The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2455: Difference in Time Flow Speed

“Don’t worry, we magicians in the wizarding world adhere to the principle of equal transactions.

"You haven't eaten meat for a long time, right?"

"Assist me with some experimental tests. I can do it later..." Thain glanced in Gongsun Wudi's direction and added, "I can give you a rabbit head."

"And perhaps through experiments, you can strengthen your strength in the field of fire law power."

Thain's promise made the Poisonous Fire Spoon King's jaw twitch twice.

This is the action of swallowing saliva.

Compared to experiments to enhance his strength, the Poisonous Fire Lady King was more interested in Thane's meat.

In recent thousands of years, the situation in the Penetrating Gate settlement has tended to be stable.

The creatures that can survive have the lowest level four peak strength, and the highest level is that of a multi-horned elk.

Therefore, although battles and conflicts occurred frequently, life-and-death fights gradually became much less frequent.

The last time the Poisonous Fire Spoon King ate meat was one thousand two hundred years ago.

At that time, it followed behind the sky-swallowing toad and picked up some soup and water.

All in all, the living environment in the Penetrating Gate settlement is generally relatively peaceful.

Unlike some other settlements, killings and deaths occur frequently, and there are many desperate people who have been pulled down.

This may also be the reason why the multi-horned elk, which has a stable and cautious character, finally chose to settle here.

In terms of conditions, the Penetrating Gate settlement area is much worse than other dangerous areas according to the rules!

At its peak, this place could only support about twenty wanderers, and it had no special resources.

However, this place is the best place for Thain and Gongsun Wudi to stay for the next period of time.

Before understanding the situation of this world, the first thing Thain and others need to do is to adapt to this place.

As early as when Thain and Gongsun Wudi killed the sky-swallowing toad, the penetrating door to this regular and dangerous area had been closed.

The torrent of energy released from the penetrating door comes and goes as fast as it comes.

However, in addition to the immediate torrent of energy, as the piercing door closed, there were also a large number of "gray-white energy crystals" floating near the piercing door.

These "gray-white energy crystals" are a special product left behind after the torrent of energy pouring out of the Penetrating Gate combines with the surface stones of this world.

The energy elements contained in these energy crystals are very mottled, and they are still passing by as time goes by.

But these crystals are one of the few props that can replenish energy in a desperate world.

Before the next penetration door opens, these gray-white energy crystals are the key to whether the creatures present can persist.

This is also the reason why many creatures didn't have time to run before Gongsun Wudi broke out with despairer-level strength.

Most of their attention is focused on collecting those gray-white crystals.

Naturally, most of these gray-white crystals became the property of Thane and Gongsun Wudi.

As the new generation owner of the Penetrating Gate settlement, Thane has the right to readjust all the wealth in this settlement.

Apart from using a high-pressure policy at the beginning to kill the Sky-Swallowing Toad and a few unlucky guys who didn't see the current affairs clearly, Thain and Gongsun Wudi were relatively restrained in this settlement.

For this reason, after Thain and others completely settled in this area, the fourth and fifth level wanderers who originally lived nearby except for a few left because of fear.

Most of the others still stay here.

Because they don't know where they can go after they leave.

Although there are many dangerous places in the world of despair, not every place has the resources to support their survival.

Even if they can find a dangerous place with new rules and have the resources to survive, they will definitely have to compete with others.

As expected, the vast majority of life forms are more accustomed to places they are familiar with.

Thain settled temporarily near the Penetrating Gate settlement and quickly set up his own laboratory.

In addition to the complete set of experimental equipment in Thane's space equipment, the United Nations who came to this world with him also

The fortress group was formerly composed of ten space fortresses.

Although the joint fortress group is now almost reduced to a piece of scrap metal, some practical things can still be unearthed after tidying it up.

Even Thain, who has a far-sighted vision and an extremely rich knowledge reserve, plans to restart this big guy one day in the future!

Nowadays, the dozen fourth- and fifth-level creatures near the settlement area are Thain's free labor force.

Because of the lack of elemental energy, Thain could not waste his power and release some elemental puppets to help him build a laboratory, so this burden was handed over to these wanderers.

Fortunately, they all have some strength after years of suffering in a desperate world.

Being a coolie is the most suitable job.

Just when these desperate world creatures were working hard for Thain.

Thain, who entered the experimental state in the shortest time, finally obtained several pieces of information that were either useful or useless to them.

"The bad news is that we may not be able to go back." Thain said to Gongsun Wudi in the makeshift laboratory.

The penetration door has been closed, let’s not say when it will open next time.

Just the experience of Thain and Gongsun Wudi in that space-time passage was enough to convince the two that under such a level of elemental torrent, it would be difficult for them to return to the material star realm in reverse.

"The good news is that the ratio of the time flow rate of this special gray world, that is, the world of despair, to the time flow rate of the material star realm may reach 100:1 on average."

"In other words, we have been in the world of despair for a hundred years, and only one year has passed in the material star realm."

"This time difference allows us to find a way to leave here more calmly."

"But don't worry, when we go out, the sea will turn into a mulberry field, everything will change."

"Of course, this time flow rate difference is not stable and fluctuates greatly. This may be related to the special rules and properties of this world."

"The specific time in the material star realm will not be known until we get out."


The premise is that we can get out here. "Sain said to Gongsun Wudi.

Thain's statement caused Gongsun Wudi to fall into silence for a moment.

She may be digesting the information given by Thain, or she may be thinking about something.

Thain didn't say much at this time.

After living in this world, apart from the confusion and hunger at the beginning, Thain's mentality also changed a little.

He was suddenly full of curiosity about this special world and had the desire to study and decipher it!

Not to mention anything else, just the difference in time flow rate with the material star realm and the extremely serious energy imbalance were enough for Thain to devote a lot of attention to research.

After a long time, Gongsun Wudi suddenly said, "I actually have a certain understanding of this world."

"I have never been here before, but I heard about this world from my father."

"When I was young, he told me a lot about the world." Gongsun Wudi said.

Gongsun Wudi's expression made Thain's eyes light up.

With Gongsun Wudi's support and her understanding of the world, she might be able to help Thain unlock the secrets.

Including Thain himself, in a very short period of time, he actually made a bold guess about the world.

I saw Thain saying, "Actually, regarding the details of this world... I guess it may be the same scene as what I once saw in the ruins of a top civilization."

As Thain spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the robot WALL-E appeared next to him.

As WALL-E's probe-like eyes emitted a burst of white light, a scene of an unusually vast group of technological fleets passing through the gray light gate appeared in front of Thane and Gongsun Wudi.

In this image, a gray-haired scientist looks back at the stars, which is deeply affecting.

This scientist is Wall-E's former master.

"I guess that the Ai Youlan Die civilization may have passed through here and left the star realm." Thain said solemnly.

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"


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