The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2280 Favor

The Purple Dragon God's world-class secret treasure "Amethyst Dragon Ball" is of truly extraordinary quality.

At least in Thane's eyes, it has surpassed the Decepticon's "Turbine Nebula Wing", and is far higher than the world-class secret treasure "Ape God's Hammer" that Trilis and others captured back then.

This is something that can be called the best among low- to mid-grade world-class secret treasures.

The Purple Dragon God is indeed a dragon-type creature, and it indeed inherits the characteristics of dragon-type creatures.

And as the strongest level six existence around the Beast Star Territory back then, even though the Decepticon King and the Wild Orang God had both fallen, the Purple Dragon God's ability to survive until now is actually due to his ability!

At this time, after a moment of consideration, he was willing to hand over his natal secret treasure to Thane.

It also proves the character of the Purple Dragon God.

He has successively attached himself to the Dragon Vein Warlock Family and the Western Islands forces, and now he wants to join Thane's command.

This Purple Dragon God is a bit like a "house slave with three surnames".

But this person's practice of constantly giving up for his own destiny is worthy of recognition.

Thain looked at the Purple Dragon God for a while, then smiled and said, "What do I want from your world-class secret treasure? I just want to borrow it for study."

Thain took the amethyst dragon ball into his hand, looked at it for a moment, and then pushed it back.

Seeing this, the Purple Dragon God couldn't help but breathed a deep sigh of relief.

However, it did not immediately take the Amethyst Dragon Ball back into its body, but still let it float beside it, while it continued to express its intention to surrender to Thane.

This time, Thain did not hesitate for too long. He nodded and agreed to the Purple Dragon God's surrender, and said, "Next, I will go to the Gareth Star Territory to support the war."

"You will then lead the Purple Dragon Beast Legion and follow me to the Gareth Star Territory. 6̾̾"

"As for your conflict with the Dragon Vein Warlock Family and the Western Islands, I can try to help you adjust it, but I can't guarantee success," Thain said.

The Purple Dragon God was overjoyed when he heard this and couldn't help but bow his head respectfully and said, "Thank you, Master Thain!"

Thain nodded, and then signed a series of magic contracts with the Purple Dragon God, finally ending the communication with him.

The signing of this magic contract made the Purple Dragon God truly put his heart into his heart.

After bidding farewell to Thane, the Purple Dragon God immediately returned to the Blue and Purple Star Territory to mobilize the purple dragon beast army.

He assured Thain that he would arrive at the Gareth Star Territory battlefield earlier than the Ashes Holy Tower Legion, and would help Thain and others find out the situation in the star territory there in advance.

After the Purple Dragon God left, Thain looked at the opponent's open wings and his back gradually leaving the wizarding world, and fell into deep thought again.

Winning over the Purple Dragon God will definitely be beneficial to Thane!

A sixth-level peak combat power.

And it also possesses a world-class secret treasure.

This time, it was not only Cuilisi and Lu Lianman who spoke for the Purple Dragon God in front of Thane, but also the little girl Bi Xi.

The partner of the Purple Dragon God, with the convenience of having dragon blood, became close to Tourmaline during the Wild Star Territory War.

Although Bixi is relatively innocent, not just anyone can "use" her.

Being able to become friends with Tour Xi at least shows that the fourth-level female deep-sea giant dragon is not bad in itself.

And she never asked Bixi for anything. Instead, she gave Bixi a lot of gadgets that interested her. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Only this time, regarding the issue involving the Purple Dragon God, the fourth-level female deep-sea giant dragon spoke to Bixi for the first time, hoping that Bixi could help her.

It's not like Bi Xi begged her father and brother, it was just asking Thain to accept the support of the Purple Dragon God.

The little head turned his head and thought about it. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with Tourmaline, so he told Thain about it directly.

In addition to the above factors, Thane finally accepted the Purple Dragon God, and there was a deeper consideration of his potential and situation.

The Purple Dragon God, who has mastered the dual Dragon King's extra-dimensional attack methods, has great room for improvement in Thane's opinion.

