The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2412 Tips Bag

If we say that the success rate of using the Sealed Eye against Ozyman Deas is the lowest.

Then another way that wizard civilization has explored and explored, with a higher probability of restraining the opponent's sealing method, is to fully stimulate the civilization's most precious treasure - the light of wisdom!

The light of wisdom is the crystallization of truth and knowledge of wizard civilization, which contains almost all the astral principles mastered by wizard civilization.

Since Ozyman Deas was not instantly excluded from the star realm at this time.

At least it shows that the power he exerted did not excessively disrupt the balance of the star realm, but was within the reasonable scope of the star realm.

Since it is the power of rules within the allowable scope of the star realm, it means that it can also be cracked by the laws of the star realm.

The true spirit-level magicians of the wizarding civilization happen to be good at unraveling the mysteries of the astral world through rules and means!

Those sealed master-level creatures are not dead. By fully analyzing them with the light of wisdom, there is hope that they can regain their freedom.

Of course, the power of laws of level nine creatures is not so easy to crack.

The wizarding civilization is not that familiar with the sealed avenue mastered by Ozyman Deas.

If we really have to use the light of wisdom to analyze the opponent's sealing methods, it will probably take a lot of time!

Therefore, the current top priority of the wizard civilization is to go to the civilized battlefield of the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible to find and collect some giants of light sealed by Ozyman Dis, and use them as specimen materials for research.

Fortunately, Diersga and the other two Dominator-level giants of light were not the only giants of light sealed by Ozman Dis.

In addition, there are millions of elite light giant legions. When Ozyman Deas demonstrated his unparalleled power, they were overwhelmed and reduced to a sealed state.

What the wizard civilization currently wants to get most is these sealed middle and low-level light giants.

Those three dominant-level giants of light sealed bodies were too eye-catching, and the wizarding civilization couldn't even get close to them.

And with the current state of wizard civilization and the pace of war, we really don’t want to

Go challenge the nerves of the Minghe Empire.

One of the top leaders of the wizarding civilization who is responsible for collecting the sealed specimens of the Giant of Light from the Civilian Star Realm battlefield in the Kingdom of Light is the Dominator Knight Klopp.

Although he is not a magician who explores the truth, he has always been Ms. Bev's right-hand man because of his steady and careful characteristics.

This secret mission sent by the wizard civilization to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light will not involve the participation of Dominator-level combat units.

Creatures of level six and below are the group that wizard civilization considers.

Upon receiving this instruction from Ms. Bev, Knight Klopp sighed with emotion.

If Thane had not disappeared in the tide of endless light energy, in fact, this young man who inherited the Mask of No Phase would be a very promising target for Knight Klopp.

But now, he has no choice but to hand over these burdens to others.

The sixth-level black magicians in the Black Domain are more suitable for this.

Most of these black magicians, who have the power of the laws of negative elements such as death and darkness, can hide and cover themselves more easily after arriving on the battlefield of the Hades Empire.

In addition, the relationship with Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce can also be used again.

Maybe those interstellar merchants who have already reached the Minghe Empire, what can they do?

In addition to the second method of analyzing the seal carrier with the light of wisdom, the third solution that the wizard civilization has found in a short period of time is to fight violence with violence.

The "Endless Light" launcher, the civilizational treasure of the Gallente Federation, is a pure output weapon.

Its destructive power is more intuitive than the two civilization treasures of the Wizard Civilization: the Light of Wisdom and the Supreme Knight Dominance Set!

If the device is launched with endless light, lock

Set Ozyman Deas...

Even if it can't hurt him excessively, it can definitely shorten the length of Ozyman Deas' stay in this star realm!

These three plans are the three solutions that the wizard civilization quickly came up with after learning about the battlefield of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

None of these solutions is 100% successful, and even the probability of success is only about 20%, but it is still a solution.

The wizarding civilization does not have the habit of taking the initiative to kneel down and run away in the face of the unparalleled power of the Hades Empire.

Of course, in addition to the above three ways, there is also a solution that does not make much sense, called the fourth option - that is, the wizard civilization powerhouse wearing the Supreme Knight Dominator Suit is unlikely to be like this Easily sealed by Ozyman Deas.

But if the existence of a single person holding the treasure of civilization is not sealed, it really doesn't make much sense. 🅆

Ozyman Deas can still seal other people!

As expected, this ninth-level existence brought an unstoppable nightmare to the civilizations in the surrounding star fields when his breakthrough came.

"Your mission is to collect the specimens of the Sealed Body of the Giant of Light scattered on the battlefield."

"One more thing is to contact the higher-ups of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light as much as possible."

"Our communication with the Kingdom of Light was completely severed more than ten years ago."

"No matter how long these giants of light can last, at least for now, they are still our allies."

Dominator-level knight Klopp said to the group of fourth to sixth level wizard civilization experts in front of him who were about to carry out a secret mission.

After receiving the powerful replies from these powerful wizards, Klopp nodded and said, "Go!"

The Minghe Empire swept across the Star Territory of the Kingdom of Light, and in a very short period of time, it eroded a large area of ​​the Star Territory of the Kingdom of Light's civilization.

It was also decades after the war broke out.

The distant world of Hades, the Pharaoh's temple.

At the cost of his own life, the second pharaoh finally made a more complete prediction of the crisis of the Hades Empire.

This prophecy will undoubtedly determine the future destiny of the Hades Empire.

However, in the last moments of his life, the second pharaoh said nothing.

He just sighed, called the fourth pharaoh who was staying in the world of Hades, and handed him a brocade bag.

Inside the kit, there is the word "Wizard" written on it.

After the fourth pharaoh opened the bag, he didn't know why.

Just when he wanted to ask the second Pharaoh what the specific reason was.

When he raised his head again, he discovered that the second pharaoh, Tsathogya Mokulong, had passed away!

The body no longer has any life fluctuations.

The creatures of the Hades Empire don't have much special feelings towards death.

They were originally users of the power of death, and many of them themselves had been transformed into undead creatures.

Death, for the creatures of the Hades Empire, is the true destination, and it is their journey to the other side of eternal tranquility.

In the Minghe Empire, death was sometimes regarded as a happy event.

But at this moment, when he saw the second pharaoh whom he had always respected and admired, quietly passed away in the pharaoh temple, the fourth pharaoh, whose body was covered with bandages, still couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

He quietly worshiped the remains of the second pharaoh in ancient ways, and then squeezed the bag of tips that the second pharaoh gave to him before his death.

Although the second pharaoh didn't have time to say anything, through his sighs and some emotional expressions before his death, the fourth pharaoh could still sense some special information.

"I need to hand this bag of tips to His Excellency the First Pharaoh as soon as possible!" The Fourth Pharaoh muttered.

"The next chapter will be around one o'clock~"

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