The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2496 Confinement


The first thing to squeeze out of this ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization was a mechanical arm several thousand meters long.

With its huge size and power, this mechanical arm just appeared and flattened a nearby level four demon!

Immediately after the mechanical arm, there was a giant metal head emitting a faint light, protruding from the bottom of the ancient ruins space.

God knows what Thain has done in the ruins of the Source Energy Civilization in recent years.

In short, the moment this behemoth appears, it means chaos is coming!

"Is this your new achievement? It's very good!" Ziyou also looked at the metal giant appearing nearby at this time, and in addition to being annoyed, there was also a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Although at this time, the entire size of the metal giant that was exposed and extruded from the underground space has not yet been revealed.

But just by observing the length of his extended arm and the size of its metal head, it is not difficult to see that this metal giant must be tens of thousands of meters, or even hundreds of thousands of meters tall!

In the Star Boundary, the Demonic Tide Civilization also has some monsters that have evolved to the extreme, and whose bodies often reach tens of thousands of meters, or even more exaggerated levels.

But don’t forget, this is a world of despair!

Since Thane came to the world of despair, no matter whether it is a fourth-level creature he has seen, it is still the strongest individual who has reached the level of a peak despairer.

Thane has never seen a creature that is so careless as to expand its size to more than a thousand meters.

This is a world of despair, different from the star realm!

The extreme lack of material energy forces the creatures living in this world to do everything they can to reduce their energy loss.

There are very few people who specifically expand their body size and increase their own energy loss rate.

These demonic civilization creatures in front of us have been in the world of despair for a long time, and they have gradually adapted to this world.

The laws of a special time and space.

But suddenly, they suddenly saw such a metal robot with a body size of tens of thousands of meters, or even more exaggerated. It is no wonder that many of these "experienced" powerful people from the Demonic Tide Civilization were stunned for a while. .

Fights and conflicts had already occurred when Thain and Ziyou fell out.

Thain, with the light of dark blue law surging around his body, was facing Zi You, whose body was burning with fierce purple demonic flames.

Thane said, "Of course I will not use the poison of law against you."

"Actually, I have conducted numerous experiments in the laboratory over the past few decades on the characteristics of the creatures in your Demonic Abyss world, especially their resistance to toxicity and their ability to assimilate and absorb alien energy."

"I have to thank you, Ms. Ziyou, for asking those Demonic Abyss creatures to cooperate with me in conducting a series of experiments before leaving."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to control such an obedient living specimen." Thain opened his arms and said.

Sean's words gradually made the look on Ziyou's face look bad again.

It wasn't because of the teasing meaning contained in Sean's words, but... she suddenly felt that she was a little unable to control her body.

A law characteristic called "paralysis" appeared on the surface of Ziyou's skin.

"Refining poison is not what I am good at. In this field, perhaps those black magicians are better at it."

"Fortunately, I dabbled in a lot of occult mysteries in my early years, and Ms. Ziyou happened to give me a wisp of the original demonic flame that year."

"I hope you can feel the mystical secrets of our wizarding civilization!"


In the meantime, Thain's body became thinner and blurry under the strong light behind him.

After a blue light of law shone, Thane disappeared from the place.

Princess Ziyou's eyes, full of embarrassment and anger, were fixed on the chest area of ​​the giant robot that was about to climb out of the underground experimental space with most of its body.

Thane is there right now!

As a sixth-level magician in the wizarding civilization, he has been dealing with some of the heirs of the master all year round.

Thane understands the abilities and possible methods of some people with special bloodlines in this star world better than the powerful people in the ordinary plane world.

From the very beginning, Thain had no intention of threatening Ziyou's life. That was no different from seeking death!

When they were in Faerun, the indigenous gods of Faerûn were limited by their narrow vision and their own ignorance and arrogance.

He actually took the initiative to spy on the secrets of the Spider Queen, and even tried to use fate to find out the life trajectory of the Spider Queen and the relevant information about the wizard civilization behind it.

The result, of course, goes without saying.

The famous goddess of luck in Faerûn lost nearly half of her life overnight.

Many indigenous gods, including the God of Justice, were also severely damaged.

This is the result of overestimating your own capabilities.

In terms of strength and cards, Ziyou, who has two peak despairers as his subordinates and hundreds of level four and above creatures who obey his orders, is probably just above the Spider Queen in terms of identity and status!

This guy is probably not the heir of an ordinary master.

Thain didn't want to hit the younger ones and attract the older ones.

When he first planned the breakout, Thain never thought of threatening Ziyou's life. (s Of course, it’s difficult for him to threaten the fact that he has many world-class secret treasures and doesn’t know his trump cards.

The Purple Nether of Fanji)

Control and restriction are what Thain can achieve on Ziyou!

The mysticism he inspired to use at this time did not have the ability to threaten Ziyou's life. Its principle of action was more like Thain's occultism method, using the magic flame source power that Ziyou controlled to restrict herself.

Thain himself is not sure how long this restriction process can last.

He is not a traditional wizard.

It is not easy to combine it with medicine to achieve the effect in front of you.

Fortunately, Ziyou, who looks extremely young, seems to have never come into contact with a strong person from the star realm who has mastered the mysterious method before.

She is still trying to use her original magic flame to break through some kind of shackles imposed on her by Thane.

But as everyone knows, the more she stimulates her original magic power, the more she becomes restricted by Thain's power of imprisonment!

Thain didn't wait for Ziyou to activate more magic flame power, and he was not interested in watching her show how many trump cards she had.

After gaining the upper hand, Thane, who entered the giant combined fortress robot, stretched out his mechanical arm and grabbed hold of Princess Ziyou who was still struggling with herself!

"Don't worry, I have no intention of hurting you."

"In fact, since I met you, I have gained a lot of truths from you that I had difficulty accessing in the past short period of time."

"We magicians follow the principle of equal transactions."

"As long as you let us leave here, how about we pretend we have no contact?"

"Anyway, your Demonic Abyss world also got a lot of information about the ruins that you are interested in from me."

"Judging from the results, you are not at a disadvantage." The head of the Thane giant fortress robot stared closely at Zi You, who was held in his hand.

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