The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2441 Union

The demonic infection of any alien creature by the Demonic Tide Civilization is carried out subtly.

It doesn't mean that you can infect your opponent into one of your own in an instant.

At this time, on the front line of the battlefield against the Demonic Tide Civilization, there were a large number of creatures from the Hades Empire and light-dimensional giants, and some purple marks appeared on their bodies.

These marks can be seen as some kind of negative state.

Demonic tide civilization creatures are very good at using these, including those areas covered by demonic moss, which will always radiate such influence to any living creatures around them.

At the beginning, the impact of these negative states on people will not be too great, and even ordinary warring creatures will not care.

But as time goes by, these effects will become more and more serious, even reaching the point of affecting people's minds, and even causing certain creatures to corrupt and degenerate on the spot.

Previously, at the forefront of the civilized battlefield, the third pharaoh Demonkarst, the fifth pharaoh Nayatipu and others fought against the demonic civilization in an extremely crazy and wanton state.

I'm afraid it's not just because of their personal arrogance and respect for strength.

Demonic tide civilization creatures themselves have the ability to interfere with and affect alien creatures.

Of course, with the strength of Mokarst and others, it is not so easy to be tempted and fall.

But it is undeniable that, at least in terms of combat status and emotions, demon karst and other masters are inevitably affected by it.

As for whether this demonic effect can be lifted.

It should be possible too.

In addition to using the omnipotent soul to dispel it, the Mingha Empire discovered that the "power of light" mastered by the light-dimensional giants can also effectively curb the process of demonization.

It seems that the Minghe Empire and the Kingdom of Guangwei are really going to join hands and fight side by side.

Facing the King of Light, who also revealed a vague intention to cooperate, the Tenth Pharaoh, on behalf of the Hades Empire, proposed an olive branch that could replenish the civilization of the Kingdom of Light with a batch of resources they desperately needed.

During the hundreds of thousands of years when the Minghe Empire completely blocked the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, this should be the first time that the Minghe Empire took the initiative to provide resources to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

This situation of former opponents suddenly turning into teammates is quite magical.

This also means that in the star realm, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

In response, the King of Guangwei sneered and said, "If your Minghe Empire had not launched an invasion war against our Kingdom of Guangwei, why would the war with the Demonic Tide Civilization be so embarrassing?"

"Not to mention the many light giant legions that our country of light dimension originally had, just the blessings of the many light system star environments that exist in our light dimension star field will not allow the demon tide civilization to be destroyed in such a short period of time. Demonization has affected nearly one-third of the Star Territory." The King of Light Dimension said coldly.

Xiao Shi smiled awkwardly at the King of Light's rebuke.

The kingdom of Guangwei was almost destroyed, and Xiao Shi also gained a lot of benefits from it.

After the war with the Ming He Empire was temporarily suspended, the King of Light Dimension sent some of his light dimension giants to withdraw through special passages to the Wizarding Star Domain in the direction of the Great World.

On the other side, some of the elite legions of the Kingdom of Light were sent to engage in a coordinated war with the Mingha Empire legions.

To be honest, more than 90% of the giants of light would strongly resist the idea of ​​cooperating with the Minghe Empire in the war.

Fortunately, Dierska, the eighth-level peak light-dimensional giant, supports the king of light-dimensional in this matter.

Including another eighth-level light-dimensional warrior Zorisfei with outstanding commander-in-chief abilities, he also accepted the order from the King of Light-Weight and led his light-dimensional army to the target battlefield in the heavily demonized area.

Continuously transport the tribesmen, especially the disadvantaged groups who have not yet grown up, towards the wizard civilization.

This shows that the King of Light and Dimension is not optimistic about the outcome of the war with the Demonic Tide Civilization.

When he was communicating with Dierska who was on the front line some time ago, he learned from the other party that the Demon Tide Civilization had actually sent two more eighth-level peak demon ancestors whose combat power was not inferior to Dierska's.

