The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2462 The idea is tough

A fierce battle is about to break out.

Thane, who was riding the elemental black phoenix, had no intention of competing with the twin-cannon orangutan in front of him.

The power of the elements is the main core of Thane's power.

When the magnificent magical elements pour down from the sky.

Not only this orangutan, but also the dwarfs and leopards on the other two sides were also included in Thain's attack range.

"You?!" The agile orangutan was hit by a wave of elemental power from Thane and was thrown into confusion.

The main reason is that the elemental energy in the world of despair is too rare. Under normal circumstances, few creatures can explode with such high-level elemental power as soon as they come up.

Including the two cannon barrels carried on the back of this orangutan, they also act as a deterrent most of the time.

This guy's main attack methods are also close combat and brute force.

It wasn't just Thain who unleashed the power of elemental energy.

After such a long period of recuperation and rest, Gongsun Wudi has already recovered his strength.

Even with the dual blessing of Blood Crystal and Philosopher's Stone, her level of passive evolution has reached a level that even Thain found incredible in recent years.

If Gongsun Wudi continues to expand like this, Thane will only have "physical sanctification" to describe her.

That is, in addition to the soul and elemental energy, Gongsun Wudi may not be able to compete with the master in the desperate world based on the strength of cell evolution alone.

And Gongsun Wudi did the same thing.

Fumila's recovery condition during this period is also very good. Thain has not released her for fighting for a long time, so Fumila cherishes this fighting opportunity.

In just the blink of an eye, countless cannon barrels protruded from Fumila's twelve metal wings.

The Ash Lotus magic that Thain just released is already a method with a very wide range of strikes.

But compared to Fumila's "full firepower", Thane was actually slightly inferior for a while.

The pair of masters and servants, Thain and Fumila, put great pressure on their opponents from the very beginning. Naturally, Gongsun Wudi did not hold back.

Thain wanted to use the orangutan in front of him as another specimen in his laboratory, while Gongsun Wudi regarded the opponent in front of him as the object of his training.

In Thain's eyes, Gongsun Wudi meets the criteria of a "martial arts idiot".

Her interest in this aspect can be seen from the fact that when she was in the Penetrating Gate settlement, she specifically suppressed her realm and strength, and beat up all the homeless people in the entire settlement.

The dwarf wearing a black hat in front of him seemed to want to maintain his expert demeanor at first.

But when Gongsun Wudi also burst out with despair-level power, this guy couldn't pretend anymore.

A sharp scream came from the bamboo hat.

When Gongsun Wudi smashed the dwarf's hat mask with his fists, a yellow chicken holding a green stick appeared in front of everyone.

This dwarf's true form turned out to be a chicken.

And the thin stick it held in its hand... according to the analysis of Thane Mask and the eyes of an alchemist, it was a world-class secret treasure.

Although it is only a low-level world-class secret treasure, the blessing it brings to this dwarf is really not small.

Gongsun Wudi also has no shortage of world-class secret treasures at hand.

Whether it was the golden armor she wore before, Fang Tian's painted halberd, or the white dragon sword and other weapons, they had actually reached the level of world-class secret treasures.

After all, Gongsun Wudi is also the second-in-line successor to a large-scale world civilization.

Her brother is a master. With the resources of the entire Tianming Empire, there will naturally be no shortage of world-class secret treasures.

However, after coming to the world of despair, Thain rarely saw

Gongsun Wudi used her armor and weapons again.

Including what Gongsun Wudi usually wears is also an ordinary martial arts uniform.

There is still a big difference from the heroic female general in Thain's previous impression.

Although there is no world-class secret treasure nearby, the pressure Gongsun Wudi puts on the dwarf in front of him is not small.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to smash the opponent's bamboo hat with one punch.

This level six biological melee is definitely the most intense battle that Thain has experienced since he entered the world of despair.

Because Thain always suppresses people with the power of his own elements, the sixth-level orangutan who was finally stunned by Thain's magic couldn't bear it anymore.

After a long roar, the orangutan suddenly picked up the two giant cannons on its shoulders.

Dazzling red light flashed continuously in the barrel.

Wuxiang Mask quickly analyzed the energy pressure contained in these two giant metal cannons.

After concluding that it indeed had the ability to threaten him, Thain activated the Rubik's Cube again.

Deep blue light burst out from the Rubik's Cube, and an energy barrier appeared in front of Thane, colliding with the gorilla cannon that had finished charging.

The planet's protective shield can block even the Gallente Federation's fleet fire and doomsday weapons, so naturally it can't deal with a fatal blow to this late-level sixth-level creature.

However, the energy impact and law shock caused by the explosion still caused a considerable load on Thane.

These level six creatures who have been in the world of despair for an unknown amount of time still have two skills.

This situation deepened Thane's plan to take the time to refine the Robe of Ashes.

The raw materials for Thain's Robe of Ashes have been prepared. In the past two thousand years, he has been busy with other experiments and recovering from injuries. Perhaps next, he can start this gold necklace experiment.

Fierce fighting in this Gobi plain

on, which lasted for several months.

Originally, in a place like the Despair World, energy elements were extremely scarce. In addition, the hardness of the earth in this world was beyond imagination, and the rules were also extremely special.

This makes the battles that normally occur in this world much quieter than those in the star realm.

At least the magnificent scene of the sea and sky changing color will not easily occur.

However, since the three of them were full of energy, after a few months, Thain and others were fighting vigorously and still had some energy left.

But the two-gun gorilla and others in front of them were about to be drained.

The last time the orangutan fired his living cannon was a month and a half ago.

Now looking at the way this guy has lost weight, one can't help but wonder if this guy will take his own life if he releases the two giant cannons on his shoulders again.

"No fighting! No fighting!"

"This time we admit defeat!" the orangutan screamed, showing a tendency to run away.

The leader and main representative of this trio of roadblockers was not the strongest dwarf, but the orangutan fighting with Thain in front of them.

After it sent out the message that it was ready to retreat, the dwarf and leopard on the other side also began to retreat and tried to get out of the fight.

"Huh, come when you want, leave when you want?" Thain sneered.

A large-scale imprisonment magic circle with the power of ash as its core fell from the sky.

The three level six creatures in front of him are indeed difficult to kill, but since the opponent dares to provoke him and others, Thain must make the opponent at least be prepared to sacrifice an arm!

It was also when this large-scale trapping magic circle appeared in this gray Gobi wilderness.

Perhaps attracted by the increasingly frequent battles in recent times, a sharp "chirp" sound came from the distant Gobi skyline.

At the same time, a creature with fire all over its body gradually appeared.

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