The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2446 Leaving

The obscure ninth-level power fluctuation coming from the direction of wizard civilization is certainly not a breakthrough of a new ninth-level creature.

Considering that such fluctuations appear in the form of explosions, it is easy to think that some secret weapon of the Gallente Federation has been activated.

However, this kind of explosion tide is not significant.

It indicates that the secret weapons of the Gallente Federation are either not developed to the extreme, or the quantity that is triggered and detonated is too small.

Ozman, who stayed in the star realm for the last moment, was more inclined to two reasons, both of them.

"No wonder Tsathoggua mentioned that wizard civilization may be the last hope for this star region."

"With the Kingdom of Light and the Minghe Empire as buffers, is the final battleground in the Wizarding Wenxing Star Domain?"

"I hope these little guys can successfully pass on the fire of civilization."

"When you travel to higher dimensions in the future, you can see the familiar creatures of the Hades Empire again." Ozman sighed and took one last look at the direction of the Hades Empire.

Ozman is really a person with a cold temperament. Even though he has foreseen that his mother civilization may be destroyed in the crisis of demon tide, he still behaves extremely rationally at this time.

When sending Mokarst and others away, Ozman's mount Gromz, the King of Monsters, asked angrily, "Master, when can we meet again?"

At that time, Ozman responded with silence.

Until he sent all the Lords of Hades away, Ozman didn't even look at them again.

Could it be said that those who achieve great things are all so ruthless?

"Goodbye, this star world." Finally, he let out a silent sigh, and Ozman's figure gradually disappeared in this star world.

This is the view of the underlying creatures.

In Ozman's own vision, he saw a light gate formed entirely by the power of rules appearing in front of him.

On the other side of the light door, there seemed to be a gray-black passage.

Where the passage leads, Ozman doesn't know yet.

There may be dangers lurking in them.

But it may also contain life.

Ozman, full of longing for the future and expectations of a higher dimension, strode into it...

Ozman left.

Another ninth-level creature left the star realm. It seemed that the star realm had quietly undergone some changes in terms of overall rules.

Of course, as the middle and lower-level creatures born in this star realm, they cannot feel such changes.

Even the vast majority of top civilizations may not be able to feel such subtle changes at the macro level.

Ozman could have stayed in the star world for thousands of years, but due to the successive battles in the light dimension star field, his total stay did not exceed 600 years.

However, Ozman's contribution is obvious to all.

One supreme being and hundreds of masters were brutally sealed, and the blow to the Demonic Tide Civilization was more severe than the two civilized wars they experienced!

This is not to mention the injured masters.

Anyway, until the end, basically none of the surviving masters on the battlefield of the light dimension star field were in good condition.

Especially those Demon Ancestor-level beings who joined the battlefield later were shot dead, and some of them suffered deeper injuries than ordinary Demon Emperors.

For example, the three people who initially fought against Ozman were the Demon Ancestor Mediran, the Demon Ancestor Set, and the Demon Ancestor Demon Slayer.

The successive battles made the condition of these three Demon Ancestors extremely poor.

It is better than the immortal supreme being who was completely sealed.

For quite some time to come, this

The three Demon Ancestors will follow the Immortal Supreme and return to the depths of Demon Tide Civilization to recuperate.

As for the follow-up war in the Light Dimension Star Territory, there will naturally be other demon ancestors and demon emperor-level beings coming to replace them.

It's funny to say.

Two hundred years after Ozman disappeared in this star realm, another supreme leader of the Demonic Tide Civilization, the Demonic Supreme, carefully crossed over and arrived in this light-dimensional star field.

The former light-dimensional star field has now been completely reduced to a sea of ​​purple demonic tide.

It's not too late for Demonic Supreme to come.

Because when he arrived in the light dimension star field, it happened to be the time when the defense line of the light dimension star completely collapsed and the civilization of the country of light dimension was officially destroyed.

At this time, there are four left-behind masters of the Light Dimension Star.

They are the King of Light, Queen of Light, Atlaidi and Beria.

Originally, the eighth-level light dimension warrior Remji wanted to stay on his home planet and simply died here.

However, on the grounds that the civilization of the Kingdom of Light cannot lack an eighth-level master, the King of Light forcibly ordered Remji to lead the last elite light warriors and break out of the Light Star Territory.

The direction Remji and others headed towards was naturally the Wizarding Star Domain.

There, the seventh-level early-stage light dimension warrior Senagaro had already set up an outpost for them.

There was the life channel that the Minghe Empire had previously made way for them, and the wizard civilization had sent a small group of elite warriors to contact them early.

It should not be a problem for Remji and others to successfully arrive at the Wizarding Star Domain.

When the supreme powerhouse Molun Supreme arrived outside the light dimension star and felt that the entire light dimension star under his feet was gradually being infected and began to emit infinite purple magic energy, the eighth level light dimension king raised his head and looked towards sky.

The plasma spark tower, the ultimate treasure of civilization, has been

Taken away by Taptro, the son of the King of Light.

Another cultural treasure, the Heart of Light, was sealed by Ozman together with Diersga.

The King of Light Dimension stayed in the mother plane in person, and he has done everything he can!

At this time, in the sky, the Demonic Supreme Lord looked a little embarrassed.

Unlike the Immortal Supreme, who is a gray-skinned, formless monster, the first impression given by the Demonic Supreme is that of a disgusting creature with purple mucus dripping from the surface of its body.

At least the appearance of this thing does not conform to the aesthetics of most astral creatures.

It is estimated that only those radiation-type creatures in the Wizarding Alliance, similar to the radiation plane, can find any highlights in the Demonic Supreme.

And the Demonic Supreme is really similar to those radiation-based creatures. Among the three supremes of the Demonic Tide Civilization, he has the strongest "demonization" and "infection" abilities!

In the Demonic Tide Civilization, there are even Demonic Ancestor-level beings who were once powerful men from other worlds who were influenced by the Demonic Supreme and fell into ruin.

At this time, the Demonic Supreme looked extremely pale. On the one hand, he was in a bad mood because of the heavy losses suffered by the Immortal Supreme and the Demonic Tide Civilization in the previous hundreds of years.

On the other hand, it was also the face of the Demonic Supreme Being that was lost a lot in this war.

Ozman had previously spoken out, mocking the other supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization, and showed his strong will to fight against them.

The Demonic Supreme, who was hiding on the other side of the whirlpool of the Demonic Tide, heard it, as did many of the masters of the Demonic Tide civilization.

But the Demonic Supreme Being turned into a tortoise in the end.

Not only did they not answer the call to fight Ozman, who had nine levels of power, but within two hundred years of Ozman leaving the star realm, he was too frightened by the exaggerated achievements he had caused before to show up.

Was he frightened by the other party's name for two hundred years?

It's no wonder that Demonic Supreme's face looked so bad at this time.

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