The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2258 The Undead Army and the Orc Army

The one who was promoted to level four at this time was naturally the half-undead girl Luo who accompanied Thain.

This girl, who was brought out of Faerûn by Thain, has always regarded Thain as her brother because of her mental retardation.

Because Thain was indeed rescued by her back then, and after being together for so many years, they developed feelings for each other, so Thain recognized her as his sister.

During this war in the Wild Star Territory, the half-undead girl Luo received a bone elixir given by Zhong Kui, a quasi-saint-level powerhouse in the Immortal Territory. It was indeed a rare opportunity.

In addition, Lina and Mei Kelly are also involved in the field of undead magic, so they have been of great help to Luo's growth and evolution.

Luo's promotion to level four this time is another good news that Thain received after the success of the little fox girl Ai Jieli.

Among the few little guys who played with Bixi back then, now only the elemental creature Sha'er is left who has not been able to advance.

Sha'er is the one with the best talent and qualifications among the few little guys, and she is born with a body of laws.

But it is the last one to enter the fourth level in the future, which makes people sigh.

When Thane arrived at the lab, Law was at the end of his promotion process.

The original half-undead body has now become much more solid.

This is directly reflected in her skin becoming whiter.

This kind of whiteness is not the raw whiteness unique to undead creatures before, but a moist whiteness with a hint of flesh and blood creatures.

And Luo is also taller.

At least it looks a bit taller than Tourmaline's human form, but much thinner than Tourmaline.

The hair is also long and shawl, rather than tied up like Tourmaline.

At the same time as the transformation of life levels, Luo's wisdom and thinking also became sharper.

When he saw Thain appearing in the laboratory, Luo Fei rushed to Thain's side and called him "brother."

This time, Luo no longer felt that "imbecile" and "unconscious" as before.

On the contrary, his eyes were bright and bright, his teeth were white, and his cheeks were a little shy.

The rich power of the law of death rippled in Luo's body.

In addition, there is another kind of vitality power, which vaguely forms a delicate balance with her death power.

No wonder even peak level six powerhouses like Zhong Kui and Cuilisi admired Luo's physique.

Facing Luo who threw himself into his arms, Thain touched his head with pity.

Although Luo has grown a lot taller, she is still just a little girl in front of Thain who is refining his body.

What Thain focused on observing at this time was the white flower of death located on the back of Luo's head.

In the past, this white flower of death was closely related to Luo's body.

Now, it has turned into an accessory-like existence, appearing in Luo's hair.

And the number also changed from one to three.

Looking from a distance, it looked like three beautiful little white flowers were imprinted on Luo's hair.

Thain could naturally see that these three white flowers all possess the power of the Law of Immortality and are also extremely high-grade Law of Death materials.

But with the relationship between Thain and Luo, it is absolutely impossible for him to collect materials from Luo.

Not only that, in the early days of the Wild Star Territory War, Thain just got a "living flower" he brought from the Netherworld from Zhong Kui, a strong man in the Immortal Territory.

After Thain studied these strange fairyland spiritual materials for a period of time, he sent them to his mentor Lu Lianman, who used the living flower as the main material to refine a special death potion - the living potion.

The life potions originally planned to be refined were mainly for Lina and Meikali.

Now it seems that little girl Luo can also share a little.

Luo Neng's promotion to the fourth level means that Thain will soon have another "undead army" under his command.

During the Wild Star War, Lina showed off her Bone Dragon Legion to Thane, and Mekelly also had a large number of Corpse Refining Synthetic Beast Legions under her command.

Thane already has a lot of legions in the Holy Tower of Ashes, but if he can have one more undead legion, he won't be too much.

"The World of the Undead, one of the large planes in the Wizards' Alliance, has an extremely strong power of death. You should like it."

"Lina's bone dragon Sanchez is a level four or above bone dragon in the world of the undead. Let that bone dragon introduce you later. You go to the world of the undead and stay for a while, which will just consolidate your current state." Thain said.

Of course, the half-undead girl Luo didn't want to leave Thain's side, but she had been promoted to level four and had full intelligence. She also knew that going to the undead world would be of great benefit to her.

In addition to absorbing the power of death and stabilizing the fourth level, Luo can also recruit troops in the undead world.

The gods of death in the undead world are not like the gods of the orc world and the titan world who value their people or believers too much.

Those low-level death creatures often change the lords or gods they follow.

Because some high-level death creatures sleep in tombs for thousands or tens of thousands of years, and they can't care about their own people.

On the contrary, lower-level undead will naturally obey the commands of stronger undead.

With Sanchez, the "local snake", Luo's journey to the world of the undead to conquer the undead army should be much smoother.

Thinking about the fact that Luo could recruit the undead army next, Thain couldn't help but

Then he thought of the little fox girl Ai Jieli who was helping in the Beast Star Territory.

Since Ajieli was promoted to level four, her time serving Thain has also become less.

It's not that Ajieli doesn't want to serve Thain, but that Thain deliberately asked her to go out and hone her skills.

Including during the Wild Star War, Thane also participated in many wars with the Centaur Legion.

"After all, there is a big difference between the centaur army and the orc army. What is more suitable for a fourth-level shaman like Little Fox Lady is the orc army in the orc world."

"Or... Orc Legion?"

"After this star field is completely finished, I may be able to contact those orc gods or half-orc god Eugene." Thain said thoughtfully.

Speaking of orc gods, Thain now has a ready-made fifth-level beast god at his disposal - the Panda Brewmaster.

Ever since he agreed with Duan Ning and became a senior sister, this giant panda has been staying by Thain's side.

Of course, Duan Ning usually doesn't have time to deal with this panda. The one he plays with the most is Tourmaline.

This is also explained by the fact that Panda Brewmaster can participate in wars in various star fields as an independent, free and powerful person, and is not very influenced by the wizard civilization and the orc world.

Perhaps the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization have long recognized the origin of Panda Jiuxian's method of converting three pure things into one spirit.

Therefore, it will be given great convenience.

This silly panda doesn't like to talk to his senior sister, nor is he angry.

Instead, he happily stayed with Bi Xi every day.

Panda Brewmaster and Tourmaline are both very powerful. During the hundreds of years when the war in the Wild Star Territory was the most intense and stalemate, they worked together to win two dimensional battlefields.

"The next chapter is around ten o'clock~"

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