The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2259 Distribution of planes and planets

If Thane wants to raise an orc world army for the little fox girl Ai Jieli, in addition to asking Eugene and other old friends for help, he can also ask this panda to come forward and give it a try.

After comprehensively examining the body of the half-undead girl Erluo, Thane told her that she could go to a nearby Broken Plane battlefield to test her strength.

"I know you don't like fighting. This is also in line with the characteristics of undead creatures that generally prefer silence to movement."

"But I also know that undead creatures can also have bloodthirsty characteristics. The one who harmed you and your family back then was the Bone God of Faerun."

"If we have the opportunity to return to Faerûn with the Spider Queen in the future."

"I hope that the God of Bones will be left to you to deal with on your own." Thane said as he touched Luo's head.

When Thane was living in the continent of Faerûn, the God of Bones was a mid-level god, a fifth-level creature in the astral realm.

After so many years, Thain has been promoted to level six. I wonder what level the God of Bones is.

You're not still going around in circles, are you?

Considering that the continent of Faerun is an extremely closed large world, a saint catastrophe will occur every ten thousand years.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, another round of Saint Catastrophe has passed.

This kind of civilized environment that only fights within but does not explore outside is extremely unsuitable for individual development.

This is also the reason why Faerûn is a large plane with extremely strange mechanisms and extremely vast territory, but when Thain was living there, he had never heard of the existence of a "Lord God" level figure.

Hearing the name of the God of Bones, Luo, who was originally quiet and beautiful, suddenly burst out with blood in his black and white pupils.

It seems that she also remembers the name of her enemy.

In the future, when they conquer the continent of Faerûn, the God of Bones is an existence that Thane and others must kill.

Apart from him, Thane doesn't have a good impression of people such as the God of Justice.

Anyway, the process of conquering a dimension is nothing more than eliminating all resistance forces.

In Sai

Well, it seems that except for the purgatory demons who can be subdued as thugs of the wizard civilization, there is nothing to say about the other local gods of Faerûn.

On the other hand, the goddess of magic Mystra, as a foreign god, can actually master the power of elements to such an extent, which really makes even spellcasters in the wizarding world like Thain marvel.

The goddess of magic was already at level six back then, so I don't know what her current situation is.

Especially the "Magic Network" controlled by the opponent...

After the war between the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory, the armies under Thane and Cuilisi "rested" in these two medium-sized star territories for nearly fifty years.

The wizarding civilization is quite fair to its own people.

Those who occupy the planes and conquer them will basically belong to them.

The Wild Star Territory has been destroyed, so I won’t say much more.

However, the hundreds of planes with complete rules in the Beast Star Territory, as well as the living planets built by the Gallente Federation, etc., are out-and-out resources for long-term development.

Zhong Kui and other Immortal Realm monks only enjoy wartime profits and do not enjoy subsequent development rights.

This is somewhat similar to Thane's cooperation with Spider Queen Rose when he was in the Corellon Star Territory.

As for those members of the Wizards Alliance, in addition to enjoying part of the wartime distribution benefits, the wizard civilization will also give varying rewards in the end for their contributions.

For example, the King of Ghost Crows, whose Ghost Crow Star Territory has nearly doubled in size since the Civilization War began.

The plane it governs extends beyond the "original Ghost Crow Star Territory".

It is precisely with more planes, as the basis for the development of the clan, that the Ghost Crow clan can usher in great prosperity.

It also made the King of Ghost Crow determined to be firmly bound to the chariot of wizard civilization.

Of course, not all planes are as beneficial as the Ghost Crow King.

Some of the planes under the King of Ghost Crows were originally affiliated with other alliance planes.

In those alliance planes, either the strong ones above level four died and lost their use value, or they failed to complete the war tasks assigned by the wizard civilization and were punished.

In short, in this civilized war, some people are happy, while others are naturally sad.

There are about sixty planes in the Beast Star Domain, belonging to Thane's Ashland forces.

In addition, there are about thirty living planets, as well as a larger number of artificial satellites and so on.

The Gallente Federation has not developed too much in the Beast Star Territory. You can tell just by looking at the number of man-made planets in this medium-sized star territory.

This shows that the other party has actually given up on the idea of ​​​​abandoning the Beast Star Territory for a long time. Including those artificial life planets, there are not many federal immigrants, and most of them are still in a relatively empty state.

These planes and life planets allocated to the forces in the Land of Ashes were jointly agreed upon by Thane, Trilis and others.

We are all members of our own family, and we are not afraid of anyone cheating anyone.

The knights and magicians above level 4 in the Land of Ashes that Thain brought this time do indeed show the prototype of a medium-sized force.

But in terms of the number of level four experts participating in the war in the wizarding world, they are definitely not as large as the Gate of Elements organization brought by Trilis.

In terms of income from plane development, Thain will get less, while Trilis and others will get more. This is a fair thing.

Thain did not monopolize the sixty complete planes with rules.

He's not that bad at eating.

There were only seventeen auxiliary planes that were eventually classified into the Holy Tower of Ashes in Thane.

The other forty-three planes were all allocated to three other holy towers and eight knight halls in the Land of Ashes.

The three holy towers are Jessica's Green Flame Holy Tower and Musso's Holy Tower.

Er's Blackwood Tower, Borrick's Demonic Tower.

The eight knight halls are Lenna's Heart Steel Knight Hall, Xia's Fire Demon Knight Hall, Jean's Crimson Knight Hall, Nova's Force Dragon Knight Hall, Verne's Swift Current Knight Hall, and Red Scale's Knight Hall. The Hall of the Fierce Lotus Knights, the Hall of the Wild Lion Knights of Ulysses, and the Hall of the Storm Knights of Ganuru.

Each holy tower and knight's hall are distributed according to different merits, and generally they are satisfactory.

As for those planets with artificial life, some people are interested in them, while others are not so interested.

Because the artificial life planet is not a complete plane, it does not have many rare resources.

The predecessors of these artificial life planets were basically demiplanes or large meteorite blocks.

The Gallente Federation established a special force field shield in it, building something similar to an "artificial plane barrier" to provide survival for creatures in the force field shield.

It is mainly used by the Federation to develop its population and conduct interstellar colonization.

In terms of value, in the eyes of the powerful in the wizarding world, these life planets are far lower than the development value of the plane with complete rules.

However, Thain's mentor Lu Lianman was extremely interested in these life planets.

In recent years, Lu Lianman has dismantled and studied more than one living planet.

As Lu Lianman's only direct disciple, Thain naturally knew that the reason why his mentor was extremely interested in the Federation's technology was because it was related to one of her core mysteries - the World Laboratory.

Because these living planets belong to the Ashes of Thane, Jessica, Nova and others have little interest.

So Thain decided to compensate Jessica and others in other ways. These living planets were packaged and handed over to his mentor Lu Lianman for research.

"Teacher, just watch."

"Just tell me which planet you like."

"I'll give it to you." That's what Thain told Lu Lianman.

"The next chapter will be around 11:30~"

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