The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2266 Mechanical Angel Legion

The death rack pendant made by Thane for Lina took longer than the production of the soul gathering ring.

This is ultimately reflected in the fact that the grade of the finished product is slightly higher than the soul gathering ring.

It has reached the level of low- to mid-level world-class secret treasures.

Being able to reach such a level is because Thain has accumulated a lot of experience when making death-type world-class secret treasures for the King of Ghost Crows.

So much so that after the death rack pendant for Lina was made, Thain's insights into the mysteries of death and soul magic became a little deeper.

This is a necklace-shaped world-class secret treasure that can greatly increase Lina's death element blessing power on the battlefield. It also has excellent soul-condensing properties.

To put it more bluntly, if Lina wears this world-class secret treasure necklace and releases the forbidden undead natural disaster magic, the magic power she needs to consume will be directly reduced to half, and the power will be increased several times! đź…†

This is the power of world-class secret treasures.

However, after refining this magic weapon necklace for Lina, Thain suddenly felt that his body, spirit, and will were hollowed out, and he could not help but relax for many years.

No wonder the alchemy masters in the wizarding world don't frequently refine world-class secret treasures for people.

Making two secret treasures in succession gave Thain a feeling more tiring than when he participated in a Wild Star War!

His exhausted body and will were not enough to support Thane from refining magic weapons for others.

Under the eager gazes of Lenna, Natalya and other women, Thain finally used less than a quarter of the best death-type raw materials to make a soul-killing crystal ball for Meikali, while the other women Each received an ordinary magic weapon produced by Thain.

Although it is an ordinary magic weapon, it has definitely reached the level of high-level artifacts in the star world, and it has not disgraced the name of Thain's alchemist master.

Mei Kaili's soul-destroying crystal ball also did not reach the level of a world-class secret treasure, but its grade reached "

The level of “quasi-world-class secret treasure” is also the final work of Thane’s alchemical experiments in the past thousand years.

"I feel like I'm going to be hollowed out." After making the soul-killing crystal ball, Thane said with a wry smile to Fumila and Mel beside him.

Fumila didn't say anything for the time being, but Mel's cheeks turned red.

Since being taken down by Thain, Mel has been "relying" in the Holy Tower of Ashes and has been acting as a qualified assistant to Thain.

Even after the Wild Star War ended, Mel did not leave Thane's side.

The last time I chatted with her after the experiment, Mel said that she wanted to move her holy tower to the Land of Ashes.

The warlock profession relies more on family as a bond, and the holy tower it builds is more of a "form".

Moreover, the warlock groups in the wizarding world are generally active on the west coast.

It is rare for Mel to actually want to move his holy tower to the Land of Ashes.

Regarding Mel's idea, Thain pondered for a moment and then let him make his own decision.

The appearance of a blood warlock holy tower in the Land of Ashes is beneficial to the overall prosperity of the Land of Ashes.

It can also increase the types of spellcasters in the Land of Ashes and promote the elemental atmosphere of the area.

Because of this, Mel will leave her family for a long time, and I don't know if she will adapt to it.

Thain knew that Mel also had a father who was a Dragon Vein Warlock who was as high as the late sixth level.

In the alchemy laboratory, Thain stretched his tired and stiff arms forward and said to himself, "Never mind, I have to take a good rest next."

"You can't just agree to anyone else refining a world-class secret treasure." Thain knocked.

Knocking on his head, he really had a headache now.

This is the sequelae of in-depth study of the power of law, highly concentrated mental power for hundreds of years, and immersive alchemical experiments.

Also since the completion of the last alchemy experiment, two hundred years have passed since Thane returned to the wizarding world!

In another hundred years or so, it will be time for him to go out and fight again.

Time flies by like a flash, and indeed it is easy to ignore the passage of time when you are immersed in the mysteries of truth and the process of serious experiments.


After handling all the gold necklace experiments, Thain finally had time to check what the King of Ghost Crows had sent to him.

Although after two hundred years of experiments, Thane also roughly knew what the King of Ghost Crows had sent to him.

But when he came to the vast underground laboratory of the Holy Tower of Ashes, he was slightly shocked by the countless metal creations and federal robot production lines piled in front of him.

The King of Ghost Crows brought a total of three relatively complete angel-type robot production lines to Thain!

In addition, there are a large number of angel robot accessories factories and energy weapon arsenals.

The Ghost Crow King really tried his best to fulfill Master Thain's request.

It probably has something to do with Thain's promise that he will be grateful in the future.

This guy is still thinking about it. Maybe Thain will refine a world-class secret treasure for him in the future.

But in fact, due to the extremely high energy consumption, Thain may not only not want to do it again in the next thousand years, but also in the next thousand years, he will not be willing to help others refine magic weapons unless necessary.

He still preferred to delve into his own experiments.

The art of weapon refining is only an aid for Thain to reach the peak of truth, not his home page.

Although it would be very powerful if he had several world-class secret treasures, Thain now has three world-class secret treasures at hand, which is already his limit.

No matter how many more, it would be difficult to use all of them with Thain's sixth-level magician magic power.

Furthermore, even for dominant-level creatures and world-level secret treasures, the more the better for them.

It just needs to be enough. More importantly, the attributes and the power of the law need to be very suitable for you.

If Thain wants to refine a world-class secret treasure for himself in the future, he thinks that adding a magic robe to himself will be enough.

The emergence of a large number of federal angel-type robot factories made Thain elated.

After several years of research and improvement, he was able to move these mechanical angel factories into his own Rubik's Cube.

Since then, Thain's Rubik's Cube has finally been able to produce more advanced angel-type robots in addition to ordinary mechanical puppets.

Those angel-type robots are indeed the best among the robot group.

The energy and various materials required to produce them are several times that of ordinary mechanical cannon fodder!

If it is to produce angel-type robots above level one, the cost will be even greater.

Thain intends to use these mechanical angel legions as his direct ace legions, so his requirement for this kind of mechanical legions is to strive for excellence.

There may not be too many angel legions in the Rubik's Cube, but Thain will require them to reach level one or above as much as possible.

And for these angel legions, Thain will use the power of the Rubik's Cube to give them wisdom.

A large army of mechanical angels finally began to slowly accumulate in the Thane Cube.

This time, in addition to the eight-winged angel Fumila, the other person who can replace Thane in commanding the mechanical angel army is the seraphic angel Mikael.

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