The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2277 Forbidden Curse - Awakening

Acting like a spoiled child is still acting like a spoiled child, the principle issue will not change.

Thane did not change his mind just because of the will of the planet Cybertron.

Under the gaze of this "indifferent" sixth-level magician in the wizarding world, the will of the planet Cybertron finally obediently chose another highly intelligent robot.

——This is a level 5 intelligent robot that is entirely white. Its appearance is very similar to that of the Human Torch, but it does not have the complex and cool fire patterns on its surface.

And this intelligent robot is obviously not a combat-type advanced intelligent robot.

Thane didn't find many weapons and equipment on it.

Thane was not familiar with this level five intelligent robot, but many intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron knew it.

Just as the Golden Iron Beast is the Decepticon's most effective subordinate, the white motorcycle-shaped smart robot in front of him is Optimus Prime's most effective assistant.

It is not good at fighting, and it does not have very good command capabilities like the Golden Iron Beast, but it can assist Optimus Prime and develop the intelligent robot family of Cybertron in an orderly manner.

The Thunderbolt, who has always been impatient and hates evil, also regards this level 5 intelligent robot as a "master" or "elder".

Probably because this level five intelligent robot was produced much earlier than the Human Torch.

And many of the fighting skills that Human Torch mastered were initially learned from this white intelligent robot.

"It turns out to be Bai Wuji." Optimus Prime nodded towards the white intelligent robot.

In the process of Optimus Prime leading all the intelligent robots to rebuild their homes, this level 5 intelligent robot named "Bai Wuji" helped Optimus Prime share at least 30% of the work.

It is indeed not good at fighting, but it is an intelligent robot with an unusually peaceful mentality.

In addition to Human Torch, many intelligent robots like to deal with it.

Including those beast-type advanced intelligent robots that were not easy to deal with motorcycle-type intelligent robots more than 10,000 years ago, it is difficult for them to have any ill intentions toward them.

Pulled by the light of special laws, the body of Bai Wuji's intelligent robot could not help but fly into the air.

This time, Thain didn't stop him.

The will of the planet Cybertron was also able to regard Bai Wuji as its guardian.

It is said to be a guardian. In fact, based on the concepts and thinking of these intelligent robots, it may be more appropriate to call it an "administrator".

As an extension of Cybertron's future will, this Bai Wuji intelligent robot will convey the thoughts of the plane's will and try to push the entire planet in a direction more conducive to her development.

Optimus Prime and the Decepticons are still the leaders of the intelligent robot family.

Among the intelligent robot family, their authority is still higher than that of Bai Wuji.

After being interrupted twice by Thane, the Will of the Planet, which finally gave the guardian authority, showed a strong state of exhaustion and incompetence.

At this time, the will of the planet Cybertron is still in an extremely "nascent" state. It cannot clearly express what it wants, and can only reveal certain emotional fluctuations to attract speculation.

This state is exactly in line with the maturity of will in the lower planes of the star realm.

I think that when the planet Cybertron develops into a medium-sized mechanical planet in the future, or even a large-scale mechanical planet, her will will be more complete, and the power possessed by the entire planet will far exceed the current stage.

"The intelligent robot family already has two level six robots, Optimus Prime and Decepticon. As long as the civilized war advances smoothly, these intelligent robots will continue to gain growth and benefit from the civilized war."

"It is almost certain that Cybertron will reach the level of a medium-sized mechanical planet in the future."

"As for this time... let me help her one more time." Thain muttered.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand once again erupted with unusually dazzling light.

Incomparably huge energy is poured into the planet Cybertron below.

These energy sources include both the remaining energy inside the Rubik's Cube and the magic power transformed from Thain's body.

Even in order to make the will of Cybertron more "full", Thane also transformed and used all the massive energy crystals stored in his Rubik's Cube!

The crystals stored in these cubes are all trophies of Thane in recent star wars. The largest proportion of them are the captured Gallente Federation non-attributed energy blocks.

Originally, these energy blocks were to be used by Thane to create those cannon fodder puppets and mechanical angels.

But now there is obviously a more important place where they need to be used.

The continuous injection of energy makes the planet Cybertron's will show extraordinary joy.

Under Thain's selfless dedication, Planet Will's original coquettish mood was quickly forgotten by her.

After the Guardian position was confirmed, another major change immediately appeared on the planet Cybertron.

When the energy that Thane injected into the planet gradually reached a certain threshold, a blue light suddenly emerged from the core of the planet and shot straight into the sky.

When this blue light flew into the sky, it instantly turned into countless blue-purple blurred starlights.

\u003eThese starlights looked so familiar to Thane at this time.

For the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, the meteor shower that is about to cover the entire world represents the arrival of "life".

Forbidden spell - Awakening!

This is not a forbidden spell released by Thane, but a new ability that the will of the planet Cybertron spontaneously mastered after opening its wisdom through the power of the Rubik's Cube.

This new ability is very similar to the mechanical natural disaster curse that Thain released back then.

It's just that this time, after the will of the planet Cybertron is released, the brilliant meteor shower that gradually covers the entire world will not indiscriminately activate all the metal elements they come into contact with.

Instead, it is targeted and only activates and empowers those formed mechanical creations.

It can be as small as a mechanical pen made by intelligent robots or as large as an entire spaceship. After touching the awakening starlight caused by the will of the plane, it "rumbling" transforms.

Thain also looked at the scene in front of him in great surprise.

After feeling that this was an instinct coming from the will of the planet Cybertron, Thane stood not far away from him and Optimus Prime, who was also in a state of shock, said, "It seems that from now on, you don't need to ask me to come every time." The planet Cybertron releases the light of awakening."

"From today on, you, the intelligent robot family, can be considered a true civilization."

"And the planet Cybertron can be considered a real world." Thane sighed.

"Thanks to Master Thane for your gift." Optimus Prime said gratefully to Thain, clasping his fists.

It is well aware that the changes in the planet Cybertron are all dependent on Thane's help.

"I'm writing very slowly today. The next chapter will be around three o'clock. Sorry~"

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