The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2276 Acting like a baby

A penetrating white light was emitted from Thain's Rubik's Cube and reached the core of the mechanical planet.

Different from traditional lethal energy beams, although this beam of white light penetrated the mechanical planet underfoot, it did not cause any damage to the planet.

No, it should be said that it is more beneficial to the planet!

"Rumble!" The sound of mechanical operation appears in every aspect of this planet.

Under the influence of the special rules of the Rubik's Cube, the entire planet seemed to "come alive".

The mechanical operation from deep in the earth's core has caused great changes in the surface of the planet Cybertron.

Many factories in production have been deformed, and some machinery landscapes have also been changed.

At this moment, with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, Thane seemed to be able to integrate his mind into the mechanical planet below, temporarily becoming one with the new Cybertron planet.

The feeling of using the planet as a perspective gave Thain a novel experience.

However, this experience did not last too long, because there was other consciousness that really dominated this planet, and Thane was only the creator of "her".

An unprecedentedly huge consciousness, illuminated by the light of Thane's Rubik's Cube, slowly appeared deep in the core of the planet Cybertron.

In terms of the strength of its will, it far exceeds any intelligent robot that Thain helped awaken before!

Worthy of being the will of the planet plane!

But at the same time as its huge size, there is also the will of this mechanical planet, which is actually still in a relatively ignorant and confused state.

After all, she is just a newborn "life". Apart from her innate affinity for Thain, the creator, she doesn't even know who she is.

However, the inherent instinct of evolution and perfection of life makes the will of this mechanical planet spontaneously begin to adjust the body to the most perfect level after feeling its own state.

Optimus Prime previously told Thane that the construction progress of this mechanical planet is approximately 9063.

But at this moment, since the awakening of the planet's will, while those intelligent robots are still in the shock of the will of the mother planet, this mechanical planet has spontaneously begun to undergo complete evolution!




An adjustment rate that far exceeds the previous improvement progress appears on this mechanical planet.

After the light of the Rubik's Cube's law emitted a white penetrating light, the entire New Cybertron planet began to "rotate" spontaneously.

The huge changes caught all intelligent robots off guard.

After the initial shock and panic, Optimus Prime was the first to react, followed closely by those advanced robots of level four or above from the planet Cybertron.

When these advanced robots deliver the news of the birth will of the mother planet to every corner of this mechanical planet.

All the smart robots couldn't help but let out bursts of cheers.

At this time, Thain was also observing everything that was happening on the planet below with emotion.

With the Rubik's Cube as his arm, Thain can see deeper and further than others.

"Plane and Planetology" was not something that Thain was good at before, he had only dabbled in it occasionally before.

But at this moment, with the new knowledge and feelings, Thain couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In addition to the rapid transformation of the plane, Thane also noticed a strange power of rules gradually appearing on this mechanical planet.

In the star realm, all planes with complete rules have corresponding perfect laws.

As an artificial planet, New Cybertron's laws and mechanisms are indeed not as complete as those planes in the star realm that have undergone countless years of transformation, but now they are there.

Moreover, Thane knows that almost all planes with complete rules have guardians.

Does that mean the planet Cybertron in front of us...

Just as Thain thought about this, the strange power of law, after penetrating the entire planet Cybertron, began to quickly converge towards Optimus Prime, the strongest person on the planet currently!

Sure enough, the planet Cybertron will also have its own "guardian".

When selecting guardians, the nascent will of the planet did not know whether it specifically selected the strongest one, or whether it had already learned about Optimus Prime's contribution to her from the planet's database.

Therefore, this guardian's duty is to fly towards Optimus Prime without hesitation.

With the special power of will and law, Optimus Prime couldn't help but fly into the air at this time, and bursts of white light emitted from inside and outside his body.

A far-reaching change appeared in Optimus Prime's body.

Originally, Thain was still paying attention to everything that happened in front of him with strange eyes.

But then, he realized that if Optimus Prime took over the role of guardian, he would never be able to leave the planet Cybertron, and he would not be able to cooperate with him in the next experiment of integrating advanced intelligent robots.

Thane regards them as experimental subjects on the same level as the Decepticons!

Therefore, Thain couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stop and said, "Wait a minute!"

Facing the voice of will issued by Thane, the will of Cybertron, which was modulating the laws of Optimus Prime, actually stopped.

Faced with the situation in front of him, Thane pondered, "How about you change to a guardian?"

"If Optimus Prime cannot leave his home planet to fight because he takes over the role of Guardian."

"Even the Wizards Alliance will deeply regret the loss of a sixth-level combatant."

"This will not be good for the development of the intelligent robot family in the past ten thousand years." Thain further explained.

Although he did not mention his selfishness, what Thain said was true.

The Wizards Alliance will not care. Optimus Prime is the most suitable guardian of the planet Cybertron, which has just given birth to its own will.

They would only look at the results - they got a mechanical planet that seemed useless for the time being, but they lost a sixth-level combatant!

Optimus Prime also quickly recovered from the surprise and special state of the law transformation.

He felt that the will of his mother planet had great love for him, but he thought that if he really took over the position of guardian, he might be criticized by the Wizards Alliance.

Including in front of you

Master Thain also mentioned that he hoped to help participate in his mechanical experiments in the future.

For the long-term consideration of the planet Cybertron and the entire intelligent robot family, Optimus Prime followed suit and rejected the love of the mother planet with respectful will.

Although the will of the planet Cybertron is ignorant, it does not mean that she is stupid.

After Thane and Optimus Prime expressed their opinions one after another, she could only choose other more suitable objects to give her functions.

I don’t know what happened today. The nascent will of Cybertron is always out of tune with Thane’s ideas.

After giving up on Optimus Prime, the will of the planet actually chose the robot Wall-E standing in the edge corner behind Thane's family below.

This time, Wall-E was completely "traveling" with the Thain family. When he traveled to those alliance planes before, Hal, the electronic cockroach, was extremely excited, but Wall-E seemed to be a little transparent from beginning to end.

Only when it passes through certain special worlds will it react in a certain way - using its own robotic arm to collect some ores and other gadgets that attract its eyes, and store them in its tool box.

At this time, enveloped by the light of will of the planet Cybertron, WALL-E also appeared a little at a loss.

When Thain saw this, some black lines appeared on his forehead.

The intelligent robot WALL-E is his assistant that he cannot give up.

If WALL-E stays on the planet Cybertron, what will happen to Thane's future experiments?

So Thain then said, "How about... you change it to another one?"

Thain's statement caused the planet Cybertron to tremble slightly.

A special emotional will was transmitted to Thain's mind.

And the translation of this emotional will is... the will to act coquettishly.

It's like a daughter acting coquettishly to her father!

Also, the will of the planet Cybertron finally selected two guardians who met its requirements.

But they were all rejected by Thain.

No wonder I feel a little emotional!

"It's a bit stuck, the next chapter will be around one o'clock"

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