The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2233 Teach you how to fight

"Really, it's really a pity that both of them failed in their attempt to reach Level 4. Search 520 on Google to read the latest chapter of the error-free novel," Thain sighed.

Lenna's parents returned to the Wizarding World after the Corellon Star Territory War to prepare for the attack on Level 4.

Neither of them even went to the Proxi Starfield battlefield that Thain later went to.

Because Lenna often ate and drank with Bixi, she got a lot of good things from Bixi to help her advance.

This failed to promote his parents to the fourth level, so it's no wonder that Thain feels very regretful.

Lenna came to find Thain for help this time, hoping to let Thain collect the light spots of her parents' souls.

Although like the two Selena girls, they may not be able to be resurrected in the future, it is still a thought.

In addition to Lena's parents, Thane's biological father, Kelman Grant, is also approaching his birthday recently.

However, Kelman, who has completely participated in the Proxi Star Territory War, has still not given up on the impact of Level 4 and is in retreat at this time.

In this regard, Thane informed the Grant family members that if Kelman failed to advance and he went to the Wild Star Field battlefield, Kelman must come to see him again at the end.

After handling the matter of Lenna's parents and comforting Lenna for a long time.

Thain once again led all the holy towers and knight halls in the Land of Ashes to the frontline battlefield.

In the past twenty years, Ganuru and Borrick, who had benefited greatly from the Corellon Star Wars and the Puroshi Star Wars, also established the "Sand Knights Hall" and "Sand Knights Hall" in the Land of Ashes respectively. Devil's Tower".

This time they went to the Wild Star Territory to participate in the war, and there were also these two newly promoted level 4 experts.

The power of leaders is infinite.

It is precisely because Thane showed everyone in the previous war between the two star fields that he can lead everyone to make war wealth.

Therefore, even though everyone received the news in advance that the war in the Wild Star Territory was not going well, they were still willing to follow Thain.

Thain's master Cuilisi and others have almost deployed their legions.

Except for some members of the Elemental Gate organization, who will come a little later.

There are more other legions, including Trilis herself and the strong men of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect, who might arrive in the Wild Star Territory earlier than Thane!

In this medium-sized star field war, Thain thought about it and called several black towers in the black field that participated in the last war together.

Other holy towers or knight halls in the wizarding world will not ask the forces of the dark realm to participate in war cooperation.

But Thane called.

His performance in front of outsiders is to implement the resolution he proposed at the last Wizards Alliance Conference to the end!

Moreover, his close relationship with the Guardian Organization can also effectively reduce the criticism of him from some powerful people in the wizarding world.

At worst, just donate another 20 million magic coins to the Guardian Organization!

There is nothing wrong with Thane bringing Mayfair, Zorro and others to the Black Tower.

However, when Joni's Dark Source Black Tower was summoned again, others had not yet made any connection with it. However, the fourth-level black magician Joni thought wrongly.

"Is Master Thain really interested in you?" Jonny called her apprentice Lilianya over and asked.

At this time, Lilianya's face and eyes had returned to their original appearance due to the fusion of the liquid crystal eye given by Thane.

Joanie's suspicion also comes from this.

Lilianya looked at the mentor in front of her speechlessly. She could feel that Thain had no feelings for her.

The reason why she has been helping the Dark Source Black Tower is because of the goodwill that Jonny showed to the Moses Master Sect when she was a second-level black magician.

Rather than saying that Thane helped the Dark Source Black Tower because of Lilianya, it is better to say that it was because of Joni.

Judging from Thain's past performance, he has never been stingy in repaying those who are kind to him.

Joanne is usually a very smart and scheming black magician, but at this time, she can't really see the truth.

So Lilianya sighed and replied, "Teacher, the reason why Master Thain helped us is because of you.

ah. "

"Because of me?" Joanie, who has a very mature temperament and long blue shawl hair, couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

In addition to attracting all the forces that can be roped in, Lu Lianman, who is Thain's mentor, is naturally also participating in the battle.

Recently, Lu Lianman and Duan Po's sister Duan Ning have become closer. 🅆

This is because through Duan Ning, Lu Lianman came into contact with the most advanced secrets of alchemy in the Immortal Realm.

Just like Thain, who is an alchemist, he is interested in the weapon refiners in the fairyland.

Lu Lianman was also curious about the alchemists in the Immortal Realm, and she also benefited a lot from her communication with Duan Ning.

The so-called "Path of Five Elements", "Balance of Yin and Yang", etc. will probably make the low-level pharmacists in the wizarding world confused.

But Lu Lianman was different. Her level of pharmacy had reached a very high level.

Even though she had not had an in-depth understanding of the secrets of alchemy in the Immortal Realm before this, she could understand and digest some general knowledge in the field of rules.

So much so that Lu Lianman felt that she had benefited a lot after communicating with Duan Ning.

Outside the wizarding world, Thain's combined fortress complex has been almost restored after nearly two decades of emergency repairs.

The main damage to this huge fortress group came from the previous head-on collision with the Federation's stellar war fortress.

In addition to repairing the fortress itself, Thane has also spent a lot of money in recent years to reorder a large number of war tools such as war airships, light prism fortresses, and even mechanical golems.

In the previous two medium-sized star field wars, Thain's Ashes Holy Tower magicians also suffered a lot of damage.

If he could use foreign objects to reduce the damage to his holy tower magicians, Thain would be willing to spend the money.

And after two wars, it is obvious that Thain's benefits far outweigh his costs.

The middle of the Wild Star Territory.

Aksu, the sixth-level peak magician, reluctantly ordered his legion to begin withdrawing troops from the medium-sized star field.

Take it

Now, the person who will take his place in charge of the war in this star field will be his old enemy Cuilis and the members of his division.

In fact, before Cuilisi and others arrived, Aksu, who had already given up on the war in this star field, did not want to continue to invest in this star field.

But after learning that Cuilis was about to replace him, Aksu, who did not believe in evil, led his army to attack the Wild Star Territory for more than ten years.

But in the end, the results were still minimal.

The Gallente Federation Legion in this star field is really as hard as iron!

At the same time, those beast star domain creatures are also extremely cunning!

The outer reaches of the Wild Star Territory.

Cuilis, who had just arrived, ordered all the major legions under her command to enter the Wild Star Field battlefield.

At the same time, I happened to see Benny, a late-level fourth-level magician.

The other party was a disciple of Aksu, whom Cuillis had met during the previous two Wizards Alliance conferences.

Unlike Thane, who completed the feat of leaping from level four to level six in just ten thousand years.

As one of Aksu's disciples, Benny is still in the fourth level after more than 20,000 years have passed.

This seems to indicate the abilities of the two peak level six magicians?

"Haha, hundreds of thousands of years ago, I taught your master how to conduct war in another dimension. Today, I will teach your master again how to conquer a medium-sized star field!" Cuilis laughed at Benny.

A respected and knowledgeable sixth-level peak magician is not something Benny can easily compare to.

Not to mention that the other party is still on the same level as his master.

Faced with the teasing implicit in Cuilisi's words, Benny, as a disciple of Aksu, could only pretend he didn't hear it.

It was also during the conversation between Cuillis and Benny that several powerful and extremely obvious space jump fluctuations came from the edge of the wild star field.

It was Thain and others who arrived.

Especially when the huge Union fortress group appeared in the Wild Star Territory, its metal hull that covered the sky and the sun even caused a great shock to Benny!

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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