The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2279: The Purple Dragon God’s Refuge

Thain's latest mission is still to go to the front line of the civilized battlefield.

Before that, he had already applied to the Wizarding Civilization, hoping to go to the battlefield in the star field where the world is located.

However, this request has not yet received a response from the wizarding civilization.

As a result, Thain has to continue to stay on the federal battlefield for a while.

As for Grandmaster Cuilis and others, they are still working hard on the battlefield in the direction of the Beast Star Territory.

Over the past few hundred years, Thane has been either conducting magic experiments in the wizarding world, or traveling with his family within the Wizarding Alliance.

Most of the people in the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect are still at the forefront of the civilized battlefield.

As far as Thane knows, Grandmaster Cuillis and others launched a war against the hinterland of the Gallente Federation star field as early as two hundred years ago.

In addition to the members of the Gate of Elements organization, there are also other Holy Tower and Knight Temple legions sent by the wizard civilization, as well as the wizard alliance legion, to act together with Trilis and others.

"If I had known at that time, I would have agreed to act together with Master and the others..."

"Now I have to perform the mission alone for a period of time." Thain sighed.

The frontline battlefield that Thain is about to set off for is a star field battlefield in the center of the Federation called the Gareth Star Field.

It is said to be one of the battle zones where the mechanics of the City of Steel are most active.

Thain is performing a support mission this time. He will assist the mechanic army in the Gareth star field to launch a general attack on the federal army on the battlefield in that star field.

It seems that the wizarding civilization also understands Thane.

Now that he is half a mechanic, he went to the Gareth Starfield battlefield to see how he is different from mechanics in the traditional wizarding world.

On this trip to the Gareth Star Territory, Thain will of course bring with him, in addition to some of his Holy Tower and Knights Hall legions from the Land of Ashes, those Alliance combat legions that are attached to him.

Especially the family of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

When leaving the New Cybertron planet before, Optimus Prime mentioned that the war mission the Decepticons were performing was about to end.

If this trip to the Gareth Star Territory goes well, Thain wants to

Bring all the super smart robots.

By the way, during the war, he actually practiced the secrets of truth that he had studied in recent years.

The war order of the wizard civilization cannot be violated, and Thane is also busy mobilizing the army, preparing to arrive at the frontline battlefield within the agreed time.

But the appearance of a guest slightly disrupted Thain's plan.

The request made by the other party also made Thain a little surprised.

"You want to join my command?" Thane asked the Purple Dragon God in front of him in surprise in the top laboratory of the Ashes Holy Tower.

The Purple Dragon God, who has the peak strength of level six, came to visit Thain in person this time.

It paid a lot of price in order to see Thane.

First, he got through the work of Cuilisi and Lu Lianman, and asked them to say a word for him in advance.

Later, when the main body came to the wizarding world in person, it seemed that he had used some connections in the alliance plane to enter this top plane.

When Thane returned to the wizarding world with his family, he didn't even know that the Purple Dragon God would find him.

Almost as soon as he finished talking to Cuilisi and Lu Lianman, the Purple Dragon God came to the door.

Of course, this approach of Purple Dragon God also shows his sincerity.

"Yes, Master Thane."

"The war between the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory has shown me that you are a knowledgeable and excellent magician."

"I think that only by joining your command can our Blue and Purple Star Territory develop more prosperously in the future." The Purple Dragon God flattered Thane.

Thain smiled and looked at the sixth-level peak creature in front of him. Naturally, it was impossible for him to take the Purple Dragon God's words seriously.

The Purple Dragon God, who possesses the sixth level of peak strength, is much smarter than the King of Ghost Crows, and he is no more practical than those intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

The intelligent robot family is attached to Thane.

Because he was holding a Rubik's Cube, these intelligent robots had to bow their heads to him.

The Ghost Crow King, who has a good relationship with Thain, has not "recognized" Thain as his master until now. They can only be said to be very close friends.

Thain does not think that he has the so-called "king's domineering spirit" to make a sixth-level peak creature like the Purple Dragon God bow down.

Thain's smile also made the Purple Dragon God in front of him a little embarrassed.

He is not a particularly good flatterer, nor can he be as natural and charming as the King of Ghost Crows.

Thain said, "We have had several good war cooperations, please tell me the truth."

This time, the Purple Dragon God didn't say anything false.

Facing Thain's smiling inquiry, the Purple Dragon God gritted his teeth, told him about his recent predicament, and informed Thain of his true intention of joining Thain's command.

It would definitely not be possible for a sixth-level magician from the wizarding civilization like Thane to play with such nonsense.

The Purple Dragon God was very honest this time.

He directly pointed out his embarrassing situation under the forces of the Western Islands and the Dragon Vein Warlock Family. Many sixth-level experts from both forces did not like him.

Although the civilized war has now entered the middle and late stages, it is possible for a sixth-level peak creature like the Purple Dragon God to be thrown out to serve as cannon fodder!

Wanting to join Thane's command is a solution for the Purple Dragon God to get out of his current predicament.

Originally, his idea was to directly attach himself to the more powerful Cuilisi.

But the Purple Dragon God's mate, the fourth-level female deep-sea giant dragon, rejected the idea of ​​this sixth-level pinnacle dragon beast that had not yet figured it out in the Wizards Alliance.

"Master Trilis is on your level, so she may not like you."

"Besides, Master Cuillis may not be willing to owe favors to the two major forces for you."

"But Master Thain is different. He is younger. Although his strength is said to have only reached the sixth level, doesn't this mean that he is more likely to look down on you?"

"Including the fact that you were able to transfer back to blue from the frontline battlefield before,

I heard from some sources that it was Master Thain who was involved in the war around the Purple Star Territory. "

"You stupid dragon, can you give me some inspiration?"

Before coming, the female deep-sea giant dragon, which was only at the fourth level of strength, used her sharp and sharp dragon claws to poke the Purple Dragon God on the forehead.

Facing the Purple Dragon God's frank statement at this time, Thane fell into silence for a while.

He already knew everything about the Purple Dragon God from Cuilis before this.

Triris did not make a clear statement on this, and just let Thain make the decision.

"Since you want to join me... then, are you willing to hand over your world-class secret treasure, 'Amethyst Dragon Ball', to me?" Thain asked the Purple Dragon God in front of him with interest.

Thain's question made the Purple Dragon God's face twitch.

This question is quite tricky.

To the Purple Dragon God, the Amethyst Dragon Ball is not just a world-class secret treasure, but it is also the Dragon Ball in its body.

It is similar to the "inner elixir" of the demon creatures in the fairyland.

If you spit out the amethyst dragon ball outside your body, you will be completely cut off from yourself.

Although the Purple Dragon God is not in danger of life, it is certain that its strength will drop sharply.

Maybe they will fall from the peak level six to the late level six, or even the mid-level six.

Moreover, the Purple Dragon God is not sure that he will be able to warm up and condense the second dragon ball in the future, and it will also have a world-class secret treasure level.

Faced with Thain's question, the Purple Dragon God fell into a long silence.

Finally, when he figured it out and raised his head.

The Purple Dragon God said to Thane, "I do, Master Thain."

"I can give the Amethyst Dragon Ball to Master Thain, but I also ask Master Thain to take more care of our Purple Dragon Beast clan!" the Purple Dragon God said sternly to Thain.

At the same time, a purple diamond dragon ball shining with the light of special laws and the pressure of dragon creatures appeared in front of Thane.

"The next chapter will be around eight-thirty~"

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