He has already reached the peak level of level six, and if he continues to develop upward... there is no need to say where else he can go.

And the Purple Dragon God is not as isolated and helpless in the wizarding civilization as he appears at this time.

At least Thane believes that its father-in-law, the giant deep-sea dragon king who is said to have the same potential as Piccolo and has the ability to challenge the master, should still give it a hand.

This time, the Purple Dragon God was able to enter the wizarding world and come to the Holy Tower of Ashes to visit Thain in person. It seemed that he used a little bit of the deep sea giant dragon king's face.

In other words, as long as Thane accepts the Purple Dragon God, the giant deep sea dragon king will also owe him a favor.

It's just that... it's really not an easy task to help the Purple Dragon God solve the dilemma.

"As for the Dragon Vein Warlock family, you can let Mel speak on your behalf." Thain pondered.

In recent years, Mel has completed the migration of his holy tower.

The Yanlong Holy Tower is officially located in the Land of Ashes, adding another wave of warlock professions and elemental power to the Ashes of Thane.

Mel's father is a powerful sixth-level warlock from the Dragon Vein Warlock family.

Now that Mel has followed Thane, is the Dragon Vein Warlock family half one of its own?

Let Mel try it first. If it doesn't work, Thane will think of other ways.

As for the forces in the Western Islands... Although Thain can talk to Knight Klopp, there are really not many knights and magicians above level 4 in the Western Islands that he really has friends with!

On the other hand, in the Black Territory, Thain is completely familiar with it.

"Who should I contact specifically?" Thain couldn't help but pondered.

Because of the Purple Dragon God, it is definitely not okay to trouble Knight Klopp!

How could a dominant knight have the time to mediate such a trivial matter.

In the end, Thain thought of one person - the blood descendant of Knight Klopp, Knight Mane.

Just after the Wizards Alliance Conference, Thain had a lot of communication with the Knight of Mane, and the relationship was relatively good.

However, with the start of civilized war, Thain and the other party have little intersection.

Also, during civilized wars, each has its own combat missions to perform.

It is normal not to see each other for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Thain believes that the knight Mane is unlikely to die

Fallen into civilized war.

But let’s talk about the issue of mediating the Purple Dragon God.

The words of the Chevalier de Manet may be more effective than those of Mel or her father.

So, while Thain was preparing for the Ashes Holy Tower Army to go on an expedition, he also tried to contact the Knight Mane.

Although the two of them have not been in contact for thousands or tens of thousands of years, when Thain successfully contacted the Knight of Mane, this wizard and civilized knight with a well-established family still treated Thain enthusiastically!

"Master Thain, have you forgotten me?"

"I was worried about disturbing your experiment, so I didn't bother you rashly in recent years. Why don't you contact me, Master Thain!" Mane chuckled.

The words of Knight Mane made Thain feel ashamed.

That seems to be the case.

Thain only remembered to contact the other party when he was using him. Normally, he would not think of the Western Islands Knight at all.

Not only Thain, but most magicians in the wizarding world are people with similar temperaments, and they rarely engage in so-called social interactions.

After hurriedly shaking his head in denial, Thain did not immediately mention the matter of the Purple Dragon God, but first asked about the current situation of the Mane Knight.

The Knights of Mane also developed really well during the Civilized War.

Now it has reached the fifth level of peak realm!

He also made great achievements in many wars.

However, compared to Thain, Mane Knight is still a little worse.

When communicating with Thain, Knight Mane revealed that he had long known that Thain had been promoted to level six and had world-class secret treasure refining capabilities.

"Master Thain contacted me this time. There must be something going on, right?"

"No matter what you do, I will definitely help you do it! But I must agree on the conditions first..."

"Master Thain, please turn around and help me refine a world-class secret treasure. This request shouldn't be too much, right?" Knight Mane chuckled at Thain.

The corner of Thain's mouth twitched, not knowing how to answer.

"Brothers who have free monthly tickets, please be sure to vote for Xiaodou, I am grateful~"

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