The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2449 Demon Realm

After the complete destruction of the Star of Light, the Demon Tide Civilization immediately directed its war effort towards the surrounding areas of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Previously, many of the star fields surrounding the civilization of the Kingdom of Light had been occupied by the Hades Empire.

As for the more distant star fields, some are star fields that have been explored, while others are unexplored unknown starry sky dangerous places.

With the strength of the civilizations of the Minghe Empire and the Kingdom of Light, they have not discovered many star fields and civilizations in those directions. Obviously, there are no particularly noticeable civilizations in those star fields, at least within a short distance.

Therefore, after the Demon Tide Civilization took over the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, although it also expanded and explored all directions in the starry sky coordinates where the Kingdom of Light was located, in fact, the main invasion focus was still on the Minghe Empire.

Leading the army to advance towards the Minghe Empire were five powerful Demon Ancestors headed by the Six-winged Demon Ancestor.

The individual combat prowess of these five Demon Ancestors is enough to make people feel exaggerated, not to mention the tremendous pressure that the Minghe Empire will be under when they all march towards the Minghe Empire.

Among them, the number of masters involved in the war is enough to exceed a hundred.

I really don’t know how the Minghe Empire, whose high-level combat power has been severely damaged under the pressure of such a sudden storm, can resist it.

Even though the Minghe Empire has the means to restore the Lord's Omnipotent Soul, the overwhelming power of the Demonic Tide Civilization probably won't leave much time for the Minghe Empire to recuperate.

The only advantage the Minghe Empire has is that their star territory is extremely vast.

Thanks to Emperor Ozman's southern and northern wars, the actual star area of ​​the Hades Empire was actually smaller than that of the wizard civilization that was about to take over the Gallente Federation. It might as well be more concessions.

Trading space for time is the most sensible approach for the Pluto Empire at present.

And they actually do so.

Just consider that the advancement speed of the Demonic Tide Civilization is far faster than that of ordinary top-level civilizations.

No one knows how long the Minghe Empire can last under the pressure of such a demonic tide.

The only good news is that the Demonic Supreme of the Demonic Tide Civilization did not immediately personally participate in the invasion war against the Hades Empire after arriving in the Star Territory of the Kingdom of Light.

These supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization seem to be unwilling to take action easily unless necessary.

The reason why the Immortal Supreme attacked brazenly before was because Ozyman Deas blocked the Demon Tide Civilization Vanguard Army, and even the Demon Ancestor-level existence was sealed, so it had to come over to see the situation.

Although the Demonic Supreme did not personally participate in the invasion war of the Mingha Empire, it did a lot of eye-catching things after arriving in the Star Territory of the Kingdom of Light.

The Demonized Light Dimension Star is just one of them.

When the light dimension star completely fell and was gradually infected into a purple star.

Two hundred years later, a giant of light with a ferocious appearance, sharp claws on both arms, and purple magic patterns on the skin of his face suddenly jumped out from the demonized star below.

This demonized Giant of Light is naturally Beria.

The moment his light-dimensional heart was completely infected, Beria got rid of his identity as a light-dimensional giant and became a pure demon.

Although the Demon Tide Civilization treats "foreign demons" somewhat differently, after all, this group already accounts for a large proportion in the Demon Tide Civilization.

In particular, more than half of the billions of bottom-level legions of the Demonic Tide Civilization are composed of these alien creatures that have been infected by demons.

So when Beria jumped out from the demonized star below, many Demon Emperor-level beings staying nearby came up to say a few polite words to him.

After the Immortal Supreme was beaten back to the depths of the Demonic Tide Civilization, the current Demonic Tide Civilization war in this star region is mainly led by the Demonic Supreme.

Most of the Demon Emperors who stayed around the Light Dimension Star were subordinates of the Demonic Supreme. Naturally, they would show some favor to Beria, a guy who was personally infected by the Demonic Supreme.

Beria might actually have the potential to be a bad guy.

