The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2450 I don’t know where to go

After sending Beria back to the depths of the Demonic Realm for recuperation, the Demonic Supreme looked towards the direction of the Hades Empire again.

There are still many master-level seal statues around, which makes the Demonic Supreme, who can enter the ninth level at any time, his eyelids jump.

When Ozman finally left the star realm, he obviously deepened the power of sealing on the hundreds of sealed demon tide civilization masters.

Perhaps this is also the result of the help of the will of the astral world. Anyway, it will take more than tens of thousands of years for these demon tide masters to break out of the seal!

At the last moment, Seth Levin and other giants of light were protected by Ozman's seal, but their seal strength was not high.

If the demonic tide civilization corrupts them with the power of the continuous demonic tide, it is possible for these light-dimensional giants to break out of the seal in advance.

By then, trapped in the whirlpool of endless demonic tides, these light-dimensional giants may not even be able to get up even with the last splash.

The Demonic Supreme doesn't care about a few giants of light, including Diersga, who has the strongest seal, and it doesn't care much either.

What the Demonic Supreme is thinking about at this time is, is the difference between a ninth-level creature and a Supreme like him really that big?

Although he was extremely curious about the ninth-level realm, and with its current situation, he could go there at any time, the Demonic Supreme gave up the idea in the end.

Promoting to the ninth level...I am afraid this is also what the Star Boundary Will most hopes for these three supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization to do.

It’s hard to say that when the Demonic Supreme is promoted to the ninth level, the will of the astral world will help push it forward!

Don't get me wrong, the will of the astral world helped the Demonic Supreme to advance to the ninth level, not because he was optimistic about it and wanted to help it.

But the astral will wants it to die!

Only when Demon Lun Supreme and others reach the ninth level can the star realm punish such ninth level creatures according to the set of rules and mechanisms it follows.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the Demonic Supreme Lord ignored him.

The worries in his mind turned to focus on the demonized light-dimensional planet in front of him.

A supreme being like him also has his own hobbies. Obviously, the light-dimensional planet in front of him is the "new toy" of the Demonic Supreme.

"If you want us to die, we will simply bring disaster to the entire star realm!" the Demonic Supreme thought in his heart.

This is also a common thought shared by the three Supreme Beings.

In the final analysis, they are all pursuing the right to survive.

From the perspective of billions of creatures and countless civilizations in the star world, the demon tide civilization is undoubtedly evil. They are synonymous with words such as destruction, death, darkness, chaos, etc.

The three supreme beings are even more powerful demons than ever before!

However, from the perspective of the development of the Demonic Tide Civilization, they are a top-level civilization with extremely vivid expansion power and extremely exaggerated civilization potential.

The demon clan is a group with an obvious upward trend.

The three supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization are even regarded as their idols by billions of Demonic Tide creatures.

Words such as selfless, philanthropic, powerful, wise, etc. are not enough to apply to the three supreme beings.

These three are the spiritual and practical leaders of billions of demonic creatures. Billions of demons can die for them either subjectively or passively!

The road across the star realm must be paved with corpses.

In just one battle in the Light Dimension Star Territory, the bodies left behind by the three warring civilizations amounted to more than a trillion!

Every year, a large number of demonized creatures die in the war of external expansion of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of such a high mortality rate that the Demon Tide Civilization can be born.

There are so many Demon Kings, Demon Emperors, and Demon Emperor-level beings.

Death is just another form of energy expression.

The Demonic Supreme Sees things very clearly.

Taking one last glance at the battlefield in the direction of the Minghe Empire, the Demonic Supreme Lord submerged his ocean-like purple body of rules once again into the light-dimensional star below.

The full conquest and occupation of the Kingdom of Light by the Demonic Tide Civilization has become a foregone conclusion.

Including the conquest of the Minghe Empire, it has gradually been put on the agenda.

Time is set back hundreds of years ago again.

Due to the endless tide of light energy, after entering the endless gray channel, the touch that Thain felt was not as smooth as before, but gradually deeper and deeper pressure was poured into Thain's body surface.

With these pressures coming from all directions, Thain felt the obvious pain of time erosion.

Holding Gongsun Wudi in front of him tighter and tighter, all Thain can do is wrap them up in the coalition fortress group that has been following them into the gray passage, and activate the strongest defense to resist the heavy pressure coming from inside and outside the passage. .

At this time, the energy of the combined fortress group was running low.

Including Thain's Rubik's Cube, it was also seriously damaged at this time.

This should be the first time the Rubik's Cube has suffered such heavy damage since it fell into Thane's hands.

The "planetary shield" exerted by the original energy of the Rubik's Cube and through the coalition fortress group becomes flickering as it continues to penetrate deeper into the gray passage.

In the end, the energy protection of the coalition fortress group completely disappeared, and they could only rely on its hard metal shell to reduce the pressure and erosion pain from all directions for Thain and others.

In the process, large areas of metal fragments burst out from the surface of the joint fortress group.


This "big toy" that Thain has devoted so much effort to for many years should be completely ruined after this crisis.

It's a pity that only a few hundred years have passed since Thane obtained the last two space fortress components of this joint fortress group.

However, Thain was not distressed at all.

If the fortress is gone, it can be built again.

When people are gone, there is nothing.

Anyway, he had already understood the secrets of his combined fortress group, and he was about to start preparing for promotion to the late sixth level.

If he can eventually return to the wizarding civilization alive, Thain is confident that he will assemble a better one in the future!

But now, Thain has to rely on the ruins of the fortress group wrapped around his body to protect himself and others from harm as much as possible.

In addition, while feeling great pressure, Thain did not forget to collect as many meteorites or strange fragments as specimens from the gray passage that continued to deepen and the end was unknown.

From these meteorites or fragments of unknown material, Thain may be able to ascertain the nature of this passage.

At the worst, he can also know the difference in time flow rate between the space he is in and the astral world through the remaining power of time and space above.

Thane has not given up hope of survival and returning to wizard civilization!

"I just don't know where the dark red passage Duan Po went to is?" Feeling the warm touch of Gongsun Wudi in his arms, Thain couldn't help but think to himself.

Gongsun Wudi, who looks cold on the outside, has a warm side that is hard for others to touch.

Thain was very lucky to be the first man to feel the true side of Gongsun Wudi, and he was also the only one.

"We will not die." Thain assured Gongsun Wudi.

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