The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2283 A burst of inspiration

The battle on Planet Edward ended without any ups and downs, and it was completely occupied by the Wizard Civilized Legion.

After the war.

Vel'Koz, as the commander-in-chief of the planet's battlefield, and Thane, the head of the Ashland Legion who came to support him.

The two were able to get together and meet.

Vel'Koz is not only the commander-in-chief of Planet Edward, he is also the main person in charge of the forces in the City of Steel and the battlefield in the Gareth Star Territory.

And what Thane represents is not just the Holy Tower and Knights Hall Legion in the Land of Ashes.

Many alliance combat legions, whether it is the Purple Dragon Beast legion, the Kryptonian legion, or the Cybertron planet's intelligent robot legion that will arrive next, all have to obey Thane's orders to some extent.

Therefore, these two wizard civilization level six magicians will have a long cooperation process in the next period of time.

After the battle, Vel'Koz flew away from high in the sky and first went to the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King.

The extremely large Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King finally shrank and transformed into a metal ball, which returned to Vel'Koz's hands.

Thain couldn't help but marvel when he saw this scene.

Thane was also released from the combined state with the Union Fortress robot.

After the two level six experts met, the first words they said to each other were

"It seems that Master Vel'Koz has not only achieved great achievements in the mysteries of mechanics, but also has made great achievements in the field of elemental magic." Thane said with a smile.

"Master Thain is not bad either. The secrets of mechanics you master really shock me." Vel'Koz also smiled.

Thain is an elemental magician, and gradually extends to the field of mechanical mysteries.

Vel'Koz's main profession is the arcana of mechanics, and he gradually began to dabble in elemental magic.

The unique skill of "Swallowing Thunder" performed by the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King on the battlefield was a new manifestation of Vel'Koz's elemental mysteries. \u003cb


Including the thick thunderclouds that never dispersed in the sky of the battlefield on Planet Edward, it should have been created by Vel'Koz before the war to increase his combat effectiveness against the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King.

His secondary profession is a thunder elementalist... Thane looked at Vel'Koz in front of him and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Of course, when two level 6 experts meet, they cannot praise each other throughout the whole process.

Thane and Vel'Koz are not that boring.

After being polite for a while, Thain discussed with the other party the arrangements for the next war in the Gareth Star Territory.

The support legions brought by Thane this time are indeed quite large.

With their participation, Vel'Koz is confident that he can leave more defeated Gallente Federation troops behind.

And it was also from Vel'Koz's mouth that Thain learned that in addition to the mechanic army of the City of Steel, this star field also had a large number of friendly armies of the Wizards Alliance.

The Alliance legions that can come to the star areas surrounding the main battlefield of this civilized battlefield are either cannon fodder or extremely powerful Alliance combat units.

For example, Vel'Koz introduced to Thane that in order to leave a larger number of defeated Gallente Federation troops, when Thain led his Ashland Legion to participate in the battle, he could compete with the Yaqina Legion on the small starfield battlefield next door. Please cooperate more.

"That Empress Yaqina is a powerful and powerful sixth-level peak existence. She also has good friends with many sixth-level strong men in our wizarding world."

"Master Thain, when you are fighting around planes such as Binoche's planet, you can cooperate more with Empress Yaqina." Vel'Koz said to Thain.

"Okay, I understand." Thain nodded.

Thain has been to the plane of Yaqina, and the Empress Yaqina has been famous for a long time.


Unexpectedly, this time, there would be war cooperation with the empress on the battlefield around the Gareth Star Territory.

After talking to Thain for a while about the war deployment and resource supply situation in the coming period, Vel'Koz said goodbye to Thain.

This medium-sized star field battlefield currently has no hard bones that are particularly difficult to conquer.

Therefore, unless other accidents occur, there is a high probability that there will be no need for Thane and Vel'Koz to participate in a plane war at the same time. 🅆

Next, the two of them will lead their combat legions respectively to encircle and intercept the federal fleet group in the Gareth star field from different directions.

After watching Master Vel'Koz leave, Thane walked back to his joint fortress group.


The eastern meteorite group in the Gareth star field.

Thain is here to meet the Purple Dragon God who has just finished the battlefield on two planets.

The Purple Dragon God is indeed a sixth-level peak dragon beast, or it may have just joined Thain's command and is trying its best to show off in front of Thain.

The opponent's performance in the previous two planetary battlefields could be described as devastating.

Not only did he perfectly complete the occupation mission ordered by Thane, but he also led the Purple Dragon Beast Legion in the starry sky to intercept a Gallente Federation medium-sized transport fleet group.

Let the Kryptonian legions who assisted the Purple Dragon Beast Legion make a lot of money.

Of course, most of the war seizures have been sent to Thain.

Except for some of them that need to be handed over to the wizard civilization, the rest are all for free.

Also when he led his army to arrive here, Thane had already received news that tens of millions of intelligent robots from Cybertron, led by the Decepticons and Optimus Prime themselves, had also arrived in the Gareth Star Territory.

Thain and others temporarily stationed their army near this meteorite group, just waiting for intelligent intelligence.

The robot army arrives.

While waiting for the Decepticons and Optimus Prime to arrive, Thane examined the Purple Dragon God in front of him.

He felt that this dragon creature was quite good at being a human being, but for some reason, it had offended two of the top powers in the wizarding world before.

Thain also heard some of the details. Should it be said that love makes people blind?

Thain couldn't help but shook his head.

However, Thane is more interested in the Purple Dragon God himself than the contribution he made when he first came to the Gareth Starfield battlefield!

Thane, who had close contact and observed the battle of Vel'Koz, the sixth-level peak mechanic, couldn't help but burst out with new inspiration.

It was given to him by the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King!

Since Vel'Koz can modulate the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King, the Molten Steel Tyrannosaurus King now has an extremely powerful physique and exaggerated combat capabilities.

So can Thane also use the mechanical secrets he has mastered to modulate and increase the Purple Dragon God?

The scrutinizing gaze from Thain made the purple dragon god standing in front of Thain feel a chill in his dragon scales.

As he closed the crystal wings behind his back, he wondered what Master Thain had given him.

In Purple Dragon God's heart, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Thain suddenly asked, "Purple Dragon God, you said I would install two additional particle pulse cannons on you. How do you feel?"

Thain's question obviously exceeded the Purple Dragon God's expectations.

So much so that when hearing this question, the Purple Dragon God was a little stunned.


"Master Thain, what did you just say?" Purple Dragon God asked curiously.

Thane shook his head and replied, "Nothing."

"I just want you to cooperate with me in conducting an experiment in the future."

"There will be more tonight~"

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