The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2267 Modification and Upgrade

The main body of Seraphim Mikael is the gift that the King of Ghost Crows sent to Thane.

Because he knew that Thain was very interested in this type of angel robot, the King of Ghost Crows had also been on the front lines of the civilized battlefield in recent years, trying his best to buy many high-end angel robot accessories for Thain.

It is a pity that there are not many angel-type robots in the Gallente Federation. Most of the high-level angels acquired by the King of Ghost Crows are more seriously damaged, and some only have some residual limbs.

The King of Ghost Crows has shown that it will continue to help Thain pay attention to the harvest of loot in this area.

But the civilized battlefield is so vast. Anyway, the King of Ghost Crows has helped Thane to collect all the trophies of angel robots on the front lines of the Abnor Star Territory. If he wants more, he will probably have to go deeper into the Federation Star Territory. I don’t know yet. When will there be another gain?

In the short term, it’s best not to expect too much from Thain.

With the seraph main body given to him by the King of Ghost Crows, and other miscellaneous angel-type robot accessories.

With the help of the Rubik's Cube and the robot WALL-E, Thane was able to restore the Seraph as much as possible.

As for the black box of Seraph, Thain also spent a lot of effort to make it and used a Rubik's Cube to awaken his wisdom.

It may be the first time to assemble this kind of seraph, so I don't have much experience.

Or maybe it's because the raw materials used by Thain are all broken limbs captured on the battlefield.

So much so that the seraph he finally assembled only had level five initial combat power.

Mikael was the name given to him by Thane. It had no special meaning, it was just easy to pronounce.

And this seraph became the second high-level mechanical angel under Thane.

The formation of the Mechanical Angel Legion will greatly increase Thain's personal strength.

Today, there are ordinary mechanical puppet legions as cannon fodder, and mechanical angel legions as elite combat forces.

Thain, holding a Rubik's Cube, may have the ability to initiate a plane war on his own.

Even as the number of advanced robots increases in the future, there is nothing wrong with Thane using his personal power to launch a medium-sized star field war in the star realm!

The strength of the Seraph Angel Mikael is still too weak, but the strength of the Eight-winged Angel Fumila will be improved next.

The world-class secret treasure "Turbine Metal Wing" was sent to Thane by the Decepticons after the Wild Star War.

It's just that Thane has never been able to get around to researching it, and now he can finally begin to unravel its secrets.

At the same time as the research on turbine metal wings was started, Thain was also trying to enhance the power of Fumila's wings to make it stronger.

Fumila's current personal combat power is approximately at the mid-level six level.

Thain didn't know whether this experiment could directly improve her strength, but Thain had a vague feeling that it would greatly promote Fumila's future growth.

In the laboratory.

The huge federal metal wings have been dismantled into pieces of metal feathers by Thane.

The eight-winged angel Fumila lay flat in front of Thain, and even the eight wings on her back were removed one by one by Thain.

The turbine metal wing body is indeed not suitable for Fumila. Transplanting this world-class secret treasure directly onto Fumila will not have an obvious bonus to her.

If Thane wants Fumila to achieve greater progress and development in the future, it would be best if he personally adds refining wings to it.

Two huge platinum metal wings appeared in front of another of Thain's experimental benches.

When Thain completed the test of the two metal wings, he activated the magic circle to fuse the two new metal wings with Fumila's original eight wings.

The metal wings that were re-presented in Thane's laboratory felt more vast because there were more pairs.

In another corner of the laboratory, although there were two slightly smaller metal wings, because they had not yet completed testing, Thain did not rush to integrate them.

The ten wings returned to Fumila's back and transformed into the Ten Winged Sky

Using Fumila, Thain's momentum felt much calmer.

Various data also show that Fumila's energy, strength, speed and other fields have increased to varying degrees.

"How do you feel?" Thain asked Fumila in front of the experimental table.

"It seems that there is something extra in the body, and I am not used to it." Fumila waved her wings and said, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at the pair of huge white-gold wings on her back.

"Just spend a period of running-in period. There should be no problem with this upgrade method."

"If the final results show that it works, I will continue to increase the number of your wings."

"And make some adjustments to other aspects of your body." Thain touched his chin and looked at Fumila in front of him and said.

When it comes to experiments, Fumila has always allowed Sean to do whatever he wants. 🅆

So she didn't make any comments and just replied, "Okay."

Of course, it is impossible to just add a pair of wings to allow Fumila to cross the hierarchy and reach the late level six combat power level.

But overall, it is a fact that the strength has been improved.

What if we add two more pairs, or even four pairs of wings?

Quality is not enough, quantity is required!

Although Thain's method did not essentially enhance the mechanical power of Huafumila.

But from the data and results, it can indeed allow her to master the late stage of level six earlier, and even lead to a higher path in the future.

"If I have a chance in the future, I really want to talk to those top federal scientists."

"The person who created the Battle Angel was a federal scientist named Sipnas."

"His research in the field of mechanical angels far surpasses mine in many aspects."

"At least I don't have the ability to create or even upgrade higher-level angels now."

"If you still have room for advancement in the future, maybe the opportunity and the cutting-edge secrets involved will still be with that federal scientist." Thain touched his chin and said in deep thought.


More than ten thousand years ago, Sipnus, as the chief scientist of the Icarus Zaibatsu, had the ability to create sixth-level angels.

Now that more than 10,000 years have passed, Thain would not be too surprised if Sipnas could produce a Dominator-level mechanical angel under the pressure of civilized war.

I just don't know if his Rubik's Cube is capable of unlocking intelligence or instigating rebellion for an angel-type robot of that level.

Judging from the results, Sipnas, who created the combat angel robot, is indeed a talent, but unfortunately, his ability is strictly controlled by Thane!

The robot angels created by Sipnas, if guided by Thane using the Rubik's Cube, will all become Thain's wedding dress and combat power.

As much as you create, I will instigate rebellion!

It may be due to this factor and the precedent of the intelligent robots and angel-type robots on the planet Cybertana rebelling on the spot.

The Gallente Federation as a whole does not attach much importance to Sipunas.

Nor has it invested too much energy and resources in the field of advanced robot combat capabilities.

The Federation is not stupid.

As early as the early to mid-term of the Civilization War, the Gallente Federation captured the remains of a Dominator-class artificial human belonging to the Norman Federation, a subordinate of the wizard civilization.

With the remains of this artificial man, Sipnas was finally able to start dabbling in the manufacturing technology of the Dominator-level battle angel that he had dreamed of.

But unfortunately, after so many years, there has been no relevant news.

I don’t know where his research progress has reached.

After increasing the number of Fumila's wings and slightly improving its strength, Thane continued with the next phase of the experiment.

He asked "Have the Decepticons come to the wizarding world?"

"I passed your instructions to the Decepticon leader two and a half years ago."

"However, our planet Cybertron has had another incident recently. The leader will arrive in the wizarding world a little later." Bumblebee replied respectfully to Thane.

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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