The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2284: Fusion and Transformation

The experiment of brewing the Purple Dragon God cannot be completed overnight.

And Thane is not good at Vel'Koz's half-mechanical, half-flesh creature.

Previously, Lilianya, a demigod-level black magician from the Black Domain, had casually refined an eye, which was also done by Thain accidentally.

The huge gap between level three creatures and level six creatures is not as simple as numbers.

During the process of modulating and transforming the Purple Dragon God, Thain's first thought was to use an external mechanical device to bless the Purple Dragon God.

After planning and temporarily filing this experiment, Thain looked at the starry sky in front of him.

Intelligent robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime are coming.

The number of advanced intelligent robots supporting the Gareth star field this time is quite large.

With only a hundred level 4 or above combatants, the overall strength of Thain's men has skyrocketed to an extremely exaggerated level.

Although the Purple Dragon God has a stronger sixth-level peak strength, in its blue-purple star field, it only has thirty purple dragon beasts above the fourth level under its command.

The population size of the Purple Dragon Beast clan has always been a flaw.

This also directly reflects that the number of creatures above level four in the Purple Dragon Beast clan is also lower than that of the destroyed Beast Star Territory and Wild Star Territory.

However, there are quite a lot of second-level, third-level, and even semi-god-level individuals from the Purple Dragon Beast clan.

Therefore, although the Purple Dragon Beast Legion is relatively small in number, its overall combat effectiveness is impressive.

Thane had already seen the power of these purple dragon beast legions during the war between the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory.

The outstanding combat power of level 4 and above and the huge combat legion allowed Thain and others to intervene in the war in the Gareth Star Territory battlefield. They quickly fought against the enemy's Gallente Federation with the wizard civilization legion in this star territory. The defeated army launched a devastating attack.

Sure enough, the strong bones of the Gallente Federation Legion similar to those in the Wild Star Field battlefield are just "small probability events" on this civilized battlefield.

Facing the surging impact of the wizard civilization army.

Those ones

The defeated Gallente Federation army, whose main force had mostly been wiped out, could not withstand the impact of Thain and others.

"This kind of war is naturally the easiest, but the overall war benefits are not as good as the benefits that our major legions received after the war between the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory ended." Meili said to Thane.

"Of course, the bulk of the loot must belong to the forces in the City of Steel, because this is the star territory they worked so hard to conquer."

"Including the subsequent development rights of those occupied planets, they have nothing to do with us." Thain replied.

He didn't have much thought about the benefits gained from this war, maybe because he didn't lack money.

However, the Ashland Legion and Alliance Combat Legion attached to Thane are different.

Whether it is Mel, who has just moved the Warlock Holy Tower, or Kelman and others, who have just established the Knights Hall, it is quite difficult to turn over their own funds, and they cannot rely on Thain without limit.

Not to mention those alliance combat legions.

Except that the Purple Dragon God didn't pay much attention to his own spoils in this war mission because he had more important things to do.

Other combat legions, including the Decepticons and the intelligent robot army led by Optimus Prime himself, also attach great importance to the gains from the following war.

So Thain needs to coordinate it all.

It's not enough for him to make money himself, he has to find a way to let everyone around him make money.

In this way, his power in the Land of Ashes and Thain's personal prestige will grow higher and higher.

Everyone is willing to obey his orders.

"Then, let's advance simultaneously from 17 battlefields including the Kemov planet, Jerak base, and the Chels meteorite belt."

"Let the Purple Dragon God, the Decepticons, and Optimus Prime take the lead. Fumila and I will also wait for the opportunity to go out to reinforce them."

"Our overall advancement speed must be faster. I think the mechanic army in this starry steel city is not bad either."

"Don't end up just mixing some soup with water." Thain ordered.

Fifty years later.

Gareth Star Territory Frontier.

Unknowingly, the combat group led by Thane had advanced to the edge of this star field.

However, because the Gareth star field belongs to the vicinity of the domination battlefield, until now, there are still some sporadic battles taking place in the surrounding areas.

Just take the star field border area where Thane is located as an example. There are at least three small star field battlefields around it, and fierce battles are breaking out.

In one of them, they are still evenly matched.

The next thing Thane needs to consider is which star field to fight in.

Because the wizard civilization assigned him a more general support task.

Since Thain has communicated with Vel'Koz and other strong men in the City of Steel in advance, Thain has relatively loose autonomy.

None of the wizarding civilization armies in the three surrounding star fields took the initiative to ask for help from Thane.

After just pondering for a moment, Thain chose to lead part of his combat legion to the Begates 2 Star Field battlefield where the Yaqina World Legion was located.

Thain has long wanted to get to know the legendary Empress Yaqina.

When Thain led the combat corps to arrive at the Battlefield of the Beegates 2 Starfield, Thain's fortress robot was also undergoing a trial period of integration experiments.

Directly conducting experiments and certifications in war can be regarded as Thain directly testing his own truth using battlefield data.

At this moment, the Federation fortress group stands proudly in the starry sky. The left arm, right fist, feet, back, and the huge metal chain knife held in the hand... are all made by the transformation and integration of intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron.

Higher intelligence participating in the integration

The total number of robots has reached seventeen!

Among them, the most powerful one is the Decepticon that merges with the right side of the Thain Complex Fortress Group to become one.

The huge metal arm covered with ferocious blades was filled with cold light in the star realm.

At this time, the giant robot fist serving as the Thane Federation Fortress was the head of a Decepticon in the form of a saber-toothed tiger.

The huge metal tiger head and the two sharp fangs show its unparalleled domineering power.

Thane originally wanted to add the Decepticon's Turbo Nebula Wings to the Federation Fortress robots.

However, it ultimately failed due to factors such as insufficient data and too little running-in.

In the end, he just used the Decepticon's high-frequency shock wave blade into his own fortress robot integration secret.

The main body of the chain knife currently being held by Thane, an unprecedented giant robot, was transformed from three intelligent robots.

But the part at the edge is composed of the power of high-frequency shock wave blade excitation law.

The metal arm transformed from the Decepticon was holding the metal chain knife steadily at this moment.

Seventeen intelligent robots blessed the Union Fortress robot, including Thain in the fortress, who also felt that the whole thing was slightly unstable at this time.

These are only seventeen intelligent robots, not all the advanced robots on the planet Cybertron.

Prior to this, Thane wanted to integrate Optimus Prime into his experimental project, but unfortunately it failed to happen.

Thain's path to truth still has a long way to go in the future.

And in the Bee Gates 2 Star Field Battlefield.

Empress Yaqina, who saw this unprecedented giant fortress fusion robot for the first time, could not help but slightly open her red lips when she saw the grand scene in front of her. Her beautiful and more heroic face was filled with astonishment.

"This is..." Empress Yaqina said in surprise.

"The next chapter will be around nine o'clock~"

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