The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2442 Talking Too Much

"I never thought that one day I would fight side by side with you. On the front line of the light dimension star field battlefield, the eighth-level peak light dimension giant Diersga said to the third pharaoh nearby.

Not far from the battle group where Dierska and the Third Pharaoh were, was the battlefield between the First Pharaoh and the Immortal Supreme.

These three beings are currently at the center of this civilized battlefield.

Only they can persist in the whirlpool of demonic tide on such a scale for so long.

In fact, now that we are fighting, we can gradually see that the means for the Demonic Tide Civilization to defeat the enemy is to use demonic influence at the middle and lower levels, while in the high-level areas, it is to use sufficient numbers.

During this battle, not only Diersga and Mokarst felt more and more pressure, but the situation on Ozman's side was also not good.

Especially when more and more masters risk their lives to participate in the battle against Ozman.

Even if he is a ninth-level creature, he still feels a sense of suffocation that is difficult to express.

This feeling forced Ozman to have the urge to break away from the shackles of this star realm as soon as possible and go to a higher dimension.

"Why don't you advance to level nine?"

"Didn't you say before that you would simply advance to level nine and have sex with me?"

During the battle with the Immortal Supreme, Ozman waved his palm and temporarily sealed an annoying seventh-level master, before mocking and sneering at the Immortal Supreme in front of him.

Facing the cynicism of Ozyman Deas, the Immortal Supreme of the Demonic Tide Civilization remained silent.

Promote to level nine when you are in a hurry?

This is just a statement made by the Immortal Supreme.

Just like this guy's title, he has lived for millions of years, but he hasn't lived enough yet.

The so-called promotion to the ninth level was just a sentence he used to intimidate Ozman before.

At least for now, it seems that the Immortal Supreme has no intention of advancing to the ninth level.

There won’t be one, including for a long time to come.

At the same time as the Immortal Supreme remained silent, there were also several seventh- and eighth-level demon emperors surrounding the battlefield in the surrounding star field.


Each of these demon emperors has abundant dominating omnipotent souls.

This shows that the Demonic Tide Civilization must also have perfect universal soul recovery techniques, and compared to ordinary top-level civilizations, such methods of the Demonic Tide Civilization may be more advanced!

Thanks to Ozman's mastery of the "power of sealing", when using this method to restrict dominator-level creatures, the price Ozman has to bear and the feedback from the star balance mechanism that he needs to face are far lower. To directly kill these masters.

As of now, there have been 57 demonic tide masters, each of whom has been sealed by Ozman for varying periods of time.

Some of these demonic tide masters have been sealed for decades, while others have been sealed for hundreds or thousands of years!

In fact, with Ozman's ability, it is completely possible to seal them for a longer period of time.

However, Ozman was facing too many demonic tide masters at this time.

If a single person was sealed for tens of thousands of years or more, he might not have much spare power to deal with other enemies.

Not to mention, the real enemy of Ozman at this time is the Immortal Supreme.

This guy who has clearly reached the critical point of level nine and can be promoted to level nine by taking one step forward, but who is still unwilling to advance, is Ozman's biggest enemy in this battle.

Including Ozman's focus at this time is also on it. Ozman wants to seal this guy.

Even if the permanent seal cannot be achieved, it will definitely cause the greatest trauma to the Immortal Supreme in his life.

And as the battle gradually progresses to the present, Ozman has generally figured out the process of how to seal the Immortal Supreme.

However... Ozman did not take action immediately at this moment.

In addition to needing to be distracted from dealing with other demonic masters swooping up, Ozman also wanted to expand his victory.

When he realized that the main army of the Mingha Empire could no longer escape from the battlefield of the Demonic Tide, Ozman couldn't help but sigh in his heart. All he could do was to use his own strength to weaken the strength of the Demonic Tide civilization to the maximum extent.

Only in this way can he fulfill the instructions given to him by the will of the astral world, and can the Minghe Empire hope to retain more power.

Only 57 demon tide masters were sealed?

Far from enough!

In addition to wanting to seal more Demon Emperors and Demon Ancestors before leaving, Ozman also looked with his cold gray pupils at the other supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Obviously, there is not only the Immortal Supreme among the supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

After punching out again and sealing one of the Immortal Supreme's arms, Ozman sneered, "Where are the other Supremes of your Demonic Tide Civilization? Why don't you let them come too."

"I really didn't expect that there would be so many of you in the star realm. You are the scum who obviously can be promoted to the ninth level but refuse to be promoted."

"Tell me, apart from the Demonic Tide Civilization, are there other individuals hiding in the dark who are unwilling to advance to level nine?" Ozman waved his fist.

The Immortal Supreme did not respond at first to Ozman's words.

The Demonic Tide Civilization should also know about the battle happening here. 🅆

At least the Demonic Supreme and the Youhuang Supreme must have learned about the fierce battle taking place here.

However, the three supreme beings of the Demonic Tide Civilization are three supreme beings with equal status and power. There is no such thing as who orders whom.

At this time, the Immortal Supreme was at a comprehensive disadvantage when facing the First Pharaoh, and it was difficult to even fight back and deal an effective blow to Ozman.

(The main reason for this is that the Immortal Supreme does not want to risk its life. It uses all its power to protect itself.)

Could it be possible to reverse the decline by calling the other two supreme beings?

Even if the decline can be reversed! It is estimated that the Demonic Tide Civilization will not be able to find a solution in the end.

The other two supreme beings, whether it is to protect themselves or to increase the bargaining chip of the Demonic Tide Civilization in the star realm in the future, will not rashly come to wade into this muddy water.

Moreover, these three supreme beings also have a very thorough understanding of the rules of the star realm. They also firmly believe that Ozman will not last long and will be excluded from this dimension.

Previously, the Immortal Supreme pretended to lead his demonic tide army to withdraw from the light dimension star field. He probably planned to come back after a few thousand or ten thousand years!

I don’t believe that Ozman will still be there at that time.

Ignoring Ozman's previous question, he mentioned to Ozman, whether there are three supreme beings similar to their demon tide civilization in the star world, trying their best to hide their existence... The Immortal Supreme pondered, "It should be some."

"Oh?" Ozman said in surprise.

"There must be some!" the Immortal Supreme said in a more serious tone.

It faced Ozman and said, "Our demonic tide civilization gave up the struggle for dimensional hegemony and embarked on the road of traversing the void. There are both internal and external reasons."

"Although I have never seen a supreme creature like us, trying its best to hide itself."

"But the previous generation of ninth-level creatures of our Demonic Tide Civilization saw it and left us a message."

"It is this information that allows us to understand that individuals who advance to the ninth level through extreme laws will not have a good future."

"Some may choose to rush forward, but some people will tend to be content with the status quo." When the Immortal Supreme said these words, he also showed a trace of envy towards Ozman.

By now, it can certainly be seen that Ozman is not the God of Death, but the God of Sealing!

Although Ozman also has extremely powerful death and negative energy, considering his sealed origin and his resistance to the demonic civilization, he has won the approval of the will of the astral world.

The "door" he chose for his ninth-level path should be better than ordinary ninth-level creatures!

"Damn Star Realm, if she hadn't arranged a dead end for us, how could we have embarked on the road to completely demonize the Star Realm." In the words of the Immortal Supreme at this time, he couldn't help but burst out with resentment again.

It's a pity that the astral will is only a macro concept. She only operates according to the rules of balance and may not even have her own consciousness.

In response to the Immortal Supreme's unwilling roar, Ozman glanced at him and said coldly, "You talk too much!"

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