The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2456: A Paradise for Martial Arts Practitioners

Wall-E can appear here naturally because it has been in the Rubik's Cube before.

This time, I followed Thain and wandered here together.

In addition to WALL-E, the Thane Cube also stores millions of intelligent angels and an even larger number of unintelligent mechanical cannon fodder.

These legions are the reserve armies that remain in the cube.

In the previous war in the Asgard Star Territory, Thane sent an army of intelligent angels headed by the Seraphim Mikael, and an army of intelligent robots headed by the Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

But in fact, there is still a large number of reserve legions left in Thain's hands.

Even in addition to those intelligent angels and non-intelligent mechanical cannon fodder, there are several production lines of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron in Thane's Rubik's Cube.

These were the letters of nomination presented to him by the Decepticons and others after they decided to join Thane's command. 🅆

But now, due to the shortage of energy and the serious damage to the Rubik's Cube, it is temporarily impossible for Thain to develop his own mechanical army on a large scale in a ghost place like the Despair World.

He doesn't even have enough energy for the moment.

Large-scale energy consumption is not possible yet, but small-scale energy consumption is no problem.

After testing by Thain, his Rubik's Cube can indeed continue to produce energy, including producing energy amethyst and other resources.

When the vast majority of wanderers in a desperate world are still worried about obtaining energy.

However, Thain and Gongsun Wudi were able to borrow the Rubik's Cube to maintain their daily consumption needs.

Including Fumila, who was severely damaged, she also recovered a lot of her condition with the help of energy amethyst during this period.

The world of despair greatly tilts the energy of living things, and even intelligent robots like Fumila are not immune to this.

Generally speaking, flesh-and-blood creatures condense their cell strength and physique, but Fumila changes the metal composition and structure of her body surface.

Just looking at the surface, you will find that Fumei's skin seems to have become whiter when she has been zoomed in for a while.

If there is enough energy to support it, the metal structure on Fumila's body will become stronger and stronger.

But if there is a lack of energy, Fumila will not be as skinny as other flesh-and-blood creatures.

Bone-clad, but her metal structure will become brittle and tarnished.

Thain has considered putting Fumila into a Rubik's Cube to reduce energy consumption.

But after comparing the strength of the metal structure on her body, Thane believed that Fumila's energy consumption was still affordable for him.

In addition to the rapid consumption of energy by living organisms, in a desperate world, Thain also found that most of the space equipment he and Gongsun Wudi had were also constantly leaking energy.

After thousands of years have passed, these space equipment will be turned into piles of scrap metal due to the loss of elemental power.

Among them, Thain and Gongsun Wudi only had three pieces of equipment on hand, and the loss of elements was not that serious.

One is the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, the second is the space conch that Tourmaline gave to Thain back then, and the third is a piece of Gongsun Wudi's apron.

The Rubik's Cube can resist the loss of elements because it has the characteristics of infinite energy law, which can endlessly offset the loss of external energy and achieve its own balance.

The space conch can also have such characteristics. Thain judged that it was because the conch given to him by Tourmaline contained a certain amount of time and space power, so it could not be disturbed.

And Gongsun Wudi's red bellyband...according to Wudi, it was a relic left to her by her mother.

The information probably came from her father back then. After all, Gongsun Wudi's father had been to the World of Despair and was familiar with many things here.

Thain actually thought about borrowing Gongsun Wudi's bellyband to study it.

But looking at Gongsun Wudi's cold face, Thain tolerated this idea for the time being.

Thain judged that the world of despair was the "passage" through which the Aiyoulandie civilization left the star realm, or the "transit area". In addition to the supporting evidence of Wall-E's pictures, there was another important reason, which was what he concluded. The time flow rate difference results.

The speed of time between here and the material star world as judged by Thane

The difference is based on the specimens he collected in the passage of time and space.

By analyzing the remaining force of space and time on its surface, comparing it with the material parameters of the normal star realm, and conducting multiple arguments, a rough numerical range can be obtained.

From this point, it also shows that the more knowledge and secrets you master, the more important it is to have more paths.

Thain is also fortunate to have broadened his knowledge system before and after he was promoted to level six.

For example, the knowledge about the power of time and space was first explored when Thain and Tourmaline were wandering in different time and space.

Because only ultra-long-distance space-time channels can significantly distort and influence time.

The "law of time" in the star realm is even more profound than the extremely obscure law of space.

The speed of time in the world of despair is so different from that of the material star realm. I am afraid that the characteristics of time and space and the sense of spatial distance involved are more exaggerated than imagined.

Only in this way can the Ai Youlan Die civilization be supported to leave the star world and go to the unknown dimension of time and space...

Because the truths and mysteries involved in the world of despair are too high-end, ordinary magicians from the wizarding world may not be able to grasp the core context of it.

But Thain had experienced the exploration of the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, and had a brief exchange with the artificial intelligence in the ruins at that time, and learned some secrets of the Aiyoulandie civilization, so he could accurately control this point.

Regarding what Thain mentioned, Gongsun Wudi nodded thoughtfully.

She may understand, or maybe only a little.

After all, many of the parameters of professional knowledge that Thain talked about were things Gongsun Wudi was not good at.

This is also where Thane can surpass Gongsun Wudi.

In a place like the Despair World, if Gongsun Wudi has strength, then Thane has brains.

Only by relying on the wisdom possessed by Thane can the two of them hope to leave here in the future.

However, later, Gongsun Wudi mentioned to Thain something she knew

The way to leave the hopeless world - the soul of domination!

"My father once said that the desperate people in this world will try to escape from this world by hunting down the master."

Gongsun Wudi's words stunned Thain, and he nodded and said, "With the characteristics of the omnipotent soul, it is really possible to break free from the shackles of this world and leave here."

"But after leaving here, it is not certain which coordinates we will reach in the material star realm."

"The star realm is extremely vast. If it is a star domain coordinate far away from the wizarding civilization and the Tianming Empire, for us, even if we go out, it may be equivalent to 'exile in time and space.'" Thain said solemnly.

Maybe it was because of the fateful friendship with Gongsun Wudi in front of him, or maybe it was because he thought of the previous scene where Gongsun Wudi risked his life to help him.

After a moment of silence, Thane took out an eyeball from the space conch.

This was a breathtaking eyeball. When he saw it, Gongsun Wudi couldn't help but be surprised.

Dominate the eyes!

Thain held the eyeball in his hand and said, "This eyeball contains a trace of the omnipotent soul of domination."

"But it's only enough for one person."

"You fell into the world of despair because of me. If it can really help you escape from the world of despair, I can give it to you for use." Thain looked at Gongsun Wudi and said.

Faced with Thain's sincere expression, Gongsun Wudi stared at Thain for a long time, and finally pressed the dominator's eyeball that Thain handed him, without accepting it.

Gongsun Wudi said, "You have already said that going out will be equivalent to 'exile in time and space.' I'd better continue to stay here with you."

"I trust your wisdom and we will get out of here eventually."

"Not to mention, this world is actually a paradise for us martial arts practitioners." Gongsun Wudi stretched his waist and arms and said.

Thain also couldn't help but take a look at Gongsun Wudi's perfect figure because of her breast enlargement exercise.

It is true that for the astral creatures who have embarked on the path of passive evolution, the world of despair is indeed a bit difficult, but after surviving it, the benefits are also great.

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