The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2222: Fighting to the death

A large silver-white flame burned onto the surface of the stellar war fortress.

All ship decks affected by Thane's metal fire began to melt and decompose.

This is the first time that Thane has combined the laws of fire and mechanical laws he has mastered on the battlefield.

Being able to melt away the outer armor of the Federation's star-level war fortress so quickly is not just because of the assimilation and decomposition ability of metal fire.

However, the subsequent burning process of these metal fires did not achieve the effect that Thain expected.

Many federal devices that have been obviously covered by metal fire have been separated from the control of the Gallente Federation, but the overall situation still shows an unstable attitude.

Thain, holding a Rubik's Cube, wants to activate and transform these federal devices and become the first sharp sword pointed at the federal creatures in the ship.

But the Gallente Federation is not without countermeasures against this strange ability possessed by Thane.

As a series of "antivirus" and "disinfection" procedures are started.

The part of the Federation ship that was originally controlled by Thane has a tendency to be recaptured by the Gallente Federation.

The end of science is theology.

The end of theology is also science.

The Gallente Federation has been at war with the wizarding civilization for so many years, so it naturally has corresponding solutions to the various incredible methods mastered by the wizards in the wizarding world.

Those federal scientists who are extremely intelligent can even break the curses and other methods in the wizarding world.

Thain's ability to "activate the fortress" is generally within the range that civilization on the technological side can understand, and it can naturally be modified.

However, during the stalemate between Thain and the Federation Stellar Fortress, Duan Po, Fumila and others who assisted Thain in the battle have arrived one after another.

Civilized war is not a stage for one person.

In such a dangerous battlefield, it is really important to have a few reliable helpers.

Fumila entering a complete fighting state

, like a humanoid angel combat weapon, frantically unleashing its attacks on the Gallente Federation Legion.

Duan Po, who was holding a hatchet, had demonstrated more than once the feat of splitting an entire federal warship in the middle with just one strike.

Including Duan Po's younger sister, her performance in this battle was also extremely impressive.

This top second generation in the Immortal Realm used her Hunyuan Golden Dou and Golden Dragon Scissors to inflict great damage to the federal army on the starry sky battlefield in front of her.

In the later stage, Duan Ning, whose immortal energy was seriously overdrawn, and even the top elixir could not replenish his energy, took out another purple gourd from his arms.

Endless suction came from the purple gourd.

At least nearly one million federal fleet combat units were sucked into Duan Ning's purple gourd during that period.

With Duan Po and others assisting him, Thain's battle went much easier.

He controls the Federation Fortress robot and has been in a state of "wrestling" with the stellar war fortress in front of him.

Although his federation fortress group is larger in size, the scale of the federal stellar war fortress is indeed not small.

Looking from a distance, it seemed that there was a towering metal giant in the starry sky, fighting fiercely with a giant metal turtle that was as high as his waist.

Seeing that Duan Ning's immortal energy was gradually overdrawn.

Including Duan Po is not a real sixth-level creature, and participating in this level of battle is still too stressful for the brothers and sisters.

Knowing that the battle could not be dragged on any longer, Thain decisively unleashed his trump card.

While controlling the giant fortress metal robot to closely control the star-level fortress, a dark muzzle, exuding a depressing and lifeless aura, slowly stretched out from the chest of Thane's fortress robot.

The last person who was lucky enough to take advantage of Thain's attack was the late-stage Loose Cultivator Jiuji Demon Lord of Immortal Realm Daluo Jinxian.

At that time, half of the opponent's demonic body was directly erased.

Now it is obvious that this Gallente Federation star-level war fortress is expected to be the second lucky person to experience Thane's destruction shock light sequencer.


More piercing alarms came from inside the stellar war fortress and from the surrounding federal fleet.

As Thane's fortress robot main gun continues to charge, the destruction event belonging to these federal legions is coming!

Symmetrical to the increasingly tense Federation creatures within the fortress and ship.

At this time, in Thain's joint fortress robot, the Ash Holy Tower magicians who assisted Thain in driving the fortress group were also busy flying and shuttled throughout the fortress robot.

This battle is indeed not fought by one person.

On the surface, it seems that Thane's coalition fortress group is competing with the Gallente Federation's stellar war fortresses.

But in fact, this is a collection of two civilizations, with countless middle and lower-level creatures fighting bloody battles.

Similarly, there are countless strike beams and regular weapons that are launched from the surface of the stellar war fortress and directly act on Thane's fortress robot.

A large number of strikes and explosions appeared on the surface of Thane's fortress robot.

Even facing the threat of Thain's "World-Destroying Shock Light" sequencer, the Federation's four-star general sitting in the stellar war fortress was unambiguous. He chose to fight Thain to the end!

This is an old general who has traversed the star sea for many years. He has participated in countless wars and witnessed the destruction of countless planetary civilizations.

When the crisis of destruction came, not only did he not find a way to escape from danger, but he still insisted on sitting inside the stellar war fortress and asked to activate all the doomsday weapons that could be fired in the fortress!

This is a ruthless person


Similarly, under the orders and personal supervision of this veteran federal general, the combat headquarters of the stellar war fortress was not in chaos.

Even though many people knew that this might be their last battle in this life, they still activated weapons and equipment firmly and calmly.

The doomsday weapon, the Kinetic Reaper is activated!

The doomsday weapon, the electromagnetic shock bomb is activated!

The doomsday weapon, the quantum space cannon is activated!


The prelude to the laws about to activate at least seven doomsday weapons in front of him made Thain, who was controlling the Union Fortress robot, feel refreshed.

With two behemoths fighting each other at such a close range, no one can escape!

The most likely outcome is that both parties die together.

It was also the occasion when this Federation stellar war fortress launched so many doomsday weapons.

Urgent elemental alarms also kept coming from Thain's coalition fortresses.

They are also the sixth level of peak combat power.

Sure enough, the Gallente Federation's legions give people a completely different feeling from the Corellon Star Territory creatures!

At this time, neither side was willing to give in.

The advantage of Thain's side is that Fumila, Duan Po and others have broken into the stellar war fortress.

As the decisive blow from both sides approaches, it may be possible to prevent or interrupt the release of several of these doomsday weapons.

Thain, who has the blessing of a "planetary shield", is unwilling to back down in this life-threatening war.

He felt that he had a greater chance of winning the opponent.

So under Thain's control, the dazzling Rubik's Cube bloomed with an even more brilliant blue-purple light.

The rail gun located on the chest of the fortress robot has a more eye-catching energy-gathering color.

"The next chapter is around eight o'clock~"

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