The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2497 The Power of Fortress Robots

Thain's sincere words were met with a sneer from Ziyou.

"What's fair to leave?"

"I think you know that you can't leave here by yourself."

"How long will your confinement method last on me?"

"How about you try, can you kill me?" Ziyou puffed up her chest and looked at Thain who had entered the giant fortress robot in front of her.

A string of amethyst-colored necklaces exuded bursts of fluorescent light on Ziyou's snow-white neck.

In addition, faint law energy fluctuations can be heard from Ziyou's fingers, arm guards, hair accessories, boots, etc.

This woman was right, it was indeed difficult for Thain to threaten her.

Even at this moment, Thain clearly felt that the power from the field of mysterious laws made it difficult to control Ziyou.

In response, Thane sighed secretly and could only activate the plan he had originally prepared.

"Only 8764 of the assembly work of this joint fortress robot has been completed, including the subsequent actual combat testing, and there was no time to proceed."

"Hopefully we can achieve the desired results."

"Besides, there is this..." Thain pondered, and suddenly activated the core of the energy sub-city next to his Rubik's Cube.

This thing is Thain's biggest gain and secret discovery since he entered the world of despair.

But what is unexpected is that this extremely important thing to Thain was actually a gift given to him by Ziyou in order to win over Thain.

The bargaining chip that was once used to win over Thane has now become the main factor in the growth of Thain's strength and the biggest tool to restrict himself.

I don’t know what Ziyou is thinking at this time.

With the core of the source city in Thane's hand, a burst of power suddenly erupted.

I saw a pure white energy beam that penetrated the sky, suddenly broke through the barrier, penetrated the surface soil, and penetrated straight into the gray sky of the desperate world.


Thain believed that such a striking white light beam and the astonishing energy fluctuations would inevitably attract survivors and wanderers from nearby desperate worlds to gather here.

This is also a means of advance preparation for Thain to create chaos in an attempt to escape from this ancient ruins of the source energy civilization.

However, it will take some time for wanderers from other parts of the desperate world to arrive here.

Moreover, Princess Ziyou did not return alone this time, but brought back more than two hundred level four or above demons, which was another important change beyond Thain's plan.

At this time, Gongsun Wudi was already fighting with the approaching creatures from the Demonic Abyss world.

The sudden change really caught these demons by surprise.

But among them, the powerful ones, especially those half-step peak despairers and the two despairers, were the first ones to react.

They came straight to Thain, obviously to rescue their princess!

Fierce fighting sounds and magnificent energy beams broke the peace of the ancient ruins of the source energy civilization.

In addition to Gongsun Wudi, Thain's personal intelligent robot Fumila, Minghua Phoenix, and several other advanced intelligent robots that were not involved in the combined state also participated in the battle.

At this time, Princess Ziyou, who was being held by Thane in the metal palm, besides being annoyed, could not help but have a bit of appreciation in her eyes.

Because Thain gradually emerged from the ground, the United Fortress Robot revealed its true form. It was a behemoth that was composed of several space fortresses and was joined by more than 20 advanced intelligent robots!

Although the combat power of this giant robot has not been revealed yet.


The secret crystallization created by Thain with his own wisdom is enough to attract people's attention.

Not to mention that Princess Ziyou actually had some appreciation for Thain at this time.

Thain himself was mostly worried at the moment.

A rational magician will never be blindly confident.

In fact, when this giant fortress robot just broke out of the ground, frequent alarms and dazzling red light appeared in Thane's fortress main control room more than once.

The intelligent robots that Thain mobilized this time were not just the more than twenty advanced robots that participated in the merger?

In this giant complex fortress with a real body size of over 110,000 meters, there are at least more than 20,000 medium and low-level intelligent robots assisting Thain in controlling this behemoth.

Forcibly mobilizing and using it before it is fully assembled will indeed be accompanied by many risks.

As Thain rushed out of the underground, many spare parts of the Fortress robot itself continued to fall off and fly away from various parts of its body.

Fortunately, some of the serious losses underlying the crisis have not yet occurred.

Thain can still manage to control this big guy.

Others don't know how powerful this behemoth is at this moment.

But no one knows his "work" better than Thain who is controlling it!

At this time, there are more than ten demonic civilization creatures fighting Gongsun Wudi.

In addition, hundreds of level four and above demons are also constantly coming here.

Being targeted by hundreds of "god-level" powerhouses in a very short period of time was a novel experience for Thain.

Among the opponents against Gongsun Wudi, the most eye-catching ones were the two desperate ones at the peak of their powers.

One of them is a person who has skyrocketed his physique.

To the giant thousands of meters away.

If it weren't for Thane's Federation Fortress robot Zhuyu in front of him, this sixth-level peak creature with an extremely exaggerated physique would definitely be the most beautiful boy in the desperate world right now.

Thane has never seen a creature bigger and stronger than it in the world of despair.

But unfortunately, there was Thain's car as a foil at this time.

This desperate man at the peak of his physique, who was supposed to be extremely amazing, was like a bud beside a big tree.

The visual impact doesn’t seem to be that great anymore.

As for the other peak despairer, he is a scorpion with eight heads.

The threat this guy brought to Thane and Gongsun Wudi was far greater than that of another reckless giant.

The scorpion venom crystal sting it possesses, according to Thain's research, can even threaten the Overlord!

So scary!

However, when Thain came into contact with this sixth-level peak scorpion during his years in the underground ruins of the Source Energy Civilization.

The urge that always arises in my heart is to completely dissect and transform this guy into a semi-mechanical creature.

Vel'Koz, the sixth level wizard civilization, was inspired by Thain's transformation of the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King.

Although he also transformed the Purple Dragon God.

But through contact in recent years, Thain feels that this eight-headed scorpion seems to have more compatible transformation characteristics.

Transforming creatures in the Demonic Abyss world is not something Thain should consider now.

After rushing out of the underground laboratory of Yuanengzi City, Thain held Ziyou in one hand, extended his other hand backwards, clenched it into a fist, and then swung it forward fiercely!

The peak despairer Demon Giant, who was originally participating in the attack on Gongsun Wudi, had a physique of over a thousand meters.

He was actually blown away by the punch of Thane's metal giant!

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