In other words, he is one of the few giants of light in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light who are naturally suitable for being infected by demons!

those other

The giants of light in the middle and lower levels, after being demonized, will at best have half of their own attributes, with more negative and dark energy.

This will naturally be helpful to their growth in strength.

But it is absolutely impossible to advance directly like Beria!

Yes, Beria jumped out from the demonized star. At this time, the strength shown in the eyes of surrounding creatures has jumped from the peak of the seventh level to the eighth level!

The Demonic Tide Civilization's behavior of demonizing its opponents may not necessarily be a bad thing sometimes.

Creatures like Beria, whose inner attributes are very consistent with the magic tide civilization, will undergo a transformational leap in their own strength after being infected by the power of the magic tide.

——In the strategy of the Demonic Tide Civilization across the stars, there are many civilizations who are crying and wanting to join the Demonic Tide army and voluntarily accept demonization.

Perhaps for those creatures of the star civilization, they just changed their power system and living environment.

For those individuals who voluntarily accept demonization, they will not even lose their past memories.

It's just a matter of temperament and it will make a big impression.

The Demonic Supreme seems to be very satisfied with his "new work", although he still maintains the regular form of incarnation as a boundless demonic tide at this time.

But in the surging demonic tide surrounding the Light Dimension Star, a layer of shocking demonic waves rolled up from time to time. This was a sign that the Demonic Supreme was in a happy mood.

Beria was currently in the starry sky, kneeling on one knee facing the Demonic Supreme.

In its memory, it still retains part of the picture of being a light-dimensional giant, but in terms of its bloodline essence, it is now a pure demon.

"Your demonization process has been completed very well."

"It's been almost 30,000 years since I've had such a perfect work!"

"This demonized star can be left to you to rule in the future."

"Including those demonized giants of light, they are all your subordinates!" The Demonic Supreme, who transformed into a boundless ocean of demonic waves, opened his mouth and laughed.

At this time, the big mouth of the Demonic Supreme Being

, is actually the largest demonic vortex in the light dimension star below.

To a certain extent, Beria has become the new King of Light at this time.

However, Beria wanted to change the name of the Light Dimension Star.

The dark planet may be more suitable for the light-dimensional star that is fully demonized at this time.

Including Beria, he also wants to proclaim himself the Dark Emperor.

Up to this point, Beria could not understand some of the scenes in his memory. How could it tolerate being locked up in prison for so long by the King of Light Dimension?

Had he known this, Beria would have been willing to fall into the embrace of the Demonic Tide Civilization earlier!

Beria's thoughts are not unique to him, but to all otherworldly creatures that have been demonized and destroyed by the Demonic Tide Civilization. They will naturally have this kind of concept as a matter of course.

Even the will of the master can be distorted, which shows the tyranny of the Demonic Tide Civilization's demonic ability.

No wonder the Demonic Tide Civilization has the confidence to launch a strategy across the void.

The Demonic Supreme is very optimistic about Beria's potential.

In his eyes, Beria's future growth limit is not just as simple as the eighth-level early-stage master in front of him.

Maybe, this guy has the appearance of a demon ancestor!

Mo Lun Supreme is also relatively easy-going towards Ma Zai, his favorite direct descendant.

He then said, "Your omnipotent soul was completely consumed before."

"Even if you are promoted to level eight, it will be difficult to exert your strongest combat power immediately."

"I can send you back to the depths of the Demon Tide Civilization, and use the power of the Demon Realm to quickly restore the soul of the Lord."

"Right now, this light-dimensional planet has been successfully demonized."

"But it will take some time before it and the entire surrounding star field are transformed into a demonic realm that can restore your power."

"Don't worry, I can promise that this star domain will be your demon domain in the future. What do you think?" the Demonic Supreme laughed.

"It all depends on your orders, Supreme!" Beria maintained his kneeling posture and said respectfully to Supreme Demon Lun.

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