At this time, Diersga, who was on the frontline battlefield, was sometimes one against two, and sometimes it was one against three.

By the power of light

Due to its ability to restrain demonic tide creatures, Dierska can hold on for the time being.

But as the demonic tide army continues to flow into this star field, Dierska is not sure how long she can hold on.

He was not in peak condition to begin with, and the Mingha Empire had caused him severe damage before.

From this point of view, it is understandable that the King of Light Wei showed his resentment towards the Minghe Empire.

If the Kingdom of Light had not suffered such damage, but had faced the demonic civilization that invaded this star field with its peak posture, and joined forces with the Hades Empire, it would have been possible to contain the demonic army.

But now... what the King of Light Dimension sees is just delaying time.

I believe that the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire also saw this, so he issued this order to the other pharaohs.

Unfortunately, as the Third Pharaoh and others refused to retreat, and more and more Minghe Empire troops pressed on the border of the Kingdom of Light, it was now too late for the main force of the Minghe Empire to withdraw even if they wanted to.

The Demonic Tide Civilization will not easily give up entangled with them, and the result of forced withdrawal can only be for the Demonic Tide Civilization to continue to pursue and kill them.

Being hunted by hundreds of masters?

It is very likely that this number will double or triple in the future?

Thinking of this situation, the Minghe Empire, including Xiao Shi, whose minds were still clear, could not help but tremble.

At this time, in addition to uniting with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, Xiao Shi also turned his attention to the wizard civilization and the fairyland civilization.

After sending out an envoy immediately to communicate with the dominant entities of these two civilizations, Xiao Shi did not get the answer he wanted.

Maybe it's because the demon crisis hasn't reached the world yet, so it's not painful.

It may also be that the mother star domain of the Immortal Domain Civilization is not here. Of course, it is impossible to solve any civilization crisis for the Ming He Empire.

Several saints from the Fairyland Civilization on the battlefield of Huanyu World, after coming into contact with the envoys sent by the Minghe Empire, did not agree to anything and sent them away.

After coming into contact with the wizarding civilization, the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization paid more attention to the Mingha Empire mission.

Especially when they heard the word "demon tide", several wizard civilization masters appeared in person to contact the Mingha Empire envoys.

But this kind of contact is only preliminary communication.

It is impossible for the wizarding civilization to say that because of the few envoys sent by the Mingha Empire, it will mobilize the power of the entire civilization to go on an expedition to the light dimension star field to participate in a war that has little to do with it for the time being, right?

However, this Mingha Empire mission still brought back some practical information from the Wizarding Star Territory.

"The masters of the wizarding civilization did not agree to our request to send troops. They just said that they would send a field observation team to come and take a look."

"In addition, we clearly feel that after informing the wizarding civilization of the demonic tide information, their attack on the Gallente Federation has increased a bit."

"Just when we were in the wizarding civilization close to the battlefield of their main star field, we felt the terrifying fluctuations of no less than 300 forbidden spells." A representative of the envoy said.

This is a sixth-level peak pharaoh with keen perception and a very flexible mind.

On this mission to the wizarding civilization, he is the plenipotentiary representative of the Hades Empire.

While talking to the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, he even met Ms. Bev, the leader of the wizarding civilization.

Although the contact with Ms. Bev was only for a short period of time.

This also shows the distrust of the wizarding civilization towards the Hades Empire.

Also, I just received the news that the Minghe Empire launched a world-destroying war against the Kingdom of Guangwei not long ago, and now I have received a letter from the Minghe Empire asking for help, as well as a notice of the demonic crisis.

It is estimated that the higher-ups of wizard civilization also have a headache.

Because of the information about the demon tide, the wizard civilization was even earlier than the Hades Empire.

"Why do everything happen at the same time!" A certain master knight of wizard civilization who knew the inside story couldn't help complaining afterwards.

"Xiaodou wishes everyone a happy New Year's Eve! All the best!"

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