The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2413 Guangwei’s Situation

Judging from the performance of the second pharaoh before his death, and the word "wizard" written in the bag of tips he gave to the fourth pharaoh.

The second pharaoh Sathogya Mokuluo may have expressed two meanings before his death.

First, the biggest threat to the Mingha Empire may come from the direction of wizard civilization.

After all, it seems now that this is indeed a top-level civilization with a greater threat factor than the civilization of the Kingdom of Light!

The Fourth Pharaoh also heard some news that came from the front line of the wizard civilization battlefield not long ago.

The Gallente Federation is finished.

Through active induction, the Wizarding Civilization made a surprise attack and captured the Gallente Federation’s most valuable civilization, the Endless Light Device.

According to the rhythm of the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, the war on the Hades Empire will most likely end at the same time as the wizard civilization. 🅆

What a terrifying and difficult opponent!

The Fourth Pharaoh, who had a steady personality, instinctively felt that the wizarding civilization would be the biggest enemy of the Hades Empire in the future.

As for another meaning that the second pharaoh may have expressed before his death... the fourth pharaoh frowned slightly, and he was a little unsure.

Therefore, the news of the death of the second pharaoh and this tip bag need to be handed over to the first pharaoh on the front line of the civilized battlefield as soon as possible.

With the superior wisdom and broadened horizons of the First Pharaoh, and his understanding of the Second Pharaoh.

Most of them can understand what the second pharaoh really meant before he died.

Due to the seriousness of the matter, the Fourth Pharaoh decided to rush to the front line of the civilized battlefield of the Kingdom of Light in person.

The battlefield of the home star field of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Unconsciously, the war between the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and the Minghe Empire has lasted for eighty-one years.

These have been extremely difficult decades!

Before this, I am afraid no one would have thought that the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, which can also be regarded as an old and top civilization, would be "penetrated through" by the Legion of the Hades Empire in less than a hundred years.


The frontline battle site has even approached the outskirts of Nebula 77, the home star domain of the Kingdom of Light's civilization!

Unlike the Gallente Federation, faced with a huge disadvantage of a very unequal civilization, a large number of capitulation factions and people with ulterior motives emerged.

Faced with such a crisis of destruction of civilization and ethnic groups, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has erupted with a will to resist and a fighting passion beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This fighting passion even includes some criminals and exiles from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

They also chose to stand with their own civilized ethnic group at this critical moment!

Of course, this situation may also be related to the character of the civilized creatures of the Kingdom of Light and the cold-blooded killing and death policy pursued by the creatures of the Hades Empire.

What the Minghe Empire is about to achieve with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is "total death"!

As of now, a large number of stars and planets of light have been forcibly destroyed by external forces within the home star domain of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Obviously, these Mingha Empire legions do not intend to leave anything alive for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Different from the Mingha Empire's violent and obliterative conquest policy, the wizard civilization's concept of conquest is to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost!

This is also the simplest manifestation of the magician of the wizard civilization pulling the lever to stimulate the power of stronger elements.

For example, when dealing with Gallente Federation creatures, the wizarding civilization did not pursue a policy of absolute erasure.

Whether it is the high-level leaders of the federation or the middle and low-level creatures, the wizard civilization actually gives each other a "way to survive."

Even some knowledgeable middle and high-level people in the federation and wizard civilization will retain their rights.

This is also the wizarding civilization and the most superior point of the wizarding alliance system - it is extremely


Even those low-level creatures in the Gallente Federation, as long as they accept the rule of the wizard civilization and give up resistance, the wizard civilization will give them the right to survive, and will also exempt them from the disasters of forbidden curses such as death plague magic and undead natural disasters.

After all, for the wizarding civilization, those weak Gallente Federation creatures can also be regarded as a kind of resource, "human resources"!

At this time, it is outside the 77 nebula.

The Guangwei Guards Corps, led by the King of Guangwei himself, is stationed here.

In the war with the Minghe Empire that lasted for decades, although the civilization of the Kingdom of Light was beaten to the point where it could not hold its head high, it was not without resistance at all.

The only powerful ones in the Hades Empire are only a handful of masters headed by Ozman, Mokarst, and the monster emperor Gromz!

Other masters, including the tenth Pharaoh who has flourished on the civilized battlefield of the Kingdom of Light in recent years, are also those that these giants of light can deal with with restraint.

For example, Seth Levin, the mid-eighth level giant of light from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, injured the tenth pharaoh in a confrontation.

The Tenth Pharaoh is also a cunning person. She knows very well that the civilization of the Kingdom of Light will never be able to stop the Pluto army led by Ozman himself.

How could it be possible to suffer additional losses in such a must-win war?

So after being injured by Seth Levin, the eighth-level light dimension master, Xiao Shi showed no dominance and turned around and ran away.

Seth Levine was not given a chance to continue fighting.

This light-dimensional giant with outstanding combat power is so powerful that there is nothing he can do!

What Xiao Shi did was the real decision of a wise master.

If our own civilization hadn't gained too much advantage, and the Hades Empire had never been afraid of anyone.

Even Ozman Deas, who heard about this, couldn't help but want to encourage other Hades to learn from Xiao Shi.


Since being promoted to the ninth level, or in other words, since the beginning of the journey to the ninth level, the first pharaoh has indeed undergone great changes!

His temperament is not as extreme and violent as before.

Even Ozyman Deas feels a lot gentler.

Including his enemies, they think so too.

"Have you complained about me? In the end, I asked Seth Levin's son, Senagaro, to serve as an envoy to the wizarding civilization."

"Instead of sending you on a mission, my boy."

On the front line of the civilized battlefield, the King of Light and Wei asked his son.

The son of the King of Light, his name is Taptro.

This is also an extremely young light dimension master with early level seven strength.

He is the same age as Senagara, who has arrived in the wizarding civilization, and the two grew up together.

In fact, in terms of authority and status, Taptro, as the heir of the Prince of Light, is more suitable to serve as an envoy to the wizarding civilization.

But for some reasons and other considerations, the King of Light Dimension still sent Sai Nagara out.

Instead of leaving this greatest hope of survival to his son.

Facing his father's inquiry, Taptro said solemnly, "I am extremely grateful to you, father, for leaving me the opportunity to stay in the Kingdom of Light and fight for the civilization!"

"I will fight until the end! Until the heart of light in my body runs out of energy." Taptro promised his father.

Also, dominating giants of light like Beria, who had almost betrayed the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, could stand together with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light in life and death when the civilization was in crisis.

As the son of the King of Light, how could he run away from battle!

“It’s the beginning of the month, please vote qaq

Dear readers, please pity Xiaodou qaq"

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