The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2445 Seal Protection

Ozman's inquiry was not a meaningless question.

In fact, after being promoted to the ninth level, Ozman saw that many of the rules and secrets in the star world were more direct to the essence than ordinary masters.

In terms of understanding the power of the law of light, Dierska is definitely far beyond the average person. Even Ozman's understanding in this aspect is far inferior to Dierska.

It's just that Ozman has a higher perspective at this time and can see further, so on some directional issues, Ozman is actually more accurate than Dilsga.

The old rival's question made Diersga, who was also in a weak state, silent and did not answer for a long time.

He believed that Ozman suddenly asked himself this question, which must have deep meaning.

When it comes to exploring the path of "light", Dilsga is actually just an explorer, far unlike Ozman who has reached the other side.

Diersga's silence indirectly marked the importance of this issue.

This may be the key to Diersga's exploration of higher realms.

He has been stuck in his current state for hundreds of thousands of years.

Ozman quietly looked at the extremely familiar "old rival" and "old friend" in front of him.

He thought that if he could push the opponent again, perhaps Dierska could cause far more damage to the Demon Tide Civilization in the future than the Demon Caster and others who were sent away by him just now.

"The essence of your fourth transformation may be in it."

"But my old friend, I can't help you on how to take this step. You can only understand it by yourself. This is your path."

"As for now..." Ozman looked around.

Although the dominant beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization from all sides of this starry sky battlefield did not dare to approach, those Demonic Tide creatures with lower numbers and levels, under the orders of higher-level Demonic Emperors, surged towards Ozman like a tide. .

Many of these sad little things didn't even get close to Ozman before they were exploded into blood mist by the faint nine-level power fluctuations that spilled around him.

Only demonic tide creatures that have reached life level four or above can get close to Ozman at a certain distance.

But they also can't have any impact on Ozman.

Ozman just waved his hand, and trillions of demonic creatures were killed.

From this point of view, Ozman has indeed been in the star world for a short time, and he has become increasingly unable to control the ninth-level power that he spills around him.

Dilsga followed Ozman's line of sight and looked around.

Yes, under such an extremely turbulent demonic crisis, there is not much time for Dierska to understand the deeper meaning of light.

Thinking about this, Dierska couldn't help but feel a little powerless.

He was not the first astral master to experience a similar feeling of powerlessness.

Among the top civilizations that were destroyed by the boundless demonic tide, there were many powerful creatures with the level of Diersga, and they also felt this feeling on the eve of the civilization's collapse.

The Demonic Tide Civilization in its current situation is definitely not something that any top civilization can fight head-on on its own.

At least none of the known top civilizations have such ability.

Even a genuine ninth-level creature like Ozyman Deas was unable to completely contain the demonic crisis.

Perhaps the decision made by the three top civilizations of the "Ping Demon Alliance" is correct. They must unite more world civilizations in the star realm!

Ozman's time in this star realm is running out, and he can see the gray ninth-level power constantly exuding from his hands.

Most of these gray power factors flew towards Dierska in front of them.

Ozyman Deas means no harm.

When she felt the familiar ninth-level power, Dierska couldn't help but raise her head and look at the other party again.

This is pure sealing power, and Diersga is certainly familiar with it.

At the beginning of the War of Light and Darkness, Ozman used similar power to directly seal Dilsga for hundreds of years.

Nowadays, the sealed divine power emitted from Ozman's hands is obviously higher in intensity.

But the characteristics of the seal... have undergone some fundamental changes.

The power of sealing is just a general term. As the "God of Sealing", Ozman has many different sealing methods of different genealogies.

Some of these sealing methods are to seal oneself, such as Ozman's self-sealing technique.

There are also some sealed enemies, such as the hundreds of demon tide masters who were turned into stone statues, and the immortal supreme being who lost all his power.

There are also some sealing methods... that are used to save people.

The powerful ninth-level sealing power completely enveloped Dierska's body.

The famous eight-level peak giant master of the Kingdom of Light's civilization, his body color gradually changed from red and blue to gray.

The petrification starting from the feet marks that the Giant of Light will be sealed again by Ozman.

Although Dierska was unable to move after being sealed by this seal, the masters of the demonic civilization that swept across the star field and gathered around could no longer do anything to the petrified Dierska.

Ozman can boast that even if

The Demonic Tide Civilization and other supreme beings are absolutely unable to break Diersga's seal.

Therefore, the seal at this time is actually a protection for Dierska.

"You can think carefully about the question I asked you."

"Don't worry, you can take your time and think."

"When you figure it out, or when the opportunity comes, the seal will naturally be unlocked." Ozman said meaningfully to Diersga.

As for when the opportunity came, Ozman didn't say, and Dierska didn't ask.

It should be time to counterattack the Demonic Tide Civilization and regain the Light Dimension Star Territory.

I hope that day comes and it won't be too late.

Dilsga did not stop Ozman from sealing him at this time. In fact, even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

Facing the constantly petrified body, Dierska did not continue to think about the problem just now, but looked at the location of the dimensional star with nostalgia.

When his last look full of expectation rested on Ozman.

This ninth-level sealing god naturally knows what this old friend with whom he has been fighting for many years means.

It is really absurd and bizarre to say that two top civilizations have been fighting each other for hundreds of thousands of years. If we go forward five hundred years, they both want to kill each other immediately.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, they would join hands to defend against a powerful enemy.

Ozman knew what Dilsga meant, and he felt the repulsive force of the star realm becoming more and more profound to him. Ozman said, "I will try my best to help them, but I may not achieve the same effect as you."

"My time... is running out." Ozman said.

When Ozman finished these words, it happened that Dierska's eyes returned to the seal.

The moment before being sealed, Dilsga must have heard Ozman's words, so even the color of his eyes softened a little.

Looking at Dilsga, who stood at the center of the infinite demonic tide and had turned into a sealed body, Ozman took a long breath, and then spread the remaining sealed power to other light-dimensional masters in this starry sky battlefield. On the body.

Just like the dozen remaining masters of the Minghe Empire who finally left this battlefield, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light actually still retains a certain amount of strength.

In addition to a few master-level light warriors such as the King of Light and the Star of Light, there are at least several masters of the Kingdom of Light who have not fallen near this starry sky battlefield.

For example, the eighth-level light dimension warrior Set Levin, the seventh-level light dimension warrior Jerjik, and the seventh-level light dimension warrior Abax did not die. There were even two kings of monsters following Set Levin. Still lingering


The profound meaning of the "Combined Light" of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension should have been eradicated by now.

Whether it can shine again in the future, no one knows.

Because two of the six light-dimensional warriors responsible for the integration have already died, including the eighth-level light-dimensional warrior Zorisfei who is extremely prestigious in the kingdom of light.

Part of the elite light-dimensional army he led was in one of the war zones with the deepest demonic crisis.

The final fall is also reasonable.

Among the six light-dimensional warriors who mastered the combination of light, only the youngest Taptro was able to evacuate the battlefield early and return to the light-dimensional star because of the care of Seth Levin and others.

But with only Taptro alone, I don’t know if the mysteries of “Combined Light” can be passed down in the future.

The familiar power of the seal acted on Seth Levin and others.

Like Diersga, Seth Levin and several other light-dimensional warriors also slowly entered the sealed state.

Their sealing effect is obviously worse than Diersga's.

Perhaps after thousands of years, it may lose its effectiveness.

But who can control so much? At least now, they can use Ozman's power to add hope to the future.

In fact, Seth Levin is disgusted with Ozman, but now he has to rely on Ozman's power.

Even when Ozman sealed him, Seth Levine did not forget to include his two partners, Miklas the Monster King and Akira the Monster King, into the monster capsule.

This shows that Seth Levin is a light-dimensional master who can afford to take up and let go.

Like Zorisfei, he is much calmer than Remji, another eighth-level light dimension warrior.

At this moment, Remji is not here.

He did not die, but under the cover of Seth Levin and others, he led some of the wounded from the Kingdom of Light, including Taptro, to withdraw to the home star in time.

When Seth Levin and others were about to complete the seal, a vague turbulence and power impact came from the distant star field.

It seems to be the direction of wizard civilization.

Because the distance was too far, neither the giants of light such as Seth Levine nor the demonic tide masters gathered around him could sense it in the surrounding stars.

Ozman sensed it. This was because as a ninth-level creature, he sensed the impact of power coming from the direction of the wizard civilization, which seemed to be a ninth-level force.

"It seems like something was detonated..." Ozman muttered to himself.

"Xiaodou wishes all readers a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!"

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