The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2461 Blocking the Road

A violent storm swept over Thain and Gongsun Wudi.

At this time, Thain and Gongsun Wudi were squeezed into a small gap in the ground.

The one-horned black bear mentioned that the Philosopher's Stone it had was mined from the ancient plains.

Ever since Thane and Gongsun Wudi arrived at the edge of this ancient plain three years ago, violent storms have become a common phenomenon in their daily lives.

The ancient plains are the collective name given to the areas where the wanderers living nearby have cracked the ground and are filled with various electromagnetic and energy storms.

As for its specific name and where it covers, no one knows.

Including every wanderer, the name for this area may be different.

The last time Thain encountered a living creature other than himself and Gongsun Wudi was half a year ago. The other party called this place the "Deadly Desert".

"The energy storms in this area are really exaggerated, and these storms are full of primitive, violent and mottled attributes. Even sixth-level creatures have difficulty absorbing them."

"But another effect of these energy storms is that they continue to impact the ground of this Gobi plain." 🅆

"The Philosopher's Stone was slowly formed during the thousands of years of storm impact." Thain sighed with some emotion.

At this time, Gongsun Wudi's body is slightly below Thain.

Because of her invincible physique, she is still strong, but her height is still slightly shorter than Thane.

Moreover, Thain seems to have no fear and no thought of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages towards such dangerous rules and regulations.

On the contrary, the more dangerous the place, the more Thain wants to get closer to the past and explore its mysteries.

At this time, Thain hopes to observe the energy storm sweeping across the surface from a closer perspective.

These energy storms obviously put a lot of pressure on Thain's body surface cells and tissues, but Thain was... even more excited!

When Thain was chatting about his recent research findings, Gongsun Wudi leaned close to Thain very quietly and listened to his long speech.

Maybe she understood, maybe she didn't.

What does it matter?

I don't know since when, Gongsun Wudi liked this process of listening to Thain talk about his road to truth.

Looking at Thain's confident face, Gongsun Wudi also felt a special sense of relief.

The violent storm raged for three full months before it finally subsided.

Three months later, Thain and Gongsun Wudi continued on their way.


Although the terrifying storm sweeping across the Gobi wilderness was the main cause of the Philosopher's Stone.

But it doesn't mean that Thain and the two can dig out the Philosopher's Stone wherever the storm passes.

The veins formed by the Philosopher's Stone are quite special, and they often live deep underground.

The surface of this Gobi desert can withstand even such terrifying storms. You can imagine how hard the ground is.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if fourth- and fifth-level creatures dig deep, they may not be able to obtain many Philosopher's Stones.

Fortunately, the advantage of Thane and others is that they can use the Maskless Mask to determine the exact location of the Philosopher's Stone vein and its extension route in the shortest possible time.

In addition, with sufficient energy from the Rubik's Cube to consume, Thane and Gongsun Wudi are not like most "Kuhaha" in desperate worlds, who can only use their own flesh and blood brute force.

Energy elements, a "rare" power factor in this world, could still be afforded by Thane and Gongsun Wudi.

In order to reach the target point in a hurry, but also to cover as much as possible when the next storm comes.

After the storm subsided, Thane held his Ashes Staff, and an elemental black phoenix with an astonishing figure appeared at the feet of the two of them.

As a temporary means of transportation for Thane and Gongsun Wudi in a desperate world.

As a powerful blood creature in the star realm, Phoenix is ​​as famous as the dragon clan. Their speed is naturally unquestionable.

And the phoenix at the sole of Thane’s feet is in the Ash Staff

With the blessing of , he barely had the power and pressure of the early stage of level six.

In this desperate world where people are everywhere, the breath of life of pseudo-desperate people is enough to save Thain and others from a lot of trouble.

He didn't want to be blocked by some blind fourth- or fifth-level creatures like before.

Although these unlucky people eventually became the raw materials for Thain to make blood crystals.


Thain didn't want to get into trouble, but sometimes, trouble still came to his door.

It was clear that there was a phoenix aura with pseudo-desperate level strength as a deterrent, but when they arrived at the third Philosopher's Stone mining area in this ancient plain, there were still creatures blocking their way.

Being able to provoke a phoenix with the same level of strength as a pseudo-desperate person shows that the other party's strength is not bad either. 🅆

This time, three level six creatures blocked the way.

One of them has peak level six strength, and the other two have mid-level six and late-level six respectively.

"I hate these big birds with wings, but this guy seems different from the one we saw last time?" said an orangutan with a late-level sixth level.

This is an extremely strong orangutan. In order to withstand the ubiquitous storm radiation in this wasteland, he also wears a pair of very distinctive pink diamond-shaped sunglasses.

Behind this orangutan, there are two metal cannon barrels with a high technological quality.

The two barrels seemed to be directly inserted into his body, and their energy source also used his own biological energy.

What a peculiar guy!

The other two guys, the one with peak level 6 strength, was a dwarf less than 1.5 meters tall and wearing a black hat.

The one with mid-level six strength is a leopard that looks extremely strong.

These three guys are obviously from different races, and even the planes and civilizations they came from are different, but they travel together in the desperate world, which is really strange.

"Hey! Although you are not the people we want to block, you have an aura that we hate, especially the big black bird at your feet."


"Hand over all your Philosopher's Stones and other treasures!"

"Hey, hey, that stick in your hand seems good, show it to me." The strong orangutan used its fingers that were thicker than Thain's waist to hook at Thain and said.

As for the "stick" it mentioned, it should refer to the Ash Staff in Thane's hand.

Since leaving the Penetration Gate settlement, Thane has experienced many robberies.

Usually, Thain and Gongsun Wudi passively rob others. I wonder if this time will be an exception.

The three guys in front of him were really different from the weaklings that Thain had come into contact with in the past.

In particular, the dwarf whose power aura manifested as level six peak strength was clearly a despairer-level existence.

The sixth-level orangutan recognized that the Ember Staff in Thain's hand was a treasure, but failed to see the formless mask on Thain's face and the Rubik's Cube he then took out from his magic robe.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the twelve-winged mechanical angel Fumila appeared next to Thane.

Even Gongsun Wudi also breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes had been fixed on the dwarf wearing a black hat.

Not being intimidated by the opponent's momentum and strength, Thain and his team also showed that they started to attack even if they disagreed.

This situation made the orangutan, who originally wanted to say a few big words, seem to have something stuck in his throat and couldn't hold anything back for a long time.

Thain, who had also advanced to the late sixth level, did not give this orangutan any face.

Thain sneered and said, "There are many wild orangutans in my specimen collection room. What's the difference between you and them?"

"Including the two cannon barrels you carry on your back are also a bit interesting. Is the power of combining biological energy and mechanical energy reflected?"

"I'm suddenly interested in dissecting you!"

As Thain finished speaking, the twelve-winged mechanical angels Fumila and Gongsun Wudi rushed towards their opponents in an instant.

Thane, with the elemental black phoenix under his feet, forced the twin-cannon gorilla to fly away!

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