The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2232 Departure

After confirming that he would go to the Wild Star Territory to support the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, Thane did not immediately set off from the Wizarding World.

Everything has a process.

It will take some time for Cuillis and others to move from the frontline battlefield to the Wild Star Territory.

Including the master, he also has to summon the members of the Elemental Gate organization under his command, which also takes time.

Thain still has more than ten years before he ends his rest period, so he can't waste it.

As for the Wild Star Territory, since the sixth-level peak magician Aksu and his "Ring of Hun'e" organization have not completely withdrawn from the battlefield of the Star Territory.

So it would be good to take advantage of this period of time to let the strong men of the Ring of Hun'e consume as much power as possible in the Wild Star Realm.

By then, Thain and others will also be able to reduce some of the war pressure.

"I have applied to the Wizarding Civilization for a combat assignment to go to the Wild Star Territory to participate in the war."

"According to preparations from all parties, our army from the Land of Ashes will arrive at the border of the Wild Star Territory in about 20 years."

"Because the Wild Star Territory is a medium-sized star field battlefield that we have been fighting for for many years, the war is still somewhat difficult, including our Ashes, so we need to make more preparations." Thain said to the three intelligent robots in front of him. .

20 years is not a long time, especially for a medium-sized star war.

The War in the Corellon Star Territory went so smoothly, but in the end, it took nearly three hundred years to complete the war.

The following Wild Star Territory War, although the number of planes with complete rules is far less than that of the Corellon Star Territory.

But considering that the Gallente Federation has completely converted it into a metal jungle, there are also creatures from the beast planet involved.

By then, the intensity of the war will probably be much greater than in the Corellon Star Territory.

The three intelligent robots also knew what Thain said.

Reasonable, but these intelligent robots are more worried about their own people.

Originally, Thain asked them to stay in the wizarding world and wait, and then they would go out with him on the expedition.

However, after the three intelligent robots discussed among themselves, Human Torch and Shockwave decided to return to the Wild Star Field battlefield first.

Two level five combatants can at least reduce the pressure on the battlefield of the intelligent robots in the Wild Star Territory.

Hot Wheels, who has only semi-god-level strength, will continue to stay in the wizarding world in the next period of time, serving as the link between the intelligent robot family and Thane.

If this "arrogant" motorcycle-type intelligent robot really takes the army led by Thane to the Wild Star Territory, then its contribution to the intelligent robot family will be worthy of its own boast of being the "three-in-one" intelligent robot family. No. 1 person".

"Don't worry, I have everything here."

“By the way, say hello to Bumblebee for me.

"I will definitely catch up with it this time." Hot Wheels stretched out his mechanical arm and waved goodbye to the Human Torch and Shockwave who were about to leave the wizarding world.

Bumblebee is an intelligent robot produced at the same stage as Hot Wheels and born from my own intelligence.

Unlike Hot Wheels who stayed in the demigod realm, Bumblebee had been promoted to the fourth level hundreds of years ago and showed considerable talent.

If there are "geniuses" among the intelligent robot family, then Bumblebee is undoubtedly one of them.

Human Torch and Shockwave looked at each other, then activated the flame thrusters behind them and left the wizarding world.

Determined to go to the Wild Star Territory in 20 years

Joining the war, Thane became busy again.

In addition to transferring the army and allocating resources in various aspects, Thain, the tower master, sometimes needs to intervene and pay attention.

Thain's own "Mechanical Disaster" magic must also take advantage of this time to perfect it.

The current metal jungle layout in the Wild Star Territory seems to be extremely suitable for Thain to show his new secrets of mechanics.

He dared to pull the master and others into the chariot, so he naturally had a certain confidence. This did not mean that he just relied on the strength of his master.

In this same war, needless to say, Duan Po, who is a good friend of Thane, and his sister Duan Ning will also participate in it.

Although he lost the support of Green and Angele during the Corellon Star Territory War, he gained stronger Duan Soul and Duan Ning with more magical weapons.

Especially the latter, when she learned that her brother would also participate in the fierce war in the Wild Star Territory, Duan Ning suggested that she could call a group of Immortal Domain monks to come over for support.

"If the war in that star field really reaches a point where it is difficult to advance even an inch, it will not be too late to call for support from the fairyland."

"There's no need to rush now," Thain said.

The strategic value, material wealth, and final rewards given by the wizard civilization of a medium-sized star field are mostly numerous.

If there are too many forces participating in the war, there will inevitably be an uneven distribution of the spoils in the end.

If the benefits are not enough, it would be funny.

And Thain is also curious, under the premise that the general trend of civilized wars is all tilted towards the wizard civilization, how did the Gallente Federation Army in the Wild Star Territory withstand the attack of the wizard civilization army for thousands of years?

Is there something wrong with the federal army in that star field? Or is it the conductor’s fault?

Or is it that the Gallente Federation Legion, combined with the terrain and the help of beast planet creatures, has reached a level that far exceeds their combined strength?

Thain would not be willing to accept this hard nut if he did not bite it himself.

In addition to perfecting the "Mechanical Disaster" magic, Thain had a lot going on during this period.

Thain has a strong interest in studying the many world-class secret treasures in the Immortal Realm in Duan Ning's hands.

Unlike Naxixiu who liked the two secret treasures of the Dragon Binding Rope and the Purple Gourd, Thain, as an alchemist, was even more interested in the Hunyuan Golden Dou and the Golden Dragon Scissors in Duan Ning's hands.

In particular, the Hunyuan Golden Dou has the characteristic of "collecting all things", which makes Thain, an alchemist, very curious.

This is the unique wisdom of the fairy realm weapon refiner.

After coming into contact with the fairy realm's weapon refining system and finding ways to integrate and complement each other with the alchemy of the wizard civilization, I believe that Thain's alchemy level will be improved one step further!

It was also because he was going to fight in the Wild Star Territory for a war, and he had been plagued by trivial matters recently. The decision to start the experiment of refining the soul-gathering ring could only be put on hold for the time being.

However, if the war in the Wild Star Territory goes well in the later stages, Thane can also conduct some of his own experiments as he did in the Corellon Star Territory.

"I don't know if the Ghost Crow King will be busy at that time. If the war is more intense, I can also call him over."

"With the soul-gathering ring as an attraction, let's make it work in vain. I believe the King of Ghost Crows is also willing to do it." In the laboratory, Thane touched his chin and said with a deep smile.

Another thirteen years passed.

Thain, who was about to set off from the wizarding world, received a request from Lenna that day.

She is here for her parents.

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