.

Sharu suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the other level 4 demon closest to him!

This guy looked starved and delirious.

But in fact, he still has an extremely keen hunting instinct.

From the very beginning of its awakening, it did not target Ziyou, who was the most threatening person present, but instead aimed at the Demon Giant, who had the most vitality.

After discovering that he could not defeat the Demon Giant for the time being, this guy immediately retreated to the next best thing and began to devour the weakest individuals on this chaotic battlefield.

Almost in the blink of an eye, another level four demon became a stepping stone for Cell's growing power.

Because of the difference in strength level, many demons present were

Without seeing clearly what was happening, two companions died one after another!

Shalu, whose physique and strength had increased a little, had a ferocious face and jagged fangs dripping with saliva.

Just as it continued to hunt and gradually set its sights on the fifth-level demons with more abundant blood and vitality.

Ziyou finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action.

White haloes of law, centered on Ziyou's snow-white neck, spread out in all directions.

Originally Ziyou planned to use this high-level world-class secret treasure to make Thain submit.

But the sudden appearance of dominant-level combat power in front of her forced Ziyou to temporarily change her target.

Ziyou could not sit back and watch as his subordinates were devoured one by one by Shalu as blood food.

Although with Shalu's current strength, he can't defeat the sixth-level demons for the time being, and he can't defeat the group of top powerhouses headed by the demon giants.

But as time went by, Hesharu's belly became more and more bulging.

After this guy devours enough demons, you can imagine how much its power will grow!

The Demon Giant is an iron fool with no strength. When it was fighting Gongsun Wudi before, it was beaten by Gongsun Wudi with his elegant body and it was difficult to fight back.

Now it is even impossible to catch the faster Cell.

On the other hand, another eight-headed demon scorpion, as well as several other demons with half-peak desperate strength present, were very threatening to Cellul in front of him.

When Ziyou controlled the white law halo around him, he quickly locked onto Shahru, who was constantly flashing in front of him and had already caused more than a dozen lives.

The other powerful demon clans that had originally besieged and restricted Thain and others all around him unanimously assisted their princess to target this group of demons.

The most powerful eight-headed demon scorpion spit out a purple light and hit Cellul in the chest